Sawt Species in Tarsis | World Anvil
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Sawts are large, furry predators that will hunt nearly anything organic that moves. Widely feared for their vicious nature and powerful natural weapons, sawts occupy the position of alpha predator on the food chain, excepting ancients. Found anywhere prey can be had, their populations are thankfully low due to a prolonged mating cycle. Sawt roars are loud proclomations of their territory and power, a challenge to any who would defy their natural rule of their domain. Hunting sawts is rarely done due to the risk involved with trying to bring one down, though there have been many cases where a community has had to band together to protect themselves from sawt activity, rarely without significant cost.

Basic Information


Sawts are mammals the size of a car, with powerful muscles throughout their bodies. Their jaw, neck, limb, and tail muscles are all very strong for their size. Their heads are mounted a little bit ahead of their shoulders, resembling a bear with its general build. Their long maws are lined with razor-sharp teeth, their paws sport massive claws capable of rending steel, and their tails end in a bone hammer that can sunder stone and bone alike. Fur colour and density varies based on their home locale, generally matching the environment in terms of natural camoflauge and heat retention. Underneath the fur, the skin is tough and resistant to damage, meaning outside of adanced weaponry, not much is going to harm a sawt.

Biological Traits

Sawt blood is caustic, often melting through the ground when spilled. They are immune to the caustic elements of their own blood, but having sawt blood spray onto the wrong part of a living creature can be fatal to them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sawts take two years to mature, and are left to their own devices merely a week into their lives. By this point, they are capable hunters, though smaller and less powerful than an adult. Survival rates of sawt offspring varies by climate, but usually they manage to grow enough to mate at least once.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous by nature, sawts are capable of running on not very much food, though they will always take prey should the opportunity present itself.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyesight of sawts is poor, but functional at close ranges. They prefer to find prey via scent and sound, having excellent olfactory and auditory receptors.
Boreal, Arctic, Desert
23 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length


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