Old Viliadran

Old Viliadran was the language and dialect of the humans before centuries of change. It was originated in the ancient and lost civilization of Viliadra, a kingdom that was destroyed 700 years ago. It is rare for even scholars to understand even more so speak this ancient tongue as no one speaks it as it shifted to the modern day common tongue. The only evidence of written scripture is usually found in long forgotten ruins, forts, and castles scattered throughout the continent. Adventurers seek out such samples as Viliadran left detailed notes on what they were doing and storing.   Any written samples are highly valuable as they are very detailed and can be used to find long lost techniques or forgotten information such as trade routes and supply caches. The biggest example was a technical manuscript for the forging process of men made out of steel, cogs, and magic.


It is a common theory that Old Viliadran is the root of the common day tongue that most races use to communicate with each other. This language also shares roots with elvish sentence structure where it is more poetic and flowery with its language.


Each word had a specific meaning with very little overlap, this led to accurate descriptions but difficulties comparing similar things due to such confusion.


The vocabulary of Old Viliadran was more specific and descriptive. As time passed humans have condensed and shortened their speech pattern.


With the descriptive nature of the language when describing past or future descriptions they include a time amount or a estimate of time. This was most commonly deciphered from travel logs and military records as they talk about the supplies they carried, the distance they traveled, how fast and marked how long they ran.


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