Serenity Clearstone Character in Taraan | World Anvil
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Serenity Clearstone

Marquess Serenity Clearstone

"It must needs be remarked that the knowing of a thing does not in much capacity relate to the understanding of said thing, as in so much as the tainted blood of a sorcerer can be related to the studious years of a wizard. That being said, the gathering of such knowledge is still integral to the success of the college, knowledge unused is still knowledge stored, ready and accessible by our fingertips. The sorcerer's blood may be cataloged and archived, until one day the wizard may find time to examine it."
- Serenity Clearstone

Physical Description

Body Features

Her skin is the color of frost-covered grass, and her hair falls around her shoulders in long waves. Several tattoos and piercings decorate her face, which are a zone of contention for the more conservative members of the college.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Serenity was born at the College of Occlusion to scholar parents, both of whom still study in the halls of the university. From an early age she showed aptitude for arcano-physics and at the age of twenty became one of the leading scholars on that subject. After receiving an award from the Marquis Antoine DeLoval for her devotion and research on the sublimation of enchanted ice in a vacuum chamber, she took part in the Examination that year, and passed top of the class. Fifteen years later she has yet to be bested, and retains her title as Marquess.   She has been lauded for her great successes in increasing the knowledge base of the archives, though some argue that her rapid pursuit of knowledge without fully comprehending it can lead to dangerous experiments and a staggering backlog of projects. Under her supervision research is getting completed faster than ever before and more and more students are entering the town and university, much to the dismay of the towns older residents.


University of the College of Occlusion


Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Marquess of Aurora
  • Dean of the College of Occlusion
Year of Birth
1314 PA 35 Years old
College of Occlusion
Current Residence
College of Occlusion
Grey and sparkling
Long, thick, wavy and brunette
6' 3"
230 lbs
Ruled Locations

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