Pinion Dominion Organization in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Pinion Dominion

The once mighty empire of the Pinion Dominion spread across the entire Tense River Basin and beyond, but after war with the Lich, they have fallen as an empire, and barely hold onto those cities they still have. They are a shadow of their former selves, living in the ruins of their own civilization.


The Pinion Dominion is led by a council of wizards who are tasked with the wellbeing of the empire. There are local authorities in each town, but many of them are members of the Council and their goals are in accord with the Council's wishes.

There is still a strong religious life in Pinion society, and in name the Cardinal is still the leader of the empire by divine right. But in difficult times, the people chose to bestow the responsibility of decision making on the Council. Now it is expected that the Cardinal will put on a show of support and back the decisions of the Seated Council. Their position perhaps more of a figurehead now.


The Pinion Dominion drew its power historical from the aid of the Purifier. The great phoenix to which the Feathered Hope is dedicated. They were a theocracy, ruled under the unified belief and divine leadership of the Cardinal as a mouthpiece for the flame.

But after the death of the Purifier, and the years dragged on as its ember laid dormant, the Dominion lost its power. Without the divine presence actively aiding them, the country empire had to become smaller, it couldn't keep up with its former glory and receded into the shells of once much more magnificent cities.

Now it a s shadow of its former glory. More ragtag and strung together than the once imperialist power it had been. No longer spreading, but a victim of the slow decay of time. If they are not careful, they continue this decline, and the decay and decomposition that marks this land will subsume them.
Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities