Guide to Bow and Arrow Upgrades Item in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Guide to Bow and Arrow Upgrades

With the help of a skilled artificer it is possible to create a bow that fits your needs.  An archer in Tanaheim has need of several styles of bows and bow construction. A cavalry rider may need a shorter bow with a quicker draw but less power.  A ranger may need a bow string that grants extra power and range.  An adventurer may need a bow that can fire fast in close range situations and be able to deliver a well timed sword block.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Arrow Creation

Arrow Crafting System:
  • - Wood: A suitable shaft for the arrow.
  • - Feathers: Used for fletching to stabilize flight.
  • - Tips: Arrowheads for piercing targets.
  • - Glue: Adhesive to hold the components together.
  Dice Rolls:
1. Wood Selection: Roll a d4 to determine the quality of wood used.
  • - 1: Common wood (e.g., oak, birch)
  • - 2: Fine wood (e.g., yew, ash)
  • - 3: Exotic wood (e.g., ebony, rosewood)
  • - 4: Magical wood (e.g., treant wood, ironwood)

  2. Fletching: Roll a d6 to determine the quality of feathers used.
  • - 1: Basic feathers (e.g., chicken, pigeon)
  • - 2: Hawk feathers (e.g., hawk, falcon)
  • - 3: Owl feathers (e.g., owl, raven)
  • - 4: Eagle feathers (e.g., eagle, vulture)
  • - 5: Phoenix feathers (e.g., phoenix, firebird)
  • - 6: Dragon feathers (e.g., dragon, wyvern)

  3. Arrowhead: Roll a d8 to determine the type of arrowhead used.
  • - 1: Broadhead (for hunting)
  • - 2: Bodkin point (for armor penetration)
  • - 3: Barbed point (for inflicting bleeding)
  • - 4: Blunt point (for non-lethal impact)
  • - 5: Armor-piercing point (for heavily armored foes)
  • - 6: Poisoned point (infused with a venomous substance)
  • - 7: Explosive tip (causing area damage)
  • - 8: Elemental tip (e.g., fire, ice, lightning)

  4. Craftsmanship: Roll a d10 to determine the overall craftsmanship of the arrow.
  • - 1-4: Poor craftsmanship (unstable, reduced range)
  • - 5-8: Standard craftsmanship (normal performance)
  • - 9-10: Master craftsmanship (enhanced accuracy, longer range)

Once you have determined the materials and their qualities, combine them together using glue. The resulting arrow will possess the characteristics of the materials chosen and their respective qualities.


Bowstring options and upgrades -


    • Bowstring / Serving
    • Arms / Lower Limb / Upper Limb
    • Sight
    • Grip
    • Arrow Rest / Arrow Shelf
    • Recurve
    • Handle Riser Section
    • Stabilizer

    Articles under Guide to Bow and Arrow Upgrades


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