Vizier Species in Teralt | World Anvil
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Not inherently magical. Able to speak. Six-legged, porous-skinned creatures that can spew flames from the holes across their bodies. Massive antler/horns that reach far out to the sides of their heads. They smell like gunpowder and rot. 15 to 20 feet tall.
  The fire from a Vizier’s body can melt Featherneedle trees. The liquid hardens when cooled and becomes the strongest material on Teralt, even able to absorb and disperse magic.
  One (the Garmizzen) was magically enslaved by Mordred and used as a weapon to breach defenses and brutally destroy armies.
  Morvolant is one of them. Chills in a cave.
  Shi'Att the Forgotten is one of them.
  “We were created as usherers of death, but for what, and by who, I do not know. The originals have all but vanished. And we are not particularly adept at telling history to our children.”
  Created by the Traveling Parent.
Genetic Descendants

Cover image: by DALL-E


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