Abrii Shadoweaver Character in Tense River Basin | World Anvil

Abrii Shadoweaver

Council Member Abrii Shadoweaver

Abrii Shadoweaver exudes Big Death Energy. She's got the look, she's got the walk. She's cold and unflinching, no stranger to death. Abrii is adorned in it. While at some point it had been the fashion for ladies to wear a decorative bird in their hair, such an extravagance is hard to come by. Except for a necromantic taxidermist like Abrii. The bird in her hat looks like it could be alive. But it isn't. It even sometimes moves its wings like it is alive. But it isn't. Her dark hair, dark lipstick, and purple eyeshadow make it clear she is leaning into her type and not afraid to show it. She's the necromancer sitting on the Council of Seven Seats, and no one is about to give her trouble.

As a member of the Council Abrii is known for being decisive and driven. She has played a prominent role in keeping the Dominion safe from both the Fortch Horde, and the Decrept that walk the night. However, that does not mean she is beyond reproach. There are many who suspect her of orchestrating her own importance. Conspiracies are easy to stoke when dealing with someone who is as unapologetic as she is.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Rumors spread that she can calm the undead, even giving rest to a screamer. Some locals distrust her for this gift, others recognize that her way with the undead helps keep them safe. They are glad to see her in town, it lets them know that if anything happens she's ready to handle it.

Mental characteristics


Abrii does not simply dabble in the necromantic arts. She is an expert in them and shows no remorse over the utilitarian use of the undead. As long as they show up in their towns, someone must be able to master them. She clearly has.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She's not subtle about her dislike for Mnuxim Mopo.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Primordial