Varona Organization in Taraan | World Anvil
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After the Esper Wars, the land which we now refer to as Varona was left torn and disparate, shattered into dozens of tribes across hundreds of miles of land. Much of the history of these tribes was never recorded, and as such has become lost to the ages, but there are bits and pieces that can be patched together to form a semblance of history for the region. Around the year 450 PE a prophet of Amora named Ylymt brought peace to the region through religion. Then the Chieftain Valentina of the Ultrina tribe rose to power uniting the clans and naming herself Queen of The Clans in 529 PE. The first usage of the name Varona was not used until 650 PE, under rule of King Dalin Ultrina, direct descendant of Valentina Ultrina. The dynasty would not last long, however, as when Giralt the Stalwart rose to religious power in 679 PE, he also usurped the throne and named himself king. His reign saw the conquest of many smaller nearby settlements and societies, growing the kingdom of Varona to almost triple it's size at his ascension.   Varona lived as a Theocracy for nearly 400 years until the invasion of Kamorah and the Undying Horde in 1120 PE, nearly collapsing the nation. Over those 400 years, five more knightly orders were formed, rounding out the nine we know today. It was the leadership of Archdruid Albanon and Chrysanthemum, archon at the time for the Order of Black Roses, which solidified the relationship between the nine orders, which stood together against Kamorah. The following decades were led by the nonumvirate of archons during the process of rebuilding until a successor could be found to reinstate the Ultrina line of power.   A poor farmer from the Trattah region was located, and after many trials, was found to be the rightful heir to the throne. King Querkin Ultrina was crowned, and very shortly after usurped. His leadership was weak at best, and the people of Varona were unhappy with the state of things, wanting to elect a more democratic form of governing. Slow to change, the royals opposed this, and thus began the War of Classes (1132 PE - 1145 PE). Several archons changed, though in the end the people won, securing a new form of government in which the nonumvirate would elect a new king every ten years. This system is still in place to this very day.   In the year 1250 PE, the Kingdom of Corthank opened it's borders to trade, creating a flourishing economic relationship with Verona. Verona was able to shore up it's defenses, feed it's people, and rise to a rank of luxury they had not seen since the War of Classes. This rise in economic power coincided with the election of Queen Traffit Grath, archon at the time of the Imperial Order of Amora, granting credence to her desire to expand the nation. She died in 1312 PE, after being re-elected four times and conquering most of the lands surround the Drathonian Sea. After her death, King Vathick Ven was elected, a Duke from the precinct of Aurora, ushering a new era of stability and economic growth.

A Fist of Order, A Palm of Unity

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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