Paulo Cobine Character in Tellus | World Anvil

Paulo Cobine

Master Paulo Santorini

Paulo is a retired carnival barker and ringmaster. He's a great guy who loves to laugh, but is too truly the epitome of an alcoholic. It is hard to trust him when he says he will do something, quite simply because he will not remember he said he would do it. You can anything he says to the bank though; the man has a mind like an overactive steel trap.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's not very healthy by now. His liver is taking a nightly beating, and he's wet-brained one of of any five times you interact with him. His blood pressure is through the roof, he is overweight, and he has bonespurs in his feet after all of the walking he has done in his life.

Body Features

He would remind a northerner of a snowman, honestly.

Facial Features

Paulo has a jovial, round face with a small little mustache keeping his upper lip warm.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a very distinctive laugh.

Physical quirks

His overall roundness. Not even so much like fat people, it is more like three balls, decreasing in diameter at each tier, stacked atop each other.

Special abilities

Paulo can communicate with anyone.

Apparel & Accessories

He is almost always wearing a vest, slacks, patent leather shoes and a waistcoat. His watch chain is always arranged perfectly, and his bow ties are universally adored.

Specialized Equipment

He has two magic rings that helped him with his career.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Paulo was the ringmaster for several circuses until his retirement a few years ago. He has been to every conrner of the Kingdoms, very often on foot, travelling with his friends and cohorts.

Gender Identity

Paulo is a widower, whose wife bore him three magnificent daughters before she died while they were travelling through the Nyssan Swamps.


Paulo is a straight dude, but he has no interest in anyone anymore. His late wife was the only one for him.


Paulo holds an Entertainment PhD. from The Bardic College Campus, with a Carnival Barker certificate and a minor in stand-up comedy.


Paulo was a Ringmaster at just about any circus you  ever heard of! Meaning all three. He's worked at all three major circuses.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In his youth, Paulo perfected a high wire routine that drew crowds from a hundred miles away.

Failures & Embarrassments

Paulo once fell from the highwire of his own act, breaking his back in the process. He was healed, but the embarassment drove him to give up performing in favor of emceeing.

Mental Trauma

When Paulo's wife died, he was devastated. He could barely go on. He did not get out of bed except to answer nature's most urgent calls. Were it not for a troupe of Singers, who eased his spirit and soothed his mind enough for him to be able to take care of himself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Paulo is not interested in talking about sadness or tragedy. He is the kind of drunk that much prefers to wave a beer stein around as he sings songs.

Morality & Philosophy

You don't know what they've been through. have some compassion.   Don't be a dick.


Being a dick.

Personality Characteristics


Honestly, Paulo is waiting for death to come and reunite him with his dearly departed beloved. He believes he has one last good deed to do before he will be allowed to pass on.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

His hype game is god tier

Likes & Dislikes

He really, really, like good nut brown ale. Bottom cast, not too hoppy. Just like Owl Stanley makes it, if he were to be honest.

Virtues & Personality perks

Paulo really is a very nice guy with a great baritone and an insane jitterbug.

Vices & Personality flaws

He drinks way too much. He drinks so much, drunks think he drinks too much.

Personality Quirks

He alwasys seems to be smiling, but insightful people see a desperateness for peace in his eyes.


He is clean, and smells fantastic, like exotic soaps and hair products.
Nuetral Good
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
The Golden Swan
Squinty brown
short, graying brown. Bald pate. Not on purpose.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skinned human
Quotes & Catchphrases
I ain't gonna look, an' you caint make me. I might be in there.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
All of them; he has a ring of Comprehend Languages and a ring of Tongues, both very handy for a travelling circus front man!
Character Prototype
The snowman from Rudolph. Burl!
Character Portrait image: Paulo's New Hat by H Ogni


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