Visandar Character in Telek'Mil | World Anvil
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the Unliving

Visandar Tombborn

Old, crooked and ominous. Visandar is a very elderly man, an awakened undead, to be specific and was the former guardian of the graveyard he woke up in. Crows have been his main source of company until, one day, he was to care for a certain, bone-elven newborn.   This old man living in a desolate graveyard may look cold and emotionless, but ultimately he cares and feels, not to a great extent, of course.   His passion, or interest, for botanic is something most see as disturbing as he focuses on the more macabre side of nature and cultivates plants others would purge with fire.      

Current teammates:

  Leonora - Sonka - Meleran - Sulfuur

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Visandar is a fragile looking, old and crooked man, with a slight hunch and rather long legs. His overall appearance seems rather shabby with this hair being a bit greasy, his finerganils rather resembling claws and his face being sunken in to unhealthy proportions. In actuality, Visandar kept his shape rather well for an undead being and is proud of his hygenic routine. His outer appearance also hides his unnatural, undead strength, wich is below a trained fighter, but far above the common villager.

Body Features

Visandars skin is dry, a colour between sickly green and just pale while wrinkles cover his whole body. His body has no real fat and he is nothing more than skin and bones. He has long, bony fingers and hunch is rather visible.

Facial Features

Visandar has a dominating hooked nose, reminiscent of a beak, while his eyesockets are sunken in and sporting havy bags under his eyes. The eyes themselves have a yellowy hue and different eye colour with the right being blind and glassy and the left being a sickly lime-green, that is told to glow faintly. He has a prominent chin and his cheekbones are sunken in greatly.

Identifying Characteristics

Visandars eyes, skeletal appearance and hair are often the most prominent features one makes out when onbserving him.

Physical quirks

Visandar has a slight hunch and tends to gesticulate with his fingers, more than anything. While walking his head also bobs forth and back, biving his whole appearance something of the crows he holds so dear. There is also the faint smell of death on him, that is almost hidden by the strong herbal smell his favorite botanic darlings provide him with.

Special abilities

Visandar has access to a certain range of innate magical abilities. He isn't sure where they come from, but it would seem some are not related to his transformation and others are. The rough outline of his abilities are based on his graveyard, being able to share senses with crows, communicate telepathically to them as well as some abilities, that may wither the opponent and rob them of their life.   He also has minor healing abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Visandar wears a simply black tailcoat, a small cape draped over his shoulders and long trousers clinging to his skinny legs. All in all his clothing seems dirt and used, with mold able to be recognized upon firther isnspection. Graveearth also clings to every crevice it can find on his person, so he never really loses it. Öast but not least he also wears no shoes and rather covers his feat in bandages, revealing his skinny feet and elongated toenails.

Specialized Equipment

Carrying on his person Visandar always has some seeds and bird food with him as one of his passions is to feed his crows. He also carries a normal shovel with him for either last minute defense, or to follow his proficiency.A bundle of coins and some small trinkets are the last itesms he usually carries on him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Visandar woke up as an awkaned undead in a graveyard in a rather small village. The local gravekeeper was an extraordinary kind person and offered him shelter, something outragous to do in the eyes of villagers, but thankfully nobody saw them. With time they became close friends and as the time for the old gravekeeper had come, Visandar swore he would continue his legacy. From there on he managed to trick the villagers with lies, overall absence and the little bit of his inherent magic to think of him as a powerful druid, keeping them from questioning his absent agiing.   His absence and all in all lack of socializing also made him the perfect candidat for the care of the feared newborn, that was once day laid in front of the village in the dead of night. He cared for it to the best of his abilities and became the adoptive father of Leonora, a name he made up, as her real name was nowhere to be found. She would grow up to be a rebellious little girl, proving her strength to everybody who would care to see, but the search for her real family lead her to run away from home at a very young age.   While all this was going on Visandar also kept offering roaming undead shelter, as long as they were no threat to anyone. This is also what kept him from searching Leonora far and wide, his promise and sense of duty. His aquaintances, however would one day bring a group of clerics to him, ones who would not be fooled by his simple magic tricks.

