Fogmire Toad Species in Terenus | World Anvil
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Fogmire Toad

German: Sumpfnebelkröte

"What's this?", asked Thelea pointing a glass terrarium in which a rust red frog sat on muddy grounds. She curiously moved closer to it and stretched out one arm to knock on the glass.   "Don't touch it!", her master quickly shouted from the other side of the room, but it was too late. With an audible puff, the toad released a red vapour which tainted the glass it sat in. Shocked, Thelea stumbled a few feet back. "Without that cloth there covering the terrarium you'd be feeling very sick in an hour!" her master scolded her. The young elven girl looked puzzled: "But why do you keep it if it makes people sick?" Her old master smiled: "That, you will learn soon..."

Basic Information


The Fogmire Toad can grow to a size of up to 12cm. The female specimens are usually a bit smaller than the males ones and their mucous skin is rust red with dark grey stripes of varying degrees of visibility. The male specimens, in turn, are less mucous and dotted instead of striped. In the centre of these dots, they carry hardly visible glands.
When threatened, the toad uses these glands to explosively release a reddish vapour of small particles which stink abysmally and is highly hallucinogenic after an onset time of 1-2 hours averagely sized for humanoids. Smaller species such as cats and dogs will be affected significantly faster. Therefore, extreme caution is advised when approaching a male toad! While the vapour is no deadly by itself, the hallucinations notoriously cause persons to hopelessly lose their way in the swamp or drown in smaller pools of water.
If you encounter a Fogmire Toad...
  • ... do stay absolutely still until it jumps away voluntarily
  • ... do not try to chase it away
  • ... do not approach it closer
  • ... afterwards, do aide others who inhaled the vapour.
  • ... do not leave them to themselves.

Ecology and Habitats

Fogmire Toads prefer wet habitats such as swamps, bogs or moors. In contrary to other toads, it is relatively ignorant to the temperature of its surroundings. Their natural environment spans from the warm swamps on Dragon's Island to the cold waters of the Frostmoor.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like other frogs, the Fogmire Toad eats flies by catching them with its long and fast tongue. Its keen senses help it to see a fly while waiting in the shallow water.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While hallucinogenic in high concentrations, the particles from the toad's vapour glands can be applied medicinally in smaller doses. Typically, a tenth of a gram of particles is solved in half a litre of water. The resulting reddish but transparent fluid can be administered as a painkiller. The typical dose is around 10 millilitres. The liquid can also be manufactured into a paste and then be applied carefully as a local anaesthesia.   Catching a Fogmire Toad is not an easy endeavour. The most important tool for this is a tightly weaved wet linen bag: the water seals off the openings in the bag's structure and thereby capture any hallucinogenic particles. The catcher must approach the toad quietly and slowly from behind and quickly put the bag over the toad before it can react and release its vapour. It is advised that a second person accompanies the first in some distance, should he or she fail to apply the bag in time. Also, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after touching the bag as its outside may be contaminated. This is also the reason why masks of wet linen do not work!   Once caught, healers keep toads in glass terrariums tightly covered by wet linen. To harvest the particles, the linen is exchanged and the particles are washed out of the used one.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fogmire Toads have very keen senses, allowing them to see quite a distance even in muddy waters or darkness. The eyes places on the side of its head, it can see in a wide angle. In fact, there is only a small 20° angle at their back as a blind spot. However, their eyes only permit them to perceive movement, not colour or brightness.
Fogmire Toad
Rana aurora (CC-BY-SA) by Walter Siegmund
10-12 years
Average Height
Average Length
Name Origin
The name is derived from its natural habitat and the reddish vapour it releases as a defensive measure

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Jul 10, 2018 01:25 by Terry-Lynn L

Ooh, I love this article! The quote at the beginning is very good flavor text, and I love the layout at the top! Wonderful work! : D

Jul 10, 2018 01:53

I'm glad you liked it! Also, thanks for helping me with the name!

Jul 10, 2018 16:46 by Terry-Lynn L

No problem! I was excited to help! : D I can't wait to see more from you!

Jul 10, 2018 11:23 by AlphaSPM

The safety tips add a really nice touch! Great work

Jul 10, 2018 13:04

Thanks :)

Jul 10, 2018 12:44

Neat! I like the detail about what it does and how it's captured/used, and the tips are fun.

Jul 10, 2018 13:10

Thanks! And also, thank you for suggesting the name I ended up using!

Jul 10, 2018 13:02 by Isaac A. Thompson

This is a lovely article! The excerpt and the tips are delightful, really makes it feel like something that could exist! Very cool!

Writer of Tiyu Amara, and The Last Line
Jul 10, 2018 13:12

Thanks, glad you liked it.

Jul 10, 2018 13:36 by Andrew

Marking this as another thing I'm scared of... But great article! I loved the starting quote, it gives you a real sense of danger instead of just reading what it can do. Stories always make me feel more into it!

Jul 10, 2018 14:23

Thanks for your feedback. I wanted to create something that is useful but dangerous. Seems it worked.