The Tomb of Vargraash - Mission 02 Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Tomb of Vargraash - Mission 02

Mission 2 for Adventure Team Grimm. The team must destroy a dangerous band of Gnolls who are poisoning water supplies in the area and turning people into undead creatures. The Fang of Vargaash is a large group of Gnolls commanded by a Gnoll Cleric named Varchous.
Adventure Team Grimm transports a dangerous and unpredictable magic orb from Lamborginus to Agrimor’s stronghold in the Tellenor Mountains. Having survived bandit raids, an orc attack, and a fight with an enlarged manticore the team makes their way to Morden’s Bridge. They enjoy the usual hospitality and are provided a well deserved rest as they prepare to finish the journey to Agrimor’s stronghold.
As we set off from Morden’s Bridge all goes well until they get to the foothills of the Tellenor mountains. There is a mountain pass that leads to a pathway leading up to Agrimor’s stronghold. First they have to survive a war band of Gnolls sent by the Fang of Vargraash. As they see the large mansion built like a half castle on the side of the mountain should they run into a puzzle or gatekeeper? maybe a sentient statue or something funny to interact with. have Agrimor or one of the regional directors give them the tour of the stronghold. Down into the basement store rooms and the plans for the museum. Have some fun interactions, Hot Fuzz style. Show Mew the room with the statue she is supposed to steal. Give her a moment to sneak off and grab it. Agrimor will give them the choice to teleport back to Tellenor or to leave the mansion on foot to head towards the Tomb of Vargraash.   Interesting Points of Interest in Agrimor’s Stronghold/Mansion - Tycho the talking chicken. Tycho is 300 year old human male that was transformed into a chicken 250 years ago. So far he seems immortal despite a diet of bugs and grains. He is an excellent resource for history of that period and knows some things about alchemy and magic from that time. He has also been trapped in the form of a chicken for 250 years.

Plot points/Scenes

On the Road Encounter 1 After leaving Morden’s Bridge, your bellies full, your whiskey skin refilled, and well rested, you hit the road again. Mew on her trusty steed Nightmare, and the rest of you riding on top of the carriage once more. The sun sets to the west and the sky grows dark and cool. The moons glow above in a dusky orange and pink and thousands of stars can be seen filling the blue veil. You travel all night and then find a spot to camp and rest the horses. In the distance you can see the grassy foothills which lead up to the majestic Tellenor Mountain Range.
Karnak as you study the map before lying down for some rest you discern your location and the area that is Agrimor’s Stronghold and the Headquarters of PACT. A series of mountain passes lead to carved roads and steps that take you up the mountain. Unfortunately most of which is not to be traversed with a carriage. You do have some options however. Head to Tellenor first check in with your HQ staff Bert, drop off the carriage and get your deposit. Then head into the mountains. Or you could try to pawn off the carriage on locals traveling up and down the Eastern Road. [If they wait long enough they encounter a caravan from the East Tellenheim Trading Company]. You could always hide it and hope that it will be here on the return trip. Your call. The foothills are tiring and the march is long. Eventually you stand before the taller slopes of rock that make up the mountain range proper. Karnak give me a navigation check DC 16 You make it to the proper mountain pass, you line up the guide stones and they match the one on your map. As you all make your way up the pass with the orb you begin to feel a little uneasy. There are fewer birds and bats in the area and things feel very quiet. Perception check DC18
On a success someone sees a pair of eyes above you on the rocks. A war band of Gnolls begins their attack on the mountain pass battle map! 10 Gnolls/a Flind/ and a cleric. Have the party discover the symbol of the Fang of Vargraash and maybe written instructions that one of them can decipher. Vargraash himself has sent this war band to kill the team. Remember the surge table every time Vom Fass uses spells.
