Holmir Settlement in Tanera | World Anvil
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Holmir is the largest dwarven settlement and the oldest surviving settlement of any kind on the continent, being the only one to have existed in a different though recognisable form prior to The Flood.  



The bulk of Holmir is located within the Boro peak, the most southern mountain of note within the Frostreach Mountains. It is accessible only through the entrance near the base of the peak, which is itself only accessible via a road through the Cebrin Forest that covers around 200 square miles south of the mountains. The road is well maintained as the dwarves of Holmir regularly use it to access resources and trade with nearby settlements, but the forest off the road is considered treacherous. The largest part of the city is built on a level with the entrance, sprawling northwards from about a mile deep into the peak. From there other smaller offshoots of the city have been built both above and below, though the lower sections are primarily reserved for mining activity and storage rather than habitation.   Holmir does not connect by tunnel with any other dwarven settlements, and the outer edges of the city are heavily reinforced in addition to the protection offered by the natural structure of the rock.  

Natural Resources

The Frostreach Mountains are rich in a number of precious metals and minerals. Holmir is a significant source of: gold, silver and copper (much of the gold in circulation across the continent was originally mined in Holmir), coal, and iron. Diamonds are the most common gemstone found in Holmir's mines, and diamonds from this region are considered particularly effective as a magical component.   Holmir has also harnessed fresh water sources from within the mountain, and has a particularly advanced plumbing and purification system in place.  


Like most dwarf settlements, Holmir has very few non-dwarf residents. However, due to the city's size and assets, about 1% of the population consists of non-dwarf peoples. Of these, most are not native to the city, but have travelled from other parts of the continent to conduct academic research or, less commonly, for trade.   There is a small elf community which has existed within the city for around 700 years, though many born into this community leave on reaching adulthood and those that remain tend to be older.   It is not uncommon for travelling traders to reside in the city for short periods, despite its remoteness, and dwarves who were born in other parts often make the journey for personal reasons, to visit distant relatives or the birthplace of dwarven culture.   Most Holmirians are fluent in both Dwarvish and Taneran, though are formally taught Dwarvish as a first language and this is the language most commonly spoken at home.  


Holmir's infrastructure is complex and advanced. While many other dwarven settlements exist within mountains or hillsides, none have developed the natural setting to such an extent. This is partly because of the amount of space available, and partly due to age of the city. Much of the basic structure of the city -- in particular the adaptation and creation of the cave system -- was in place prior to The Flood, and the destruction caused by this event was significantly less than that seen in other settlements.   In addition to the plumbing and sewage system which is in place throughout the city, Holmir has also harnessed naturally occurring steam vents for heat.   The roads and tunnels connecting levels are generally well maintained, in part because failing to do so may result in cave-ins or other structural collapse which can be devastatingly dangerous.   Travel over longer distances is commonly made by cart, pulled by either bear (the main beast of burden in most underground dwarf settlements) or person: pedal-powered carts are not uncommon especially within a cavern level, though they are less useful for traversing the tunnels between levels.   Holmir also has two permanent teleportation circles -- in the Grand Letter and the Furstin House -- though these are used only by the elite members of the city, or in emergencies.  


Much of Holmir's existing architecture originates from before The Flood, though most required restoration to varying extents. This makes it the location of the most accessible examples of pre-Flood design on Tanera, notably the main gate, with its 20ft tall guardian statues, and the original elements within the Grand Letter, such as the weight-bearing pillars.   This older architecture is recognisable by its smooth, intricate design, which heavily features creature motifs with a large degree of realism (including depictions of creatures which are widely assumed to have existed at some earlier time, but which are now believed extinct, which are of particular interest to scholars). Naturally, stone is the primary building material, and is believed to have been shaped both by hand and by magical means.   Post-Flood architecture draws on this earlier style, but as the city rapidly expanded it became more pragmatic, and the heavily decorative aspects of the older style is less common.   Buildings in Holmir are built of stone brick or carved directly into the cave walls, depending on the location. The caverns housing the smaller districts tend to favour the latter style, while the larger caverns -- with their various mezzanines and winding roads -- are more likely to contain freestanding buildings.  

Notable Locations


Holmir is divided into eight main districts:
  • High Mount. The highest part of the city, which contains the Grand Letter and the Furstin House. Due to its height above sea level and the depth of its location within the mountain this area saw the least water damage from The Flood, though there was significant structural damage.
  • Nickelmine. A large primarily residential district which consists of a number of small caverns interconnected by short tunnels. It contains both freestanding buildings and those built into the walls. It is a relatively wealthy part of the city and houses many of the specialist skilled workers of the city.
  • Fairway. The central district, into which the main entrance road leads. It is also the most sprawling, with the main cavern large and high-ceilinged with a number of mezzanine levels. This is a popular place to stay for travellers and traders.
  • Coppermine. A residential district similar to Nickelmine, though the caverns are smaller and at least half the district consists of round, paved tunnels lined with buildings carved directly into the rock. Its origins as a mine are obvious, and many old mining families still reside here.
  • Greylake. This district, which sits just below sea level, consists of a single large, naturally formed cave dominated by various lakes. It is the least developed district, containing a few small, freestanding 'villages', whose residents farm and maintain the waterways. The Holmir elf community is based here.
  • Ceanna. Smaller than the other levels, this is a series of interconnected caves mainly containing both temporary market stalls and permanent shops. Though it usually keeps the regular wake/sleep cycle of the rest of the city, once a month it hosts a 'night market' which has a festive atmosphere and is known as a good place to purchase more obscure or esoteric items.
  • Gild. The lowest of the residential districts, Gild houses mainly working miners, many of which only reside there for the duration of their 'shift', and move back to the higher levels during their non-working periods. The district also houses poorer, criminal, or transient residents of the city.
  • Eosil. Though known as 'the lower caves', these mining tunnels actually expand into the outskirts of all parts of the city. The mines are meticulously maintained, sealed and opened to a strict plan so as to avoid over-mining or causing structural issues. In addition to the mines, the tunnels of Eosil mark the outer 'walls' of the city and are heavily patrolled and monitored.
Note that the districts have names of both Taneran and Dwarvish origin. Generally speaking, the levels which saw the most extensive expansion and restoration during the reign of Orthod the Uniter have Taneran names.  

The Grand Letter

An enormous and ancient library and archive, located in the High Mount. It consists of ten levels of varying sizes. It is accessible only by appointment or with a keystone (which one must apply for from the Grand Letter council), and contains the most extensive collection of pre-Flood documents in existence.   The Grand Letter is an active archive, and employs scribes to document notable current events: continuing a tradition that started before the Orthodian Era.  


Popular tavern situated in the Nickelmine district, established and owned by Gubb Caskshaper adoptive father of Ahlizz Caskshaper.  


The city is governed by the furstin, a role holding absolute power, though it is customary for them to have a number of advisors and confidants. The role of furstin is decided by election rather than inheritance, but as the natural lifespan of dwarves is so long this occurs relatively infrequently and is an event of great significance.   In 829OE, this role has been held by Furstin Gall for 102 years.  


Guilds & Factions

Industry & Trade

Though most common farm animals do not cope well within the caves, a specific species of mountain goat has been bred in Holmir to thrive without sunlight and subsist on mosses and lichens, and these are a source of dairy and meat within the city.   For other food, hunting parties regularly take to the Cebrin forest, and there is a steady line of trade between Holmir and nearby settlements throughout most of the year, barring the worst of the winter months when travel can become difficult.  



Orthodian Rebuilding

Furstin Gall

Founding Date
Pre Orthodean Era
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank


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