Calamities - Var Nexa Demiurges Species in Terminus (Train World) | World Anvil
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Calamities - Var Nexa Demiurges

Calamities are functions of the world given form. Thunderstorms, Earthquakes, Hurricanes and more; these beings don't just control these forces of nature, they ARE the forces of nature.
  Each Calamity type takes a particular form - for example Seismowhales are giant land whales that swim through the ground and create earthquakes when they breach, or Thunder Dragons generate and maintain clouds around their bodies, the warmth of the original body creating lightning storms within the cloud.
  Calamities - some say - control the world itself; they manipulate the weather, change the shape of the land and choose how water flows. Some theories even suggest that Calamities are what shaped the world into what it is today.
  Able to think and act of their own accord - these creatures have sentience, but how much sapience is not yet known.
  What is known is that they rule the Central Area of the world, being the most powerful creatures within it and the "greatest threat" to humanity (as seen by humans).

Basic Information


While there is no set morphology for Calamities (being too broad of a group to fully define), they all embody some sort of natural functions of the world.   Some may be based around Thunderstorms, others Earthquakes, Gravity Wells and more. The form they take is influenced by what function they embody - or prehaps its the other way round? In truth humanity doesn't know, despite Calamities being older than any known human.

Genetics and Reproduction

While it is known that Calamities do reproduce, the specifics of this are unknown. Occasionally a parent-child pair (or group depending on species) have been observed, however time scales, method, even courting rituals are completly unknown. Technically, it is even unknown if Calamities have a sex.

Ecology and Habitats

Calamities roam Var Nexa, the central area, and subsequently specific habitat use depends on type. However, it is known that they must remain within Var Nexa, with the current leading theory suggesting that the denser atmosphere within the area (due to its lower elevation compared to the Outer Plateaus) is vital to supporting the massive size of the Calamities.   While many Calamities move throughout the central area, it is just if not more common for them to maintain specific territories, within which Calamities are the Apex Predators.

Additional Information


Unrecorded - if any attempts at domestication of Calamities have been made, the attemptee did not survive. However, there are rumours of people in the [North Eastern] area living near some smaller Calamities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Var Nexa, within which their only limits are conflicting Calamity territories. Calamities have not scaled most of the Outer Plateaus - however the exception of the [North Western] area is evidence of how this is possible.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like morphology, the sensory abilities of Calamities varies based on its type and the function they embody.   However, all Calamities have an - as of present time unknown to Humanity - unnatural draw to Emblem users.

Civilization and Culture


Calamities are older than humanity. Even of what little recordings of the past that are known, the oldest known mentions the existance of Calamities.   Despite this, only spatterings of knowledge are known.
Scientific Name
Calamitas - Phylum
Unknown - above 100 years
Conservation Status
DD - Data Deficient   Specifics about Calamities are unknown - population numbers, different species, even morphology is inconsistent. Dead Calamities are even rarer, while it is known that they age and can die, there are no record of any remains ever being found. While many people have encountered them throughout history, any information gathered has only added to the confusion about them.
Average Height
15 - 40 meters (species dependent)
Average Weight
Average weight is impossible to determine due to variety
Average Length
15 - 40 meters (species dependent)
Geographic Distribution


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