Ruins of Galvani Manor Building / Landmark in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Ruins of Galvani Manor

There once was Pinion nobility in the areas that are now called the Twistenwud. For centuries after the end of the Decrept War it was a safe place for humanoids. But about four hundred years ago the forests turned dark, the creatures in them larger and more vicious. The civilized pinions were driven out and their homes and churches claimed by the wilderness.

This is one such place. These ruins once belonged to an eccentric pinion noble whom history has long forgotten. The structure is largely still in tact, good stone construction for the most part. But the river has shifted since it was first built, and now it runs right through it, making a dark and forgotten place into a certain deathtrap in places.

Originally built by the Marquis Luis Galvani, it served at his personal study and forest home. But the Manor fell into disrepair before the rise of the Twistenwud, the Galvani legacy long forgotten. Now whatever remains of the once noble house has been consumed and colonized by nature.


Few know the full story of Galvani Manor. So, keep tight lipped about it ok? It was established by Marquis Luis Galvani during a time when the Twistenwud was not yet Twisten and merely wud. At the tail end of an easy restful time. The Decrept War had been fought and won by nearly six hundred years. Pinions never let their guard down entirely, but with peace can prosperity. Nobility rose, power by simple accumulation. One such noble was Marquis Luis Galvani. Galvani was a naturally inquisitive sort, and a dedicated pursuer of his craft.
The Galvanis had been armorers during the war, and for generations hence. It was how they rose to prominence. But in a time a relative peace, and from a position of privilege, thoughts wandered. And Galvani took his skills as a worker of metal, and applied them to the sciences. He became a man of learning and experimentation. No longer were the armors he made prized, not that anyone was looking for Galvani Plate anyhow. Instead what he made was, unusual. He was trying to unlock something greater than mere metal and magic. Something concerning enough that he was sent off.
The Galvanis were located in Carcassonne, as nobility tends to. And yet, here is Galvani Manor, hundreds of miles away overgrown and forgotten in the Twistenwud. Luis was sent away, given a position as Marquis and the assumed responsibility that comes with it. That is how rich people deal with their odd children, they just get them a position no one really wants and send them off with a title and no sense about them.
And so it was with Marquis Luis Galvani. The thing is, he wasn't sent away for lack of sense, and he wasn't sent away for ineptitude. He was sent away because he asked questions that perhaps not ought be answered.


  • Ruins of Galvani Manor
    Located lost in the Twistenwud, this one time refuge of an isolated noble has been reclaimed... more or less.
350 years ago
Founding Date
400 years ago
Parent Location