The Will of Hellenox Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Will of Hellenox

Wondrous Item (Longsword), Unique
(requires attunement)
The god Hellenox herself requires your devotion to attune and wield this weapon.  The Blade is a deep blue edged in gold.  Whorls of dark grey metal ripple through the metal, a sign of the lost metalsmithing technique that created it.  

+2 to Hit / +2 to damage
You can use an action to cast the Sunbeam spell (save DC 15) from the weapon, and this action can't be used again until the next dawn.

You can use a bonus action to cast Healing Word on anyone within 10 ft. of you.  Can only be used 3X per day.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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