Ibi Nesturn Character in Taraan | World Anvil
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Ibi Nesturn

Duchess Ibi Nesturn

"You knew that this day was coming, I would have thought you'd be a little more prepared."
"You're a careless, no good, pathetic idiot! I devoted my whole life to preparing for this day. But nothing I did mattered..."
- Conversation between Duchess Ibi Nesturn and her steward.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ibi Nesturn was born to a poor family of farmers. When their village was destroyed by a band of roving orcs, she was only three, and was found among the wreckage by a knight, who brought her back to his master, Duke Chobham Nesturn, who decided along with wife to adopt the orphaned gnome. She grew up in the lap of luxury, being sent to the College of Occlusion to be educated. She knew little of her birth family, but grew extremely close with her adoptive one, including her cousins and aunts and uncles. This is why their sickness filled her with a grief she could hardly bear.   As he family members started to become sicker and sicker over the years, she threw herself deeper into her studies, and made more and more frequent visits back home, sometimes collecting samples to return to the university. She grew distant from the friends she had made, and hardly every left the laboratory. Marquess Serenity Clearstone described her actions as "dogmatic and single-minded" but she was determined to find a cure. She discovered that her family had some sort of genetic illness, and though she made great progress in the field of genetics she was unable to save them.   It was a dark day for the kingdom and for herself when she found herself holding the title of duchess. The other nobles look down on her as twice orphaned gnome in a kingdom run by humans, and the scholars of the university she once loved have turned their back on her as a crazed scientist. Nowadays she spends her hours attempting to replicate her research, as she is no longer allowed in the college, per the dean's orders. She is also seeking a way to win the approval of her contemporaries and peers.

Personality Characteristics


She is driven to find a cure for the disease which once plagued her family, ensuring that no one else need suffer the way she saw her family.



Son (Vital)

Towards Ibi Nesturn



Ibi Nesturn

Mother (Vital)

Towards Harold



Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of Banalia
Year of Birth
1303 PA 46 Years old
Current Residence
Castle Banalia
Green and hazy
Blonde and braided, tied in a bun
45 lbs
Aligned Organization

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