Agrimor’s Stronghold After the fierce battle you once again get back on track and make your way to where the map tells you the Stronghold should be. As you look about the area it just looks like more mountain. [An elaborate illusion has shrouded the building to look like part of the mountain. Players can look for illusions with an Arcana check ? Or Mew can contact Head Office and ask for the way in. Either way, eventually Mew gets a call back on her headset. “Welcome Adventure Team Grimm, We’ve been expecting you.” A 12 foot square opens in the illusion and through it you see a warm welcoming villa perched on the side of the mountain. [see picture]. As you move up to the front door a Dwarven man opens it and introduces himself. “Name’s Grazton, welcome to PACT.” He brings over a hovering cart with glowing runes on the side and motions you to place the orb on it. “I’ll get this down to the vaults before it can do anymore damage.” An Aarokocra man comes down the stairs as you enter the doors and introduces himself. “Ontus Jostle secretary , at your service!” He is a flamingo colored Aarokocra and he wears an expensive suit tailored to his particular physiology. His collar goes up his long neck and a small bow tie holds it together. “I hope your journey wasn’t too harrowing, would anyone like something to drink?”
Agrimor will be available soon, in the meantime I’ll give you a quick tour. He begins to show you around the ground floor, the sun room, the parlor, and where the bathroom is. Down one of the hallways walks a black and green rooster with a red comb. If anyone looks at him he looks back and says “What are you lookin’ at?” Then he stalks off yelling at something in front of him.
Next Ontus takes you into the large teleportation circle room. The circle looks very similar to the one in Kelleborne Castle in Tellenor, that being your only experience seeing one. Ontus tells you that eventually franchises gain access to the circle once they get to a certain level.
Mew as you look around the room at all the fancy tables and shelving you see something that catches your eye. A statue of bare chested man that glimmers like quartz. Could that be the statue you are looking for?
As you finish your tour of the ground floor four squirrels emerge from a secret panel in the molding of the wall and shouts orders at each other. The head one chitters something in a language you have never heard before and the other three salute with two fingers. They march off in different directions on a mission of sorts. Ontus just mutters “Don’t mind them, they won’t bother you.”
Eventually you make your way back to the entrance hall and see two staircases going up to the second floor. They have white enameled railings and a fancy soft red carpet on them. Ontus takes you up one side and you stand in a large hallway. Directly in front of you is a large set of oak double doors and a huge great sword in a glass case above them. It is an ornate sword with a gold cross guard and black leather hilt. The pommel is a raven in a crescent moon. It tends to attempt to interact with anyone in the vicinity with crude ideas. “Hey! Psst. Up here. You the half elf! Take me up and kill everyone in the room and I’ll grant you unlimited power!” [Kill raven has no power and can’t grant you anything. His taunts and attempts to convince anyone have no charm spell or influence either. He’s just a dick. But he allows Agrimor an idea of what is happening outside his office.]
Ontus Jostle bids you to wait here as Agrimor finishes up his business. “I need to head to my office for a minute but Agrimor will invite you in momentarily.” He bird walks down the hall to your right and into a light colored door which says Secretary on the gold nameplate. After a few minutes the sword calls down to you “Last chance, pick me up and we’ll escape! Within 5 kills we could be on our way!” Just then Agrimor opens the doors up and warmly greets you “Adventure team Grimm! Great to see you! You guys are doing a great job out there, and almost as many monster kills as Adventure team Bugbear or so I’m told. Some of the guys keep track of that stuff.” "He motions to the sword and says, don't pay any attention to him, He's not even +1." The sword answers with a loud "Hey, I heard that!" After a quick tour of the second floor and offices of the Regional directors, CEO Zooey Thorndawn, and CFO Frisson Gorbulus Agrimor leads you back to the entryway in between the stairs. He motions for you to step back and then he moves his hands and speaks some arcane phrases and the hexagonal patterns move and shift opening the floor to a large stone staircase leading down. Arcane blue lights flare up at the base of each stair and a blue glowing line on the wall moves down with the stairs. As you make your way down the stairs to the bottom you look across a dark grey room and a see a Beholder! [pause for effect]. As you look closer you see the Beholder’s great gold eye looking down as it levitates a monocle in front of its pupil to look down at a piece of parchment paper. Without looking up he says “Agrimor that orb is supposed to be placed in vault 014 and Grazton has placed it in 015, this is really ... “He looks up at all of you “ Oh hello, are you authorized to be down here? Agrimor shall i anti magic them?” Then he laughs in sharp stutter of sound a little like Peter Griffin. “I’m just kiddin’ how’s it going? I’m Ralph!” He is a Reddish ball with orange skin around his eye stalks and mouth. His skin is pebbled and knotty and he has a big gold eye in the middle with an hourglass shaped Iris. “Great work on dealing with the orb, bet old Aggie here didn’t give you the full scoop on that particular disaster. Those IPAM losers really thought a lead box would work.” He laughs again. “Anyway come on in and have a look around!” He floats closer to big double doors that slowly open in front of you revealing a wide hallway. The Hallway is a carved right into the Rocky Mountain itself and sanded down to a marble finish. Light grey streaked with dark veins. It stretches forward and left and right. On either side there are two small labs built into the hall with glass walls to look inside. The first one on the left has an Aarokocra in a leather apron pouring some colored liquids into a vial. The lab has dozens of beakers and glassware, mortar and pestles and all manner of Alchemy equipment.
