Spawn of Ontoxis Species in Teicna | World Anvil
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Spawn of Ontoxis

There are creatures that lurk in the dark. In a semi-gaseous state, they hunt for prey in clouds of unseen mist. Those who have seen them will swear they've never heard of such a thing, while the unlucky ones who didn't will end up as piles of pulverized flesh and bone instead.


The Spawn of Ontoxis are liquid beings native to the wetlands of Duwallen. While superficially similar to the Zhelt of Stirge, these creatures lack the capacity for intelligence those slimes have, but make up the difference with a great deal most strengths and altogether different weaknesses. They are capable of taking on a gaseous form in order to move around silently, but when exposed to light, in even the smallest amounts, they contract into a liquid form, taking the shape of something else within the light in an attempt to surprise and confuse predators. If they find themselves in great enough numbers, they will continue their assault even once they've been spotted, but if outnumbered they will flee back into the shadows and go into hiding. Of course, they don't have to flee very far, thanks to their strangest and strongest defense mechanism.

Jameson is missing. I'm not entirely certain how or why, though I recall him saying he was going to investigate a noise of some sort. I certainly didn't hear anything worth investigating, so I can't say what it was that drew him outside. In my initial search for him, I discovered a trail something putrid leading down to the estuary, but I... Well, to tell the truth I don't recall what happened after that. I simply found myself back inside, heart pounding and legs weak. Something terrible has happened, and I get the strangest feeling I should know what it was...
— Dr. Theodore Bimby, Lebensee River Station

When not in direct line of sight, beings who have experienced an encounter with one or more Spawn immediately begin to forget aspects of their encounter, until all that remains is the terror that was felt in the moment and the physical effects of whatever occurred. While it's not entirely confirmed that these creatures have a direct tie to the goddess of terror, it's this lingering fear they leave behind that has earned them the association.

Basic Information


In their resting state, the Spawn of Ontoxis are blobs of an incredibly dark red liquid, lacking any and all defining features. When hunting, they are capable of converting their bodies into a thick red mist, using the wind to navigate quickly up to unsuspecting prey. For several centuries, conflicting reports suggested that the Spawn's 'true form' ranged anywhere from humanoid to mammalian to reptilian, but it's only in recent decades that research has discovered these reports are based on the panicked mimicry described above, and not on anything inherent to the creatures themselves.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the presence of an over-abundance of food-viable liquids, Spawn will gorge themselves, draining the fluids from their pray and growing significantly in size and density. Eventually they will reach a critical mass, at which point they then split, creating a new Spawn with all of the parent beast's knowledge. Division in this way can yield anywhere from two to five total Spawn, depending on how much material there is to draw from.

Ecology and Habitats

Spawn of Ontoxis live in the darkest corners of the swamps of Duwallen, particularly in dense wooded regions or in flooded caverns. Due to their fragile nature and weakness to all sources of light, many tend to die in the summer months as their homes dry out, and those in close proximity to Mortal habitation will often be killed off inadvertantly as fluids are flushed to make way for construction projects or the like. These factors keep their numbers in check, at least for the time being.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The creatures feed on the liquid components of living things. In order to feed, they must get these liquids out of the body somehow, and as their natural form is either a liquid or a gas, they've had to get creative. Meal preparation for the Spawn of Ontoxis generally involves enveloping a creature entirely within their bodies, and then applying immense amounts of pressure to it, breaking down the solids and pressing the liquids out into the open, where they can be absorbed at the creature's leisure. When they've finished eating, oddly dry piles of splintered bones and pulped meat are all that remains.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Spawn of Ontoxis have a sort of inverse-light vision; definitely magical in nature, as it follows no known laws of physics. They are capable of 'seeing' via darkness. Specifically, they are incredibly sensitive to vibrations in the air, but their senses are entirely dulled by light, which acts almost like a solid barrier to them if it gets bright enough.

Cover Icon Contribution: Lorc


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