The Hammer of Eigeralon Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Hammer of Eigeralon

The hammer of Eigeralon is one of the sacred objects that is directly bound to the god of Justice himself.  The hammer can only be wielded by a Cleric or Paladin that has Eigeralon's blessing.  The current wielder is the demigod known as Blizzard Hops and is in use to try to stop the evil god killer known as Anaxis.

This large but lightweight hammer feels like it responds to your very thoughts.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

melee weapon, bludgeoning
+3 to Hit / 3d12+3 damage
The hammer holds 7 total charges:
Expend 1 charge to cast the spell Misty Step
Expend 1 charge to cast Thunder Punch. (On a hit you can move a medium or large sized creature 25 ft in any direction.)
Expend 2 charges to cast Lightning Bolt. (As 4th level spell 9d6 damage)
Expend 1 charge to cast fly (60 ft. movement speed flying, for 1 minute)


This weapon is one of the divine tokens of the gods.  Those items and weapons that carry the essence of one of the pantheon.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
5 lbs.
32" tall X 14" wide for the head.


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