Material Characteristics
Fluid is something that cannot be smelled, tasted, touched, or seen.
Physical & Chemical Properties
It is the substance present in the body, used to access the world's magic. Its use changes depending on the perception of its users, which is largely influenced by cultural perception. There are, for example, four main fluid uses. They are associated with four body fluids and body systems, each linked with the four classical elements.
- Classical element: air
- Qualities: warm and moist
- Season: spring
- Organ: heart
- Magical qualities: internal and destruction
- Magical powers: Sanguinism allows someone to change or destroy aspects of themselves or others. Sanguinists can decrease their weight, increase their speed and stamina, among other things. Also, masters of Sanguine can alter their memories or even remove them. Sanguine is used to restore the balance in the body and reverse the augmentations caused by Katarism. Sanguine is also used alongside Katar for more precise internal magic. That way, Sanguine, and Katar are needed together, so both can be used more effectively. Other powers associated with Sanguinism include fine-tuning the increases related to Katar, to prevent the senses from being overwhelmed. Reductions cannot be made too quickly, to avoid blood-related diseases associated with Sanguine. Sanguine's unique abilities are to augment one's or someone else's ability to use fluidism (but at the cost of making the negative effects more dangerous and likely to occur). When using Sanguine, the user feels a warm and moist feeling within themselves.
- Classical element: water
- Qualities: cold and moist
- Season: winter
- Organs: lungs and gallbladder
- Magical qualities: internal and creation
- Magical powers: Katarism permits a user to augment aspects of themselves or others. Unlike Sanguine, which reduces magical conditions or destroys things about a person, Katar moves people away from their original or current state toward something else. For example, skilled individuals can significantly increase their strength and weight (which decreases their speed and stamina), memory, hearing, smell, eyesight, etc. These powers must be gradually adjusted in inexperienced users or risk permanent damage to someone's body. Along with Sanguine, this type of magic is considered useful by soldiers, spies, assassins, and many others. Katar's unique abilities are to heal fluidismm-related damage in themselves or others, but making the user or the other person's powers weaker during that time. When using Katar, the user feels cooler and moister inside.
Kholer/yellow bile
- Classical element: fire
- Qualities: warm and dry
- Season: summer
- Organ: liver and pancreas
- Magical qualities: external and destruction
- Magical powers: Kholerism permits a user to change the features of or destroy objects external to their own bodies. This aspect of fluidism allows someone to break something or raise the temperature of objects. One example would be chipping away at a mountain without tools; another would be breaking down a wall. The most potent Kholerists can cause objects to burst into flames, melting pieces of metal, or cause objects to shatter. Laborers and soldiers use a small amount of Kholer. With more power, yellow spells are championed by great warriors, nefarious figures, monarchs, etc. Kholerists have performed many great feats of destruction. The unique abilities of Kholer are to remove someone's ability to access fluidism. When using Kholer, the users feel warm and dry inside.
Melan/black bile
- Classical element: earth
- Qualities: cold and dry
- Season: autumn
- Organ: stomach and intestines
- Magical qualities: external and creation
- Magical powers: Melanism is the art of creating objects, or at least forming new ones out of raw materials or repairing already existing ones. If a person breaks a vase by dropping it, for example, one can gather the shattered pieces and reassemble it. One could even create a new vase out of wet clay. Common applications of Melan include mending broken equipment, making new objects out of raw materials without other equipment, etc. Craftsmen also take advantage of Melanism to produce higher-quality products. The unique ability of Melan is to restore someone’s access to fluidism. Another power than someone can use is to mend broken bones and other injuries. This, however, takes a long time to accomplish and can only be done by the most skilled Melanists. Another use of Melanism is to resist the effects of Kholer by strengthening or stabilizing the state of an object. When using Melan, the user feels a cool and dry sensation inside their body.
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
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