From a small alchemy workshop in the next area Blathers the owl - An Aarokocra man that looks like a horned owl. He has big golden eyes with spectacles and is dark brown and grey and tan colored. He is always looking to test something on a party member. His first great idea is a strength potion. “Hey you look like an adventurous fellow! Or are you a female? Always hard to tell, would you mind field testing something for me?” He hands you a vial of orange liquid with a gold base. “I believe, if my calculations are correct, this sample potion will grant you super skin for a limited time. Unbreakable skin! What a boon in battle!” [In reality it is a potion of super strength. It will give a player a 30 in strength for 1d12 rounds +3. When the effect wears off suffer 3 points of exhaustion] Blathers has other items for sale, the players can look at his wares and purchase some items. There are 2 greater healing potions, A potion of Feather fall, and a magnesium compound for arrows that will light on fire in flight.
The Hall to the left has a larger teleportation circle. A stairway leads down to a large stone room and a circular railing that rings around the magical patterns that activate the circle. Multiple colorful signs can be seen on the railing, floor and walls with small stick figure drawings of a figure in a helmet and a figure in a wizard hat shown with limbs being removed or disappearing. One shows the stick figures painfully combining into one sickening form. Another small hallway leads up to some guest quarters that looks like a simple hotel room.
As the beholder leads you to out and back to the other side of the hallway you see a large filing room. A couple of large desks stacked with scrolls and parchment stand against the wall and various shelves and cubby holds of hundreds of different sizes leading up to the 15 foot tall ceilings contains all manner of books and scrolls. Some that look ancient and many that look recent.
Next is the shard vault, thick metal and stone doors open to reveal dozens of magically protected cases filled with shards. The shimmery moon stones are in all shapes and sizes, ranging from carved statues and shapes to coins. They are usually dark grey or blue with an oily shimmer to them that is pink and magenta.
As you finish the tour of the underground facility, including the mysterious crevasse that everyone seemed puzzled by, Agrimor goes over your options. Feel free to stay the night, or day and rest up. Decide what to do the next day. Head back to Tellenor or head into the mountains. Agrimor reminds you yet again that the Gnoll problem is escalating and they are becoming a far greater threat than even he thought. “I know what you are thinking, why don’t i just handle this myself. Well, we have other issues around the continent that I’m juggling right now including some new information in Penthos about possible war with Panthrus and Lamborginus. Then the whole Adventure team Bugbear fiasco out by the points. Plus Adventure team Dire has gone missing, so we should probably find them.. Anyway Grimm is more than capable of dealing with this plus there is a fat paycheck at the other end. How does 3000 gold sound as a bonus? Great!”


DM NOTE - If Mew successfully steals the statue before they leave the compound Agrimor will approach her. “Lady Mew, a moment if you will? I know there must be a reason behind your actions, I trust the reason is worth it.” He winks and smiles and sends you on your way.
