Pentathet's Hammer Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Pentathet's Hammer

"Ut vindicem me" Reads the inscription that is barely visible on this rusty old hammer.  This Large but lightweight hammer feels like it responds to your very thoughts.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Hammer is +3 to hit and does 2d12+3 damage
It now has 5 charges per day for the following powers:
Misty Step (1 charge)
Thunder Punch (1 Charge) on a hit you can push an opponenet 20 feet.
Lightning Bolt (2 charges) As 3rd level spell 8d6 damage Saving throw DC 17
Fly (2 charges) Fly is 60 ft. movement speed for 1 Minute Commune - once per week


Pentathet's Hammer is the greatest weapon ever made by the race of creatures called Pentawugs. They sent the weapon out into the world of men centuries ago, trusting that the magics of the hammer would find a champion should they ever need one...
5 lb.
17” x 8”
Base Price


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