Hexstone Material in Teranuz | World Anvil
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Hexstone is a black crystalline mineral infused with Arcane Magic. It is believed that these crystals were formed as a side effect of the vast magical fallout of the Millennium War. In the Modern Era, the unique properties of Hexstone make it a valuable resource for both magical and technological use.   Hexstone deposits are most commonly found in Drang, making the desert a popular mining site. Over the years, several boomtowns have sprung up across the desert to take advantage of this resource, only to fall into squalor when an uncovered Hexstone vein inevitably runs dry.  


Raw Hexstone takes the appearance of jagged black crystals of varying size. While usually flat black in color, the crystals have been known to glow with a myriad of different colors in the presence of magic, taking on an appearance similar to that of a black opal. The intensity of the multicolored glow emitted by the crystals is directly proportionate to the strength of the magical forces present.  


In its raw state, Hexstone is a potent, albeit unstable magical resource. By grinding the crystals into a powder and treating it with an alchemical solvent, raw Hexstone can be refined into Hex Oil, which can be used as a fuel source akin to diesel for vehicles and other machinery. Hex Oil is also an effective lubricant for firearms, temporarily infusing the gun with some of the oil's magical essence; a creature may spend an action applying Hex Oil to any nonmagical firearm, granting it a +1 to its attack rolls and damage for 10 minutes.   Additionally, Hexstone in its raw state can be used to substitute almost any material component for a spell which requires one; the only material component Hexstone can not replicate is that of a diamond. Unfortunately, the unstable properties of raw Hexstone make it unreliable when used this way: any spell cast using raw Hexstone has a 5% chance of failure, causing the Hexstone to be consumed and the spell failing to cast.


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