Blather's Alchemy and Artificing shoppe/testing facility - Check the random potions table. Players can trade alchemy ingredients for new potions. Roll to see what the potion does.



The Adventure team can had back to Tellenor via teleportation or leave from Agrimor’s to root out the Gnolls in the mountains. The mountain passes are treacherous and tiring to travel in. We will have to use the exhaustion table depending on how long the party travels up and down slopes. We should probably do a cliff side climb for some fun leading to a Gnoll ambush including Nets. Eventually come up with a true dungeon crawl as the party sneaks into a series of tunnels and encounters countless different types of Gnolls. Flinds are a specialized type and the two clerics as well.   As the party traverses the mountains have them encounter a series of ghosts. Ghosts of all races , ghosts of people that they have killed and turned into undead creatures. They should also have a couple undead attacks as well to mix things up. Sometimes the ghosts move about in a series of day to day tasks ignoring the party only for their faces and bodies to decompose. Sometimes the ghosts see the party and beg for help. The ghosts eventually lead the party to the tomb of Vargraash. A complex system of tunnels that houses 150 Gnolls and some pens of undead. At the center of this compound is the horrifying final boss battle of the two Gnoll clerics and their elite guard. Possibly a mutated creature for the party to turn on their masters. Find a couple good battle maps. In the tomb itself make sure to have an experimentation room, and an alchemy room where the two clerics have created their undead magic serum. they may try to capture a player and strap them to a table with the serum coming down a tube towards them. Plus we need a divinity well to their evil Gnoll God as well. The players should try to collapse this are with explosive barrels that are found around the dungeon.   Finally the players encounter a strange device cobbled together with several shards in an iron hexagonal structure that surrounds pieces of what looks like junk and serum bags. Gnoll runes are written all over everything. Before the players defeat both clerics one of them turns the device on. This is a bomb that will turn everything undead within a 200 miles radius. The players must defuse it in the time limit!


As you enter the a mountain pass that leads up to the Aggeleton Peak, one of the first mountains past Agrimor’s you spend an entire day climbing up large rocks on a trek similar to a high peak in the adirondacks. It’s hard work but you are up to the task. You camp for the day and take a look around. An old ranger tower stands at the top of this peak. [ a player can climb it and take a perception check] As you look out over the mountain range that spans for a hundred miles before you, two peaks over you see a glint of something. A piece of metal reflects off of the sunlight. Past that is what looks like a stone tower. It’s hard to tell from this distance but it gives you a direction.
You camp for the day/night and rest. Blizzard Hops as you drift off to sleep you awake in a beautiful rain forest. The warm humid air and smells of the mossy jungle floor fill you nostrils. Sitting under a gigantic tree with a small wooden mug of some kind of alcohol you look around. The area around you looks like it was decorated with party decorations chosen by small animals. Red vines are braided together and strung with flower petals to resemble lanterns. Blue and pink magical lights can be seen underneath the petals giving them a warm glow. Tables and chairs made of small twigs tied together dot the area and brightly colored mushroom cakes can be seen on acorn plates. All of this looks normal sized to you though as if you could sit and eat at that table. Your left arm feels like it fell asleep and as you move to get up a blue and green tree frog like woman looks up from the crook of you arm and mutters something you don’t understand. As you reach out your hand to stroke her cheek your hand is green with bulbous joints and slick skin. The frog woman moves to kiss you and you wake.
The next day of travel is even more grueling. The air gets cooler and on the mountain peaks above you can see veins of snow that have yet to melt in the summer sun. Or possibly they never melt at this altitude. The air feels thinner as you press on the pass gives way to a trail and then to just rocks and stone. After another few hours you start to feel winded. Constitution check DC14. A fail gives a point of exhaustion. By dawn you see the area you were looking for , or so you think, should be at the top of this cliff side. The way up is a wall of rough natural stone stretching 150’. How would you like to proceed?
