Ziu Character in Teicna | World Anvil
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The Stirgan Anchor of the World Tree, Ziu is an oversized candelabra tree that branches into three distinct canopies. The supporting branch for each of these canopies has a different eye set into it, but all three share the same mouth, which is a thin, sharp-toothed thing in the center of the main trunk. It is said that each of these sets of eyes views the world in a different way, and that would-be visitors to the World Tree must carefully consider which angle they approach from.
Ziu's various spines branches has the potential to sprout a glowing, golden fruit which is said to quench any thirst and put the sweetness of mortal fruits to shame. They offer it willingly to all who seek them out in Stirge's western badlands, so long as the person seeking it out is willing to brave the spines and height to collect it for themselves. Whether attempts succeed or fail, the tree has wisdom to share with those who make the attempt. Any wounds, however, are left alone - provided they aren't life-threatening - as they provide the more poignant lesson.

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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