Logger's Day in Provenance Tradition / Ritual in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Logger's Day in Provenance

Provenance is in many ways the heart of the Pinion Dominion. As the most central city, and with its placement on the Tense River it sees a great deal of trade. But during the cold months of winter, trade on the river is forced to slow down and eventually, stop. The water freezes in some places, turns to rapids in others. Otherwise safe journeys become trials of perseverance. Safer to survive with what you have. During the long winter months that is exactly what the people of Provenance do. They scrimp and save, nibble away at their stores. As much as you prepare, it always seems as you come down to those last months, that you don't quite have enough. So there are days they skip a meal, just to stretch it out.   But when the first log barges from Thisplacia arrives, that marks the beginning of a time of plenty once more! If the barges have made it through then any craft should be safe to travel the river once more. As a celebration of this trade relationship, Thisplacia always overstocks the first barges with chocolates and jerkey, trade goods and all those spices and flours that had been hard to come by all winter. It is a sudden celebration of plenty for the people of Provenance.   People cook, they share meals and give freely. The Ice Wine from Thisplacia fuels much of the revelry, its cold when you drink it but it warms you as it settles. After a season of fear, it becomes a time of hope and excitement for what is soon to come.  


Artisan Tool


Cloudberries are harvested from vines that hang in the understory of Stag’s Cathedral. They are epiphytes of an unusual sort, never touching the ground and receiving all of their nutrients through the clouds and on the surface of the immense redwood trees. It gives an airy fresh taste to anything it is added to. The sweetness of it almost like a whipped creme but with a fruity undercurrent. They can be bought in Thisplacia year round. Seasonal to spring and summer for anywhere else.

An artisan chef is able to bring out additional qualities of this ingredient. A DC 21 Cook’s Utensils check made with Dexterity can whip up cloudberry foam so well that it captures the wind it will make the food as light as air, it floats. This can counter the weight of up to 5 pounds of other ingredients per pound of Cloudberries used.

Cost: 10gp
Weight: 1 lb


The exact date of Logger’s Day can’t be predicted, though many will place bets for fun. It depends on the migration habits of the Hipposheep. If they don’t move, neither will the ice nor the rivers. But it generally coincides with the first warm snap of spring.
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