The Kingdom of Greater Fedria Organization in Tempertaria | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Greater Fedria

Kingdom of Fedria

  The Kingdom of Greater Fedria or just Fedria is a country located in the southwest of Tempertaria, the current ruler is the mad Queen Naima who is known for being a deranged but brilliant fighter. Fedria was founded in 139 BN in the ashes of the Fedrian rebellion that overthrew the nation of Sczenanina, the land has always followed the same line of Kings and Queens, the Regalias are the family that hold the lands of Fedria.   Fedria has been involved in several of the big wars on the continent, the fought on the side of Sweden and the Quacky Enclave in the Great war. Fedrian-Swedish relations have gotten a lot better over the last few centuries, as they share enemies and are united under their hatred for Geminism. Fedria and the Quacky Enclave do not wish to friends but are forced to ally under circumstance, Nomadia, Artemisia and Fabia have all denounced Fedria over their cooperation with the Swedes. Artemisia in particular is a kind of nemesis to Fedria as the two share climate, border one another, and often have skirmishes along the Gibruh mountain range.  
The land of Fedria is split into two peninsulas, the Neanthar peninsula in the south and the Ertetus peninsula in the northwest. The Neanthar peninsula is more tundratic but rich in natural resources like oil and steel. Ertetus is more arible with temperate connifer forests providing food via. hunting and berries, a large area is also farmed close to the border with Sweden.


The King or Queen is the highest authority in the country, the royal treasurer is the job responsible for collecting tax from the populace. The standard soldier is part of the middle class, nobles gennerally supress anyone in the inferior classes.


The Fedrian populace is strictly atheist, they also perceive most of the outside world as either hostile or evil except for the Quacky Enclave and Sweden.


Fedria is the second richest country in the system, with a national GDP of 11 Trillion Silver/Year.


Fedria was originally a federation of smaller states, they unified into one country in 139 BN. The country was originally very friendly towards other nations but was quickly derailed by the mad queen Naima taking control in a coup d'état

Demography and Population

The population of Fedria is almost entirely Fedrian, but with some small roots of Quackers and Swedes. Other ethnicities are almost non-prescent.


Fedria holds their ancestral lands which are the peninsulas of Ertetus and Neanthar.


Fedria is one of strongest military powers in the system, in third place behind Fabia.

Technological Level

Fedria is the second most technologicaly advanced country in the system.

Foreign Relations

Fedria has been involved in several of the big wars on the continent, the fought on the side of Sweden and the Quacky Enclave in the Great war. Fedrian-Swedish relations have gotten a lot better over the last few centuries, as they share enemies and are united under their hatred for Geminism. Fedria and the Quacky Enclave do not wish to friends but are forced to ally under circumstance, Nomadia, Artemisia and Fabia have all denounced Fedria over their cooperation with the Swedes. Artemisia in particular is a kind of nemesis to Fedria as the two share climate, border one another, and often have skirmishes along the Gibruh mountain range.

Agriculture & Industry

The north of Ertetus is the only arible land in the Country, but the fertility is often compared to the fertile breadbasket in Fabia.

Trade & Transport

Trade between Sweden is open, but regulated. Trade between the Quacky Enclave is completely open and unregulated.

Death come to Geminism!

139 BN - N/A

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Greater Fedria, Formerly known as Sczenanina
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Silver Coins
Major Exports
Fedria exports large amounts of steel and oil to both Sweden and the Quacky Enclave.
Major Imports
Fedria imports a large amount of food from the Quacky Enclave, They mostly import weapons from Sweden however, there are rumors about more illicit trades...
Legislative Body
The current King or Queen writes and passes the laws.
Judicial Body
The State prosecutor is the highest judicial authority, but that job is controlled by the current monarch like a puppet.
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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