As you approach the top do a perception check DC 15. A success reveals some hushed whispers and some low growls. A small scout party of Gnolls is waiting for you and the first of them will try to net an adventurer. If the party fights one or more may try to flee to alert the larger war band. [See mountain cliff side battle map]
[After the battle the players can loot the body. See options below. Next is a ghost sighting.] You search the area and the bodies and some of the Gnolls have bones carved with familiar symbols. Some of this writing matches what you saw on the device by the river during your zombie fight. A common symbol is a rough sketch of wolves skull with Gnoll words below it. Intelligence check DC18 reveals that this is the symbol of death in Gnoll, you believe someone has brought these Gnolls together for a purpose. The tower is an ancient broken down elven sentry complete with remnants of a signal bonfire. None of this has been used in over two hundred years. As you begin your trek once more you can look for any signs of the where the Gnolls traveled from. Karnak would you like to make a nature check of some kind? Nature INT or Survival WIS either is acceptable. A success reveals some trace of the path the Gnolls took. Some fecal matter remains in between some rocks as well as urine and fur. You find enough over a mile of searching to give you a good idea of where they traveled from. You travel for another few hours and notice something strange. A ghostly figure of a woman hurriedly dragging a small child by the hand. She runs as if terrified towards your position and she hides behind some large rocks and covers the child with her arms. As you watch her ghostly hands appear near her and tear her to shreds. As the horror of this dawns on you the ghostly light fades and the darkness fills the space once more. As you approach the spot where she hid, you see two skeletons. Their skulls broken and bones crushed into pieces. [ADD A BLUE DRAGON HERE. ]. As you continue your hike through the mountains your day or night is filled with climbing large boulders and jumping over sharp drops, slipping on small stones while clinging to rock walls. Around 4 o'clock you wind up in a flat area with some small bushes, a clearing high up near the peaks of the mountain called Orindill. You pause for a few minutes to catch your breath and drink some water from your skins. Mew after a few minutes you feel a chill down your spine. Roll a perception check DC16. In the distance you try to make out a shadow flying in the air. You close your eyes and use your soul sight and cyan blue orb of soul energy bobs up and down heading towards your position. A soul you have never seen before, a soul that is terrifying and fascinating at the same time. You notify the others of the approaching shape and it lazily flies over head getting closer. As it does everyone roll a wisdom saving throw [DC17]. anyone who fails runs and hides under a rocky shelf drawing your knees close to your chest and fighting back tears. A winged serpentine creature with dark blue scales that shimmer with a cyan sheen gracefully lands on the large rock above you about 100'. It is a blue dragon. It is much bigger than you ever anticipated seeing one so close. Strangely it looks down upon your small band. Mew, as you look up at the massive majestic creature you feel a booming voice in your head. " Hello, young panther I sense your gift. What an interesting band you have taken up with." "Don't worry, I have no quarrel with you today, I will not visit any violence upon you." The voice of it's telepathy resonates with intelligence, curiosity and an undercurrent of malice all at once. "I enjoy visitors in my mountains, and I will enjoy watching your escapades. Maybe far in the future we will meet again and your friends can entertain me further. For today though, fortune seems to favor you." And with that the dragon takes flight and disappears into the night.
You spend the next 8 hours moving amongst the rocks of the mountains. Climbing up cliff sides and vaulting between boulders. Constitution check DC14 or another point of exhaustion. As you crest another tall ridge on your mountain traversal you have a good view of the area beneath you. Karnak you have found enough Gnoll evidence to know you are still on the right track. Perception Check DC 16 [success reveals the wisp of smoke from a campfire behind some tall rocks a quarter mile away. What would you like to do ?
Three Gnolls are stamping out the embers of a campfire after eating a small goat. They put their bows on their back and grab their spears. Perception check reveals one is carrying a horn made out of ram. Roll initiative if going into combat or whatever the players want to do.
