Sheol Organization in Tenebra | World Anvil
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A realm of nightmare, torture, endless warfare, and infinite malice. This realm is what remains after the combining of Gehenna and the Inferno and the Gods of Gehenna‌. It is the realm of Adrammelech‌, the Great Empress of Hell. Those that conjure magic from this realm are bound to either go mad, become a demon, or be put out of their misery by a person of good morale standing.   Those souls that are coated in malignancy, or unfortunates who make a pact with a demon, will end up a Wretch, a burnt husk of newly forged demonic flesh and soul with barely a flicker of sapience. The Wretch, upon exiting the River Acheron that reforged them into their new vile form, will end up washing ashore in the domain of a particular Archon of Sheol depending on the sins of the Wretch. The Wretch will then be tortured endlessly until all memories of what they once were disappear completely and the Wretch evolves into a more potent infernal form to serve their Archon in the Endless War dictated by the Great Empress of Hell.   However, a different path follows those who have a great amount of regret and despair in their hearts as they cannot follow through with their own desires. A Tynma‌ will, upon the completed sacrifice of the individual, transform an individual into a powerful demon as they had consciously given into their own desires unlike those of a Wretch.
Geopolitical, Empire
Subsidiary Organizations


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