Tomb of Vargraash Mission 2 Part 2 Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Tomb of Vargraash Mission 2 Part 2

Plot points/Scenes

After the battle or resolution on the outside. [There is a small secret tunnel that leads into the river underground. it is located on the east side of the mountain and can be found with a DC19 investigation or nature check if Karnak. This action would take over an hour and would require 2 stealth checks to avoid the Gnolls hearing! In the pen is 30 zombies and one zombie horror. Zombie horrors are huge muscular zombies with bone protruding from certain areas of the body.
1. This leads to the divinity well in the center of the mountain. See map.
Vargraash Morl the main cleric in charge of this war band stands before a large hexagonal metal device. The hexagonal frame of iron bars that are welded together encase several pieces inside. The pieces are a conglomeration of bags of serum with Gnoll symbols on the outside and magical devices with gears and small pipes sticking out from them. On top is a Gnoll number system that when placed in the right order will defuse the bomb. As he sees the party emerge after defeating Echudnu, he screams angrily and arms the bomb. The top of the device begins to glow brightly and Vargraash retreats into the hallway which is lit with a faint purple glow.[See next section for final battle] 2. A rectory inhabited by the Gnoll clerics. The large statue of a wolf guards the entrance.
. The room is a large temple rectory room with a very tall vaulted ceiling. The ceiling is 40 feet high at the center and the curved sides fall to the stone walls. A large metal statue of a wolf sits on a pedestal in the very center. on the west side are two alcoves one of which is covered with a dark wide oil cloth. On the north side standing in front of a large doorway stands a tall Gnoll, his face wrapped in yellow cloth bandages written with hundreds of small symbols. He begins to growl and then speaks common "You are the ones, who dare enter our holy sanctum? We will tear the flesh from your bones and your souls from bodies!" Echudnu Flaash Stands here as well and will cast spells at the party while the other cleric sets the bomb and moves towards the divinity well. A Manticore is chained against the wall with another device in it's neck. Morl activates the device and the Manticore goes crazy and breaks the chain to attack the players. The wolf is an enchanted animated golem. See stone Golem stats. AC 17. HP 120. As the players face the manticore it begins to move and flank the players.
3. The hallway of death. This stone hallway has high ceilings that drip with rain water from time to time. Various creatures are pinned to the walls in creative ways and in different states of decay. As you enter the hallway or look from the tunnel, to your left is a large skeletal figure chained to the walls that burns with a strange fire. The fires seem to be permanent they flicker but don't fade even though the rest of the hallway is fairly damp and wet. To your right is a a long wide hallway with pillars standing five to a row on either side. From behind you down the hallway you just left you hear the sounds of gnolls banging weapons against the walls. What would you like to do? Note: as the Gnolls bear down on them from behind the Azer Zombie breaks it's chains and attacks!
4. Sacrificial holding room. This room smells of death even more than the hallway. Three fresh corpses can be found here recently drained of blood. A human woman, a kobold woman, and an elven man. They have on only tattered white gowns. The rest of the room just has junk in it, nothing of value.
5. Bedchamber of Echudnu. A large circular feather bed sits against the wall with a leathery covering. A search will lead Karnak to the amulet of the predator.
6. Private communal chamber of Vargraash. A large alter arrayed with wolves skulls surrounding a circular symbol with blood spatter all over it sits in front of an opening in the wall leading to room 7. Kneelers sit before the altar as well as gnawed leg bones.
7. A well that peers down directly into the divinity well. The circular opening is a 10 foot crawl that leads to a small stone room with a 5 foot hole in the floor. It pulses with sickly purple light. If you look down you see a cavern below filled with purple light and a wide stone bridge.
