Archfey are the most powerful creatures of the feywild. The fey Queens are the most famous and powerful archfey, but they are not the only ones. Most of the archfey, such as Oberon and Selephra, are sidhe who have amassed great power through loyalty to their Queens. Others, such as Baba Yaga, the Erlking, and Hysram, are other fey creatures who have existed since ancient times and have gained their powers through other means. The archfey are immortal, and can only be killed by very specific means. Iron is still painful to the archfey, and their bodies can still be destroyed by it, but if an archfey is destroyed, it will eventually reform. Archfey that have been granted their power can have it removed by the Queen who gave it to them, but for the others, this power is permanent. Archfey are capable of granting powers to mortals who make deals with them, creating warlocks who can do their bidding without being bound to the Laws of the Fey.
Basic Information
Archfey can appear any way they wish.
Biological Traits
As varied as individual flakes of snow.
Genetics and Reproduction
They are created after birth.
Ecology and Habitats
Archfey occupy the Feywild , a twisted version of our own material plane.
Biological Cycle
Archfey are immortal, and do not catch diseases. They are unaffected by poison.
Additional Information
Social Structure
They are chaotic beings, disliking the constraint of civilization. They will, however, follow all of the laws of the Fey.
This is a serious article, if you want to tell jokes, head on over to The Bardic College Campus.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Wherever, and whenever, they wish.
Average Intelligence
They are what the acclaimed neuro-scholars at the The Bardic College Campus refer to as 'supra geniuses'.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Up to, and including, true sight, unless otherwise stated.
Scientific Name
Some few of the members of the courts are granted powers by either of the queens. Others have obtained their powers by other means.
Average Height
They can be any height or shape they wish.
Average Weight
However much they would like to weigh
Geographic Distribution
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