Ago Sea Geographic Location in Teel | World Anvil

Ago Sea

The Ago Sea

  The Ago Sea is a rough and wide ocean which borders the western, the northern and parts of the eastern coast of the peninsula of Teel. It is believed to be unpassable, since there is no ship that can withstand the high waves and the strong flux in the open water. The water level of the Ago Sea rises in regular intervals of seven days for a short period of time, triggering the regular Wave and – in periods of 30 years – the Indi and Capensis Hit Wave.      

1. Dimensioning

  The terrestrial location and the dimensions of the Ago Sea have not been measured yet. It is at least 200 meters deep, but to this date no one has ever gotten deeper, because even trained Juru people evidently lose consciousness when diving beyond 150 - 180 meters down. Foreign coasts are not in sight, even from the highest reachable point in Teel (the Cauldron).    

2. The Waves

The old and the new time reckoning in Teel is based on the coming and going of the seasonal Waves . Exactly every 1560th Wave turns into a Hit Wave which is named after the first moon that appears in the sky on that day (Indi and Capensis alternate from hit wave to hit wave). This time period is divided by the 30 ancient Juru signs of the zodiac, ergo the year changes after 52 waves. The Settlers marked the Stranding event as the beginning of the new linear calendar which is divided into Waves and years.    

3. Flora and Fauna

Fishing in the open water is only possible for trained Juru divers, for it is too rough for any boats to set sail. The most prominent marine animals known to Teeleans are migrating with the Waves.     Mammals
  • Masked Stork
  • Red Clam
  • Golden Floater


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