House Rivendrias Organization in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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House Rivendrias

The Great Elven House of Rivendrias was very powerful in the Second Age. They were one of the ruling families in the Opan Realm and caretakers of the Great Tree there. 
Notable Members - 
  • Givindrias - Poet Laureate of House Rivendrias.  Though he is not blood related his family served the House for centuries.
  • Verilius Treta Rivendrias - A great swordsman who fled his House, Lands, and Title to fight in the Great Human War. SF2
  • King Regent Colustriar Rivendrias - A powerful Regent of the Opan Realms in the middle of the Second Age. 
  • Duchess Messellia Rivendrias - An instrumental diplomat who helped write many treaties with the humans in the East. SF2
  • Prince Umbrilgar Rivendrias - An influential power hungry lower noble of the House active now in SF3
  • Baroness Pennicula Rivendrias - She is considered the head of House Rivendrias and sits in the Congress of Opan. SF3

As Strong as The Roots beneath your feet.

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