8. The bedchamber of Vargraash. A simple bedchamber with leathery dog bed and some small chests. Inside you can find a piece of dark blue chalk that pulses slightly with magical energy. Will have to be identified.
9. The great temple. A large grey stone church like setting with complete with wooden pews and pillars. In the center is a pool of red liquid that smells of blood. An old fountain is up against the wall on a raised section that the clerics use to preach to their war band. As the players enter this area they see a large oak chest in the corner and a few piles of metal swords and pouches. In these is 120 gold worth of coins and gems. Unfortunately three of the openings have gates that fall from the ceiling. Iron gates with 3 inch thick bars block the ways out. From the door on the eastern wall emerges a very tall gnoll with dark red face paint and red streaks painted on his chest. He wields a huge flail with metal skulls at the ends of the chain. 4 more gnolls, his elite guard, flank him and they taunt the party in Gnoll. The Flind speaks broken English and says "You pink ones, never leave. Get you a Body Bag each." He then barks a hyena like laugh. Remember the Flind stats and the flail powers. The Gnoll guards are all over 35 hp and fight as a team.
10. Gnoll acolyte bedchamber. Another bedchamber for the personal servants of the clerics. In here a search will find 24 gold and 15 silver pieces and three rubies worth 30 gold each. A bow leans up against the wall, clearly not Gnoll Made. [Snipers bow magic item ]
11. The tomes of Vargraash - A small library of Gnoll artifacts and books. One of which looks like a Gnoll spell book. Arcana check of DC 18 to figure this out. would take enormous amount of research to decipher though.
12. Feeding chamber - Several humanoids have been devoured here. Dead body part all over the place.
13. Underground river that flows south. Fresh water from the mountains above passes through this chamber at a quick pace. the river flows by quickly and is about 20 feet deep making it difficult to swim. There are some small boats though if they can be found.
14. Holding cells. Several humans, elves, dwarves, Gnomes are chained and in various states of decompostion. They have been experimented on. Lots of different serums can be found in vials and on the floor around. A testing station. Investigation check reveals more of the Gnoll sigils that mark up the devices and serums that you have found.
15. This dark green lit room has a 2 foot walkway around the outer wall and a sloped floor leading 12 feet down to the bottom. In the center of this room sits a huge cube of gelatinous material. An investigation check reveals a strange device at the bottom of the cube. An anchor of sorts pulses with purple energy and sits in the cube a few feet from the floor. A waste removal program perhaps? Several Gnomes may try to free the Cube if they think the adventure team is getting the upper hand. As you look around, careful to not get to close to the cube there are two bright purple lamps on either side. The room takes on a nauseous mix of purple and green glowing shimmering lights. DM NOTE: There are panels on the floor DC 15 Perception/Investigation when stepped on release the anchor.
16. Gnoll warrior bedchambers. Several Gnolls slumber here if not awoken by player activity.
17. A dining hall of sorts for the Gnoll soldiers. 4 Gnoll warriors are gnawing on remains and drinking some form of ale. It looks black and smells like rye.
18. Gnoll common room for the soldiers. 6 Gnoll warriors are practicing with swords and barking at each other. A couple of them are sitting on benches needling the others in Gnoll tongue. The Flind is here, he towers over the rest by a foot. He rolls a perception check if the players are near by.
19. Gnoll store room for supplies and dry goods. Investigation check reveals several valuable cooking components worth 20 gold. Spices that Gnolls don't understand, like nutmeg and mace, rare peppercorns, and pink salts. Some packs of expensive utensils and silver worth 32 gold can be found as well.
20. Gnoll sentries and a camp fire. Two Gnoll warriors are here on guard.



