Lunar Mind Control Spell in Terra (ROTH) | World Anvil

Lunar Mind Control

An incredibly powerful spell, first developed and created by Neia Lun De Draco.


Lunar Mind Control has a simple, yet terrifyingly effective basis of use. Anyone under the moon's light or gazing upon it when the caster is using it can be bent to the caster's will. Highly skilled casters of this can do so without the victim ever even knowing they were being controlled, blacking out with no memory of their actions. Removing a target from the moon's light and where they can no longer see the moon will break it's effects, such as indoors or underground.   A lesser form of Lunar Mind Control is Lunar Illusion.


Like most lunar forms of magic, both the caster and target will have the moon reflected in their eyes when under it's effects.
Related Deity/Higher Power
Related School
Effect Duration
Indefinite as long as the target remains under moon light
Effect Casting Time
3-10 seconds
20 to 70 feet (Extended to 1000 feet to a mile in Lunar Dragons)
Applied Restriction
Extremely Illegal to use, even minor uses such as pranks, anyone caught using this spell will face heavy jail time and fines.


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