The New Children of Castor Organization in Teralt | World Anvil
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The New Children of Castor

The New Children of Castor were founded by Verick Mave, an ex-member of the Kastir, as a group dedicated to the extermination or imprisonment of the Ancients. Verick was apprenticed by Castor at the age of 10 and disputes the claim of the Kastir Inner Circle that Castor is still alive, having ascended to godhood. Verick returned to the cult at some point to correct them but failed to convince them to fix themselves, so instead left and remade the Children of Castor.
  The New Children of Castor are formed. They follow Castor’s teachings but doubt his ascension. Both because the Kastir Inner Circle– whom they greatly distrust– claimed this, and because he has never been seen or heard from again. Morally opposes the actions of the Kastir, but does not get involved with them. Far more secretive than the Kastir. They use magic to erase themselves from the minds of individuals that they are revealed to. Usually works. Mostly believed to be legend because of the mind-wiping.
  Some members pretend to be, or even are, members or the Kastir.
  Several member serve as the advisors to kings.
  One member has infiltrated the Knights of the Hand.
  One member has infiltrated the Bleeding Sons, the group dedicated to the blood moons.
  One member is a skilled Glassvoice, the Tek artisans that can carve Morilanic into glass with great effect. This is the trade that made Mordred’s Slab and the City of Glass possible. A dying art by the time the Tek are free people.

Cover image: by DALL-E


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