Gender Identity

Male, he


While living with his dear friend, he managed to learn about his craft and offered him to continue his legacy.


Visandar has the keeper of the local graveyard for as long as his dear friend passed one day. While ridding the grounds of feral undead, he managed to offer asylum to any sentient undead he could find. This was the only place Visandar ever worked on and called home.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Keeping his graveyard appealing, at least for himself, was one of the proud achievements of Visandars history, the ground was perfect to grow one of his favorites and he relished in their blossoming foulness.   Offering asylum to various "aquaintances" of his also gave various individuals a second chance to talk and recover.   And lastly raising Leonora was one of his proudest achievements, while Visandar first didn't even know what to do with that bundle, he quickly learned and managed to get her through. How is still a miracle, even to him, but Visandar won't complain.

Failures & Embarrassments

The greatest failure of Vsandar was losing the graveyard he had inhabited for so long, it was his home and having lost it to the agression of some clerics was something he wouldn't forgive himself that easily.   This however doens't compare to his guilt he felt the day, that Leonora ran away. Of course he let his crows search for her, but bound by duty as he was he couldn't abandon his position. Observing her when he found her, at least gave him some relief.

Mental Trauma

Visandar can't remember what his former life was, the only things that he knows, are his first name "Visandar" and snippets of faces, smells and colours, he sees in his "sleep". There is also a more sinister side deep in the black corners of his mind. A bloodlust for those who have wronged him, for those who are a threat to him, or those he cares for, something feral and merciless.

Intellectual Characteristics

Visandar is rather intelligent, his knowledge of plants, wich flourish in foul environments is extraordinary and the many years he has spent, certainly has influenced his overall wisdom. Still there are many things he is not fully familiar with and his interest in other things is rather dampened.

Morality & Philosophy

Visandar has a deeply rooted desire to help those who are persecuted by others, as he wants to return the favor her recieved many decades ago. He, however has methods that could be more gentle, but he thinks it certainly gets the job done.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by the desire to keep his promise and to honor the one who helped him Visandar follows his duty and does what he can. His other main motivator is his deep affection towards his adoptive daughter, who is the clostest person he ever had, keeping her safe is one of his to priorities.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

While his abilities regarding botanic and his craft are nothing to scoff at, his biggest strength is his expressionless mask he can put up.

Likes & Dislikes

Visandar has a distinct dislike for the colourful lifes of the rich and also disdains clerics for he os vary of those with zealotry in their hearts.

Virtues & Personality perks

Visandar is patient, almost scarily so, is dutyful, and thoroughly courteous.

Vices & Personality flaws

When angered beyond a cerain point Visandar can loose control of himself and fly into a fit of rage. Otherwise he is also prone to use his more terrifying side to rid himself of unpleasent invaders.

Personality Quirks

When Visandar speaks he doesn't really breath, so his voice sounds unsetteling, with the last world trailing of and some of his word sporting slight hisses.


While his hygiene is not something anyone would consider standar, maintaining a slowly decaying body to the point of appearing clean and well-kept is something is proud of. The fact, that he nerver changes clothes and even cultivates special moldes in them in combination with the fact, that grave-dirt is everywhere most would be a little disgusted when inspecting his features more thoroughly.


Family Ties

Visandars closest "relative" is his daoptiv edaughter Leonora

Religious Views

Visandar doesn't have any perticular faith and despises most of the deities. The only one he can tolerate are the saints of the undead and graves.

Social Aptitude

While Visandars demeanor is surprisingly refined his ability to convince and charm people is buried with his sense of humor. To achieve his goals in conversation he has to perform incredible feats of persuasion to even get his will across, so he usually either tries to appeal to others, or to intimidate him with the face of death, wich isn't really something to do in public. Thankfullly his mascerade as a fragile, old man is giving hims som ebenfits in conversations.


Visandar often has his arms behind his back, sometimes using one to gesture with his long, bony fingers. This combined with slight motions of his head and shoulders is the foundation of all his limited bodylanguage. When he sits he likes to adept a stable, secure pose and perform minimal gestures from there.

