Kulim Character in Teicna | World Anvil
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The Sur'Dhanzan Anchor of the World Tree, Kulim grows in the very center of the Isle of Ibẹru. They were once your typical large, sprawling hawthorn tree, but they have been warped by the corruption of the Roc's influence, and so grown incredibly disjointed from their brethren. They hear very few of the thoughts and messages passed around through their joined roots, and sadly their own thoughts are cloudy at best and horrific at worst. They alternate between a sick fascination with the dark corners of the world and an utter fear of everything around them. They hold many of the World Tree's darker and more repressed memories, but lacks the proper context for them, making them little more than terrifying images with no true meaning.
Saplings formed by Kulim come in a variety of forms, but more often than not they sew discord, fear, and lies. At their most benevolent, they bring dire warnings of thing that will come, or which they believe might come.

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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