After this brief battle you move further towards your goal. Do another constitution check DC 14 or take a point of exhaustion. As you travel another five miles clambering up and down rocks and ridges, Karnak your hawk flies in a lazy circle above you. He dives quickly and lands on your shoulder with a quiet screech. He has seen something. As you move up the ridge closest to you roll some stealth checks. Leaning over the ridge this scene is arrayed before you. A huge cave in the side of the mountain has been roughly carved to look like a human skull 3oo feet tall. The mouth of the cave has torches and spears one either side of it and what looks like a large drum. The area in front of the skull cave is relatively flat with several campfires and cooking pits built into the stone ground. A small distance away underneath a stone outcropping is several iron panels and gates thrown together to form a pen of some kind. A wide gate is on hinges and chains cross the front of the gate with a simple locking device made of metal. Essentially a steel bar placed into a u joint. The pen shudders from time to time. Eight Gnolls patrol the area, they are seven foot tall hyena looking humanoids and they carry chipped scimitars, spears and bows. They occasionally snap and claw at each other, sharp barks and guttural words are exchanged. [Note: In this battle Echudnu Flaash will help the Gnolls. He is a sorcerer with these spells Cantrips Known: Dancing Lights, Acid Splash, Fire Bolt, Blade Ward, Ray of Frost
Prepared Spells
1st Level (4 slots): Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Burning Hands
2nd Level (3 slots): Scorching Ray, Crown of Madness, Enlarge/Reduce
3rd Level (3 slots): Lightning Bolt
he uses enlarge reduce to grow a Gnoll to twice his size and will use Crown of Madness on a player. He hangs back hiding behind rocks. He may try to flee if the battle goes poorly.

Rising Action

In the Tomb -
After the battle or resolution on the outside. [There is a small secret tunnel that leads into the river underground. it is located on the east side of the mountain and can be found with a DC19 investigation or nature check if Karnak. This action would take over an hour and would require 2 stealth checks to avoid the Gnolls hearing! In the pen is 30 zombies and one zombie horror. Zombie horrors are huge muscular zombies with bone protruding from certain areas of the body.
1. This leads to the divinity well in the center of the mountain. See map.
Vargraash Morl the main cleric in charge of this war band stands before a large hexagonal metal device. The hexagonal frame of iron bars that are welded together encase several pieces inside. The pieces are a conglomeration of bags of serum with Gnoll symbols on the outside and magical devices with gears and small pipes sticking out from them. On top is a Gnoll number system that when placed in the right order will defuse the bomb. 2. A rectory inhabited by the Gnoll clerics. The large statue of a wolf guards the entrance. The wolf is an enchanted animated golem. See stone Golem stats. AC 17. HP 120.
. Echudnu Flaash Stands here as well and will cast spells at the party while the other cleric sets the bomb and moves towards the divinity well. A Manticore is chained against the wall with another device in it's neck.  Morl activates the device and the Manticore goes crazy and breaks the chain to attack the players. 3. The hallway of death. This stone hallway has high ceilings that drip with rain water from time to time. Various creatures are pinned to the walls in creative ways and in different states of decay.
4. Sacrificial holding room. This room smells of death even more than the hallway. Three fresh corpses can be found here recently drained of blood. A human woman, a kobold woman, and an elven man. They have on only tattered white gowns. The rest of the room just has junk in it, nothing of value.
5. Bedchamber of Echudnu. A large circular feather bed sits against the wall with a leathery covering. A search will lead Karnak to the amulet of the predator.
6. Private communal chamber of Vargraash. A large alter arrayed with wolves skulls surrounding a circular symbol with blood spatter all over it sits in front of an opening in the wall leading to room 7. Kneelers sit before the altar as well as gnawed leg bones.
7. A well that peers down directly into the divinity well. The circular opening is a 10 foot crawl that leads to a small stone room with a 5 foot hole in the floor. It pulses with sickly purple light. If you look down you see a cavern below filled with purple light and a wide stone bridge.
8. The bedchamber of Vargraash. A simple bedchamber with leathery dog bed and some small chests. Inside you can find a piece of dark blue chalk that pulses slightly with magical energy. Will have to be identified.
9. The great temple. A large grey stone church like setting with complete with wooden pews and pillars. In the center is a pool of red liquid that smells of blood. An old fountain is up against the wall on a raised section that the clerics use to preach to their war band.
