The Black Star Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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The Black Star

This strange sword vibrates in your hand as you hold it.  The blade itself is completely black as if made of Ebony but it is a black metal folded over and over hundreds of time by some arcane blacksmith.  It hums a bit and whispers “Black star” into your mind if you are worthy.  
The sword is an awakened blade and must be used to reach it’s full potential. At level one the blade is +2 to hit and offers 1d6 force damage three times a day on the activation word “sunspot”.  It telepathically lets the worthy user know this but doesn’t speak anymore until it reaches level 2.
Level two : The sword grows a bit longer and wider and slightly lighter to wield.  It telepathically tells the user “I grow stronger”. At this point the blade may speak once or twice a day depending on need.  It’s strength grows to +3 and the force damage increases to 1d8+2 three times per day.  Any creature it hits is silenced for six rounds at this level. The awakening causes the user to roll a DC 16 constitution check or suffer 8d8 force damage.  If the user is reduced to 0 hit points because of this the user is disintegrated. “You feel the power of the sword vibrate and course through you.  A bond grows between you but also threatens to destroy you...”
Level three: The sword grows again and says “Our power grows and our bond deepens, prepare yourself for greater glory and pain.”  Roll a DC 16 constitution saving throw.  A fail and the user suffers 10d10 force damage and if reduced to 0 is disintegrated.  On a success the user still takes 6d6 damage but survives.  The sword is now +4 and does 1d10 force damage on every hit.  It now offers silence for one minute on any creature it hits.  Also once per day by speaking the command word “Solar Wind” it radiates 10d10 force damage in a 20 foot radius causing all those around the wielded to roll a dC 16 con check or be pushed back 20 feet and take the ful 10d10 force damage.
Level Four: the sword exlpodes with power causing the user to enter a deadly battle in their mind as they fight for control over themselves and the sword.  Losing means the sword takes over and will attempt to take over the world....
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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