Hegian Humans Ethnicity in Teranuz | World Anvil
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Hegian Humans

Hegian Humans refer to a Human ethnicity common to the nation of Hegia, and by extension the Hegian Empire as a whole. Humans from the region of Zholia, also known as Zholians, are considered to be a part of the Hegian ethnicity.   Compared to other human groups found on Crestfall, humans of Hegian descent typically have lighter hair and skin tones (although dark hair is not uncommon), and eye colours ranging between blue, green, brown or yellow.  


  Like the other human settlements of Crestfall, the humans of Hegia are descended from humans who originally crossed ino the continent using a landbridge that once connected Crestfall to Aiyun. Humans who settled in the regions now known as Hegia and Zholia found an abundance of arable land, ideal for these early humans' emergent agricultural lifestyle.   After the events of the Millennium War, the humans of Hegia, now free of their Elf invaders, spent the following centuries rebuilding their civilization and society, aided in part by the industrial revolution catalyzed by the Dwarf inventors of Kovia. In the year 20 ME, Hegian Monarch Boreas I declared the annexation of the northern nation of Zholia, cementing the formation of the Hegian Empire as it is understood today.   The Empire would further expand in 920 ME with the annexation of Lubec, another nation located to the East of Hegia. The next four decades would show a great amount of friction between the empire and Lubec's native Gnome population, culminating in the Lubecian Civil War of 965 ME, which the Empire ultimately won.


Shared customary codes and values

As arguably the most opulent civilization found on Crestfall, the culture of the Hegian Empire's human is one where the flaunting of wealth and status is both normalized and encouraged. Humans make up the vast majority of the Hegian Empire's upper-class nobility, and as such many Hegian humans enjoy lives characterized by luxury and excess.   Despite its gilded appearance, the Empire, especially in the capital of Hegia, is also fraught with poverty, with the large class divide between the Empire's wealthy and poor citizens often creating considerable friction between the Empire's populace.   Within the culture of Hegia's upper class, political power and military might are often highly sought as a means of advancing one's status. For Hegia's more aristocratic families, service in the military or the Reclaimers is viewed as an ideal way to secure fortune and glory for one's family name; for the lower-class citizens of the Empire, military service may be a means of pulling oneself from the gutter.   Either way, the militaristic cultur of the Hegian Empire is widely known across Crestfall, particularly among citizens of Lubec who still recall the events of the Civil War.
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