Standing in the large hallway to the north of the statue room. The party investigates the bomb. As you look down at the device a panel at the top has glowing runes that hover an inch off of a grey piece of stone. on either side of each rune above and below, are faint runes that look like they could slide into that position.
Defusing the bomb!
Whoever is taking the lead here roll five six sided die. Each die represents a wire, gear, or power stone found in the device. You must sequence the dice correctly to defuse the bomb.
The correct sequence is High to low. No matter what numbers are rolled they must be put in that order. A double number gets removed. Player gets an Arcana skill check: 9 or less results in no clue
10 to 14 - player may ask what rolled number belongs in first position
15-17 - Player may ask about two positions
18-20 - Player may ask about three positions
21 or more - player may ask about four positions
The player may then arrange and remove dice as needed to match the solution. Guess right and bomb is disabled, guess wrong and it goes off!


Final Battle!
As the players follow Vargraash into the last hallway, a long winding spiral staircase goes down several hundred feet. The purple glowing mist seems to grow thicker as you descend. At the bottom of the stairs a wide gate opens into a scene out of your nightmares. A long stone bridge which looks to be on the verge of collapse stretches forth over a roiling purple and blue energy cloud. Dark forms writhe and pass through every few moments as you look down into the glowing mist. The air feels ionized and tastes almost metallic like right before a huge thunderstorm. The dark stone structures around you look almost like an ancient castle trapped between two worlds. The material plane and the dark purple energy world moving beneath your feet. At this moment, Blizzard Hops you feel a cold sweat form on your skin and don't know how but your connection to your god and all of your powers feels gone. Cog, you also feel heavy and colder than usual as your pink interior energy seems to dull just a little. You no longer feel the eldritch blasts at your finger tips. Karnak you feel this strong pull to transform into a hyena roll a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a fail your eyes glow faintly purple and you take the wild shape of hyena and attack a party member! [DM Note: They can each recover their powers by digging a little deeper or finding a way to call out to their respective patrons. Hops can commune with his hammer, and cog can reach out with the help of Mew using her soul sight.]
The bridge spans longer than two hundred feet and in the middle you see a tall thin Gnoll, his arms wrapped in the yellowish cloth like Echudnu, dark red robes surround his body and the hood hides his face except for glowing yellow eyes. He bark laughs at you and speaks to you in guttural common "You stopped my bomb, you killed my clan, and yet still you fail! This place will be the end of you! Your souls are his, and my work has just begun!" Before you can act, the purple mists begin to coalesce around him and he begins to expand. He rapidly grows to over 25 feet tall and his arms stretch out with nightmarish claws and they look too large for the huge body. His snout and fangs get even longer and more vicious looking. A purple and golden glow fills his eyes and a fiery orange light can be seen in his mouth when he roars. Roll initiative! Vargraash Expanded Form -
AC 16 -
HP - 157
3X attacks / Two claw attacks and a spell action. Claws are +9 to hit and do 3d12 +4 damage.
- Gust of wind - A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose for the spell's Duration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 25 feet away from you in a direction following the line. Any creature in the line must spend 2 feet of Movement for every 1 foot it moves when moving closer to you.
The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish them.

Crown of Madness - Enchantment
Range: 120 feet
One humanoid of your choice that you can see within range must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed by you for the duration.While the target is charmed in this way, a twisted crown of jagged iron appears on its head, and a madness glows in its eyes.   The charmed target must use its action before moving on each of its turns to make a melee attack against a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. The target can act normally on its turn if you choose no creature or if none are within its reach.   On your subsequent turns, you must use your action to maintain control over the target, or the spell ends. Also, the target can make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the spell ends.
Blast of Xeccherous Fangtooth.
An eye blast emits from Morl's Eyes and strikes a target. +10 to hit ranged attack. Damage 4d6+6 and a 20 foot knock back!

Rising Action

During the battle have Karnak struggle with his druidic powers rolling wisdom saving throws to resist Xecherrous Fangtooth's horrific influence. If he changes each round he can roll to regain himself. Other players can use their spells and powers to help him if needed. The deity will even reach into Karnak's mind and offer him incredible power to become his new emissary on earth. Essentially turning Karnak into a Warlock and to form a new cult that will bring forth Fangtooth's presence on the material Plane.
Cog you hear a faint voice in your head say "You are far, reach out to me before all is lost". Have him roll a DC 16 wisdom check. On a success he feels his patron reach him and enhance his powers. He gains the ability to fire his eldritch blast from his eye visor so that he can attack with his sword arm at the same time.
DM note: Though Blizzard Hops divine powers are faltering his hammer flares with light and crackles with orange and blue electricity. During this battle the hammer becomes a +4 magic weapon to hit and do damage. It gains the ability to fire a level three lightning bolt once every four rounds. It also gives him misty step as a bonus action! After the battle his hammer gains +1 permanently.
Vom Fass in this area you feel a strange sense of control over your arcane powers. You gain the ability to cast the fly spell as a bonus action and you can decide what type of spell damage each spell does!
Mew your psychic powers begin to pulse and shift in your mind. Roll a DC 17 intelligence check. On a success your powers expand and you create a set of psychic armor around yourself which does not restrict your movement. A faintly pink wireframe armor forms around your body with intricate joints and Tron like lines spiraling over the pieces. Your AC raises by 3 for the duration of this battle.
If Karnak succeeds three times he can transform into a massive bear the same size as Morl. A true clash of titans.


During the battle Morl will cast gust of wind coming FROM the entrance and forcing the players to stay in the bridge area. He will also summon a zombie horde front the entrance of the caverns to attack from the stairs and keep the players in the area depending on how this goes. The other battle plan is to force as many characters off the bridge into the well as possible. Forcing them to forgo attacks on Morl and save their party members. thirty zombies will stream in from behind, several of which are large zombie hulks. [See PDF]