10. Gnoll acolyte bedchamber. Another bedchamber for the personal servants of the clerics. In here a search will find 24 gold and 15 silver pieces and three rubies worth 30 gold each. A bow leans up against the wall, clearly not Gnoll Made. [Snipers bow magic item ]
11. The tomes of Vargraash - A small library of Gnoll artifacts and books. One of which looks like a Gnoll spell book. Arcana check of DC 18 to figure this out. would take enormous amount of research to decipher though.
12. Feeding chamber - Several humanoids have been devoured here. Dead body part all over the place.
13. Underground river that flows south. Fresh water from the mountains above passes through this chamber at a quick pace. the river flows by quickly and is about 20 feet deep making it difficult to swim. There are some small boats though if they can be found.
14. Holding cells. Several humans, elves, dwarves, Gnomes are chained and in various states of decompostion. They have been experimented on. Lots of different serums can be found in vials and on the floor around. A testing station. Investigation check reveals more of the Gnoll sigils that mark up the devices and serums that you have found.
15. This dark green lit room has a 2 foot walkway around the outer wall and a sloped floor leading 12 feet down to the bottom. In the center of this room sits a huge cube of gelatinous material. An investigation check reveals a strange device at the bottom of the cube. An anchor of sorts pulses with purple energy and sits in the cube a few feet from the floor. A waste removal program perhaps?
16. Gnoll warrior bedchambers. Several Gnolls slumber here if not awoken by player activity.
17. A dining hall of sorts for the Gnoll soldiers. 4 Gnoll warriors are gnawing on remains and drinking some form of ale. It looks black and smells like rye.
18. Gnoll common room for the soldiers. 6 Gnoll warriors are practicing with swords and barking at each other. A couple of them are sitting on benches needling the others in Gnoll tongue. The Flind is here, he towers over the rest by a foot. He rolls a perception check if the players are near by.
19. Gnoll store room for supplies and dry goods. Investigation check reveals several valuable cooking components worth 20 gold. Spices that Gnolls don't understand, like nutmeg and mace, rare peppercorns, and pink salts. Some packs of expensive utensils and silver worth 32 gold can be found as well.
20. Gnoll sentries and a camp fire. Two Gnoll warriors are here on guard.
  21. Entry hall and mouth of the river.


Gnoll Cleric Spells to use: Ray of Sickness
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous
  A ray of sickening greenish energy lashes out toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 poison damage and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, it is also poisoned until the end of your next turn.
2nd-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V Duration: 1 minute   You can blind or deafen a foe. Choose one creature that you can see within range to make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the target is either blinded or deafened (your choice) for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends.2nd-level necromancy
Ray of Enfeeblement
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minuteCasting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute   A black beam of enervating energy springs from your finger toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength until the spell ends.
Prepared Spells 1st Level (4 slots): False Life*, Ray of Sickness*, Bane, Detect Magic, Bless, Command 2nd Level (3 slots): Blindness/Deadness*, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Hold Person, Enhance Ability 3rd Level (3 slots): Animate Dead*, Vampiric Touch*, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse 4th Level (3 slots): Death Ward*, Blight*, Divination, Banishment 5th Level (1 slot): Antilife Shell*, Cloudkill*, Raise Dead, Flame Strike, Commune


Gnoll Loot -
Tattered Spear
1 Tattered Longbow
1d4 Gnawed Trinkets. Roll on the Trinket table. Any item found is chewed up and useless.
1 Tattered Glaive
1 Tattered Chain Shirt
2 Days of Rations
1d4 Demonic Jewelry. No immediate use. Can be crafted by a spell caster into valuable components. 10 gold worth of material.
Jar of tar - a flammable oily substance
Black fangs
Bone piercings or scrimshaw - Not sure what types of bones these are.
Diseased mushrooms - Not sure what use these would have
Throwing net
Fire arrow - an elven arrow coated in pitch
Elvish LongBow


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