Areas of the Keep: Smithy & Armorer Building / Landmark in Tergaith: Hobby Central D&D World! | World Anvil

Areas of the Keep: Smithy & Armorer

This 20' high building is made from sturdy white granite and capped with a crenellated battlement, and in times of serious trouble can be manned by soldiers to help defend the lower baily from invaders. The lower floor is occupied by a forge, bellows, and other large-scale equipment for blacksmithing and metal fabrication. The blacksmith proprietor is a mid-30's half-orc woman named Severina Shazgob, whose mother is human and whose father was an Orc who lived at the keep for some time, but who was taken away by soldiers from the King's Men when she was a child on less than convincing charges and presumably killed. Severina and her mother Arachel both live above the Smithy, and while travelers through the region may be prejudiced against the half orc smith at first, the quality of her work normally changes their tune quickly.   The Smithy produces a large number of mundane metal items - horse shoes, nails, hinges, cutlery, etc, and Severina has two younger apprentices helping her with the work who spend much of their time on these things. More complex items as well as weapons and armor for the Keep and for resale tens to be Severina's work alone.   Severina's pricing follows that of the PHB for weapons and armor, though items without metal like leather armor and hide are procured at the guildhall or at the Trader. She can also make items, including magically-imbued items if the materials are procured for her.  
  • To make a weapon or armor, she must be given or have access to raw materials worth 1/2 the final cost of the item, if a cost is given in the PHB.
  • The time to produce mundane items is the full cost divided by 400, in weeks (so a 200 gp item will take a few days and a 20gp item, an hour or two).
  • For magic items, a +1 is considered uncommon, with a final cost between 400 and 4,000 gp, generally. So raw materials costing 200 - 2,000 are required.
  • +2 items are rare, with a price between 4,000 and 40,000, depending on the things it does. Note that Severina may not be willing to produce anything worth more than 15,000gp as the materials are too precious and she can't afford the risk if something happens to spoil the build. The cost of raw materials escalates accordingly.
  • +3 are very rare, beyond her abilities and well beyond her tolerance for expense and risk. For this, PCs will need the services of a large city, such as Marleven.
  • The time to produce magic items is the full cost divided by 200, in weeks, as she can't have her apprentices fooling around with any of that magic stuff (so a 400gp +1 mace would take 2 weeks). Producing custom items will add an additional 70gp per week to the cost (not counted in the time calculation).
Severina also has a number of magic pieces for sale:


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