Felush Path under Rock Character in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Felush Path under Rock

A