Hog of the Forsaken Myth in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Hog of the Forsaken

One of the ancient ones from the time before. The Hog of the Forsaken was around when the Great Mega Structures were built. He is not only a repository of all evil and dark thoughts that exist amongst all the races of the planet but he also is a transmitter. He can be a Warlock Patron or a world destroyer. Most knowledge of this being are lost to history.


An ancient force that also exists on the material plane somehow simultaneously it is a Hog shaped enormous being. It soaks up hatred, anger and all evil thoughts and also projects it haphazardly throughout the universe. It fuels evil rogues and plotters, murderers and abusers. It has no agenda or plan for the world though it has a strange intelligence.

Historical Basis

It’s ancient origins are lost to history but it definitely exists. Only those historians who somehow tap into it’s strange other plane gain knowledge of this creature. Sometimes a rogue mage will teleport too close to the force and go mad. Sometimes a tendril of evil will snake forth and possess a person to do something incredibly vile or push that person close to the edge.


Limited, many cultures have forgotten that this being exists.

In Literature

There are a few books that record the Hog of the Forsaken. “Ollicully’s Never Comprehensive List of the Occult “- By Hellender Ollicully. Also the “ Appendix of Evil” by Arch Mage Echidna Ploxia.


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