Hobbies & Pets

The swarm crows, subconciously following Visandar could be considered his swarm of pets. Of course on of his hobbies involves feeding his pets accordingly, while talking to them, often in shadowtongue, but this doesn't concern the birds.   He also has a distinct knack for the more macabre side of botanics and loves collecting and cultivating various fungi, flowers and vines. This also chimes in with his love for decorating graves.


Visandars speech certainly has undead elements in it, his language sounds dry, sometimes has a threatening undertone and ends in minimal hisses, or aprupt ends, giving him a speech, that doesn't show much fondess for others, especially when he is annoyed, wich seems to be all the time.



Adoptive Father (Vital)

Towards Leonora




Adoptive Daughter (Important)

Towards Visandar




After Leonora was found,the villagers obviously pondered wether to kill this small bone-elf, as they are feared far and wide, so obviously this had to be a sign. The villagers decided that this child should be cared for to avoid the anger of some deity, so they gave it to a nurse, wich quickly gave it to the next and to the next. This went along till noone in the villagers decided to lay it to the graveyard door to either leave it to die, or let someone else take it. Visandar found the little bundle and could already think what had happened and after a few seconds, that should decide the fate of this little girl, he decided to take care of her, no matter how hard this task should be.

Nicknames & Petnames

While Visandar is not very canny with nicknames he called her his "little banshee", while Leonora always called him an "old crow" due to his striking resemblance.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Leonora has made bad impressions with the villagers and prefers to not converse with them more than neccessary, wich means she and her father had plnty of time to talk and think together.

Shared Secrets

While Leonora was still living with Visandar, she noticed strange people coming and going in the dead of night. After some time Visandar explained as much as neccessary and urged her to not let anyone know.

Wealth & Financial state

Visandar, as the gravekeeper of the village he resided in, doesn't have a huge amount of wealth and what he has is safely hidden in a place only he knows. As he doesn't need any money to buy food, the only use he can put it to are supplies and materials. So while he has a small stash of wealth it isn't much, even to the common person.
Combat abilities

Undead fortitude (passive):

Individual is stronger and faster than expected and can escape the brink of death in a low chance  

Call of the grave (passive):

Attracts and calms down undead, is much more effective on mindless undead      

Frightful presence (aura)(once per day):

by revealing a part of his true nature, other creatures can be frightened  

Raking claws (melee):

natural weapon, comparable to thick claws, his attacks also deal small amounts of necrotic damage  

Rotting touch (melee)(6 times per day):

Upon being struck the target starts decaying, or rusting, crumbling, nearing the end of its lifespan, requires brief concentration  

Call for aid (summon)(3 times a day):

calls upon a few corpses to rise up and defend the user, they are fairly weak and only cause low to moderate damage  

Black Feather step (mobility)(5 times per day):

In a whirlwind of raven black feathers the user travels a short distance, wich can be traced by following the trail of feathers  

Aid of the grave (healing)(resource, can fully heal 2 grown men):

heals touched creature slowly, but steadily, can be used as a weak passive healing when not otherwise in use for Visandar, can be channeled for added effect  

Summon swarm (crowd control, summon)(four swarms a day):

summons forth local vermin to distract and damage the enemy  

Put to rest (ritual):

Ability to put mindless and weak undead to rest without much of a hussle, powerful undead have to be fought before a ritual can be successful, rather lengthy  
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
83 ND 152 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
It was not a birth per se, Visandar opened his eyes and awoke in his grave. This was his birth as an awakened undead.
While Visandar is blind on his right eye, wich makes it milky white and lacking the pupil, his left eye has a green iris and is functioning, or at least as functioning as it can be for an undead. His left eye is said to have an unnatural glow to it
He has long, white, greasy hair, wich reaches down to his shoulders.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Visandar has a sickly, greenish and pale skin colour, wich makes him seem very fragile and old.
1.78 m
61 kg
Known Languages
Visandar knows common, shadowtongue and and very, very broken elvish with the only reason being, that sometimes traders would come through and he would try to learn a bit elvish on the way.

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