The Humblewood Geographic Location in Taridad | World Anvil
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The Humblewood

On the eastern coast of Oprynkyst , lies a vast forest nestled between the mountains and the sea. This is the Humblewood, an ancient and magical palace that hums an endless song, sung to the Great Rhythm of life and death. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabitants, is not like any other forest. The trees are old and powerful, with rare specimens that reach as tall as small mountains. Here familiar beasts grow to unusual sizes, bearing markings and patterns unique to the  Wood. This region is also home to two groups of animal-like humanoid races, the birdfolk and the humblefolk. Together they share the Wood and its bountiful resources.    In the early years, the birdfolk and humblefolk lived close to each other in small villages around the forest. These isolated communities were vulnerable to an organization of brigand and marauders who called themselves the "Bandit Coalition." To protect themselves from the Coalition, the birdfolk built fortified cities in the forest's canopy. Joining forces with the humblefolk, the birdfolk army, known as the "Perch Guard", drove back the bandits, bringing peace and security to the region. Over time, birdfolk culture spread, and the capital city of Alderheart became the most politically influential place in the Wood.  
  But the Wood has also known sorrow. Not long after the founding of Alderheart, a massive forest fire known as "The Great Calamity" burned a portion of the Wood. The origins of the fire are unknown, but it left the area permanently damaged. To this day, it is called the "Scorched Grove," an arid field of ash that has since become home to many strange flame-infused creatures.    The Tenders, an organization of druids and mystics, dedicate themselves to healing the Scorched Grove with natural magics. Set up in conclaves around the Wood, they provide aid whenever forest fires strike. Yet, since the Grove's burning, the Wood has known relatively few fires. Nature's balance, though, can be disrupted by a single spark.

The Races of the Wood 

  The various folk who make up the land of Humblewood are divided into two categories: the birdfolk and the humblefolk. While they resemble animals, the folk who inhabit the cities, towns, and villages of Humblewood are all humanoids.
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