Qua Character in Teicna | World Anvil
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The Tirpazki Anchor of the World Tree, Qua is a massive Baobab that grows at the base of Jabal Al'ustura, the Mountain of Legend. In addition to their tiny eyes and wide, boistrous mouth, the tree is covered in various scars and notches. Alfilant who are seeking to prove themselves sometimes travel to the World Tree and attempt to fell it. To date, none have even come close to succeeding, but a surprising number have managed to chip the tree's bark, which is considered a feat in and of itself. Qua is always encouraging of these attempts, as often the failures drive the individual to try and better themselves, whether that be through strength training for finding another purpose in life.
A fair number of individuals, calling themselves Disciples of Qua, have begun to worship the tree. This is a heretical act in the eyes of most of their kind, so they do so in quiet in subtle ways, acting more officially as stewards of the tree, ensuring that the area does not become overgrown or suffer from pests.

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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