
A Rhadanthium Scythe, "Ambar"

Written by Nestor Alren
As she worked her way through the dense vegetation, Elsara realized this was definitely not the route she had taken on her way into the forest. Her billhook that she had been so proud of making had grown quite dull, despite her tending to it with a whetstone, and she thought how much faster the going would be if only the blade were longer. She glanced behind her for the little bear cub that now followed her as it had its own mother before, then looked back at the tangle of brush in front of her. The sun was setting beyond the tangle, and in one ray of light, something glinted. It looked like it was stuck in a tree trunk. She worked her way to the tree, reached up, and carefully removed the object. It came away like a hot knife through butter--as if the tree were smooth as silk. It was a long, dark, curved blade.

~ Excerpt from Book One, by jayseaboom

  One of the fifteen known items made of Rhadanthium is a scythe. Using the term, "known" however, is generous. Our knowledge of it depends on story, for we do not know of its precise location, or with whom it resides.   The story goes that Governor Eileithyia's (see Eileithyia Ursanaa) oldest son once had it in his possession, and, along with his favorite sling (the standard weapon of Dyodians), carried it with him in battle. One day he was approached by some minor Dyodian nobles. They were strangers to him, but wore the customary green felt caps worn by all Noble Dyodian men and boys. They told him of a kidnapping they had just witnessed, and that the kidnappers had outrun them and headed into the Dyodian woods outside Greenhaven. He immediately dashed off in the direction they pointed, never to return alive. Eventually, his Dedicated found his body, but it was too late, and the Rhadanthium scythe was missing. It is said he called it "Ambar."

by Artie Navarre

Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location

Cover image: by jayseaboom


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