Perinth Valley Geographic Location in Taraan | World Anvil
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Perinth Valley

"For all the summering we do on the Drathonian coast, nothing takes the breath away quite like the views over Lake Lamand on the cusp of winter."
- Grand Master Ta'ak Kren


The Perinth Valley is a large region dividing two peaks of the Emmen mountain range, to the east and west, which runs through Varona. Through the center of the valley runs the Camilla river, which acts a major trade route for settlements located along the river. The southernmost part of the valley is home to the Orange Woods, while the center is filled with fields and farming towns. The northern end of the valley opens into Aurora , though entry is difficult due to the mysterious never-ending storm which surrounds the icy region.

Fauna & Flora

Many species of flowers thrive in this area. The snowmelt from the mountain peaks creates a fertile landscape, ripe for all kinds of orchards, wildflowers, and grains. Lake Lamand, which rests in the center of the Orange Wood, is rich with life, including the Naiads who care for the waters and the shores. Throughout all times of year the trees in the wood are autumnal reds, yellows, and oranges, creating quite a view for those with an eye for beauty. It is for precisely this reason that Castle Filone was built on the shores of the lake for the Marquis Aluvia Dolomor in 985 PE, and stands today as the seat of power for Baron Bundy.
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