Falling Action

Mission 3 -
The Diligent Corbomites, failing in their mission to grab the magical orb,instead raided IPAM. They have stolen the Sarcophagus and taken it to Stoneport. The news gets worse, IPAM in their studies learned that the Sarcophagus contains one of the Fallen. A particularly dangerous being called Electra the Unseen. Defeated over a thousand years ago she is now trapped in that sarcophagus and the magical binding seems to be unraveling thanks to your field study. As you are most familiar with the danger this poses PACT would like you to head to Stoneport, infiltrate the stronghold of the Diligent Corbomites and retake the Sarcophagus. There is also an unfortunate secondary objective. Adventure team Bugbear has gone missing and no one has been able to reach them. Their Communicator isn't responding. If you have time, and it doesn't interfere with your primary objective, please try to locate them.
Return to Tellenheim -
The players should converse with their new hires. Bert, and the others. They need money for the day to day operations and some new improvements they are making to the Void omen. The players should check out their new digs and settle in a bit. Monthly expenses breakdown - 40 gold in liquor and ale as per master Hops’ list of acceptable drink. 20 gold in materials like wood, copper, and iron for repairs and improvements on the building. Leaky pipes some carpentry work and nails, things like that. Let’s see, 40 gold in food including dairy, eggs, fresh meats and vegetables. Need to feed the staff and for moments when the party is in residence. 15 gold for fuel for the fires, stone oven, heating stoves, lanterns and for boiling water. 20 gold for a clothing allowance for the staff and for bolts of cloth. Bert can sew pretty good but he needs money to get material and needles. Furniture allowance of 20 gold (optional) The void omen is furnished but plainly. Bert and Belba are offering to upgrade some of the furnishing in the bedrooms and common room. Mattresses with feathers instead of straw, higher grade cloth for the blankets, and better glassware and cookery for the bar and kitchen. This would be another 100 gold all told.
Burt Oberton - Chief of staff. Burt was one of the captives of Mr. Nyx in his dark carnival he was abducted by the imp in the year sf 2735. Initially disoriented and frightened, he now is exploring the city of Tellenor and has fulfilled the role of majordomo for the headquarters. A human male of about 50 years old he was a tavern owner in his old life and may have some knowledge about the past. He looks a little like Coach from Cheers, and wears a leather apron with a pocket on the front. A bar rag hangs from his belt and a piece of chalk is over his right ear. “Ah, Master Cog can I go over some expenses with you?”
A half elven woman named Belba Caraway is the maintenance chief - abducted by Mr. Nyx in the year sf 2754, in her previous life she was a carpenter and a silver smith. After being freed by the adventuring party she was almost catatonic after her ordeal, but working with Burt she has begun to recover and in the last month has regained her speech and skills.
Yorus Carobelt a Halfling man is the chef and bartender - The last rescue from Mr. Nyx’s dark carnival freak show he was captured in sf 2726. At first he was also in severe shock and not responsive. In the last month he has regained his speech and abilities by cooking and working with food. Always his first love, he finds comfort and control in cooking. Yorus is originally from Kierkewoode in the west of Tellenheim.

The Captain of the guard may stop by with a retinue and introduce himself - A sinkhole has opened up in the northern end of town and he would like the party to investigate.
  The owner of the Wyvern’s End may ask Hops for a favor
Owner Harv Leder he needs money to build a new distilling area on the back of the building. He is looking for an investor. He’s offering Hops 25% of the business. It would mean a monthly income of about 100 gold a month. He needs a grant of 200 gold and copper. What he has learned is a shipment of copper was hijacked a couple of miles up river by a small band of Grung [Volo’s]. DM NOTE: They have teamed up with an Ettin , The Ettin protects them as long as they feed him/Them and give him shiny objects.
  New Business in town may ask for an investment to build a training facility. Maybe the Black smith and the Gnome Artificer and Rasturus the Alchemist. Gazza Dwindlehooke and Morchu Hammerash. They can make money for the party and pay them a certain amount of the profits every month. They need monster parts to craft items. Gnoll teeth, manticore spikes, goblin ears can all be used in new fashions for the wealthy as well as experimental weapons. They along with the alchemist have decided to create a new Emporium just outside the city walls. It will be a three story stone building connected to the wall with a main entrance built at the base of the wall. The back side of the building will be an open air testing facility around 200 yards square. They need a 2000 gold investment to get started. This gives the adventuring party a 10 % stake in the business. A monthly sum based on sales will be delivered into the parties coffers on the first of the month. If the players invest construction starts the next day. They will see a large area roped off and a crew of stonecutters setting up on the Eastern wall.
  Mew can find a member of the Abyssal Knife and prove her first mission completed -. As you walk back into Tellenor you notice a figure sitting on a ledge on top of the large building near the Void omen. He catches your gaze and gives you a quick thieves cant. He says to come up and meet him. He accepts the statue and then tells her she need to make her initiation payment. A shard weighing at least 3 grams. The operative is Olmed Hashan, a Fire Genasi who wears dark leather armor and a red scarf that covers most of his face.


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