Dajio Character in Teicna | World Anvil
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The Mordrekainen Anchor of the World Tree, Dajio is a towering redwood, split open in various places to reveal a colony of bees living inside. They have a special relationship with these bees, housing them in exchange for protection and a portion of their honey, which can then be offered to pilgrims who travel to it for advice or simply to leave offerings.
Daijo is known to be something of a trickster. They hide away in a dense forest of similar-looking redwoods, and with their magic they warp the space between these trees, making getting lost as simple as taking a few steps around one of the massive trunks. In this way, they can prevent themselves from being found when visitors aren't wanted, but also keep guests who do arrive around for however long they desire.

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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