The Wren and The Nightingale, Unique Daggers Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Wren and The Nightingale, Unique Daggers

The Wren 
Despite being a dagger the Wren does 1d8 Damage
+1 to Hit / When wielding both the Wren and Nightingale this improves to +2
Ethereal connection - The Wren always knows where the Nightingale is and can teleport the wielder to that location.
The Nightingale
Despite being a dagger the Nightingale does 1d8 Damage
+1 to Hit / When wielding both the Wren and Nightingale this improves to +2
Ethereal connection - The Nightingale always knows where the Wren is and can teleport the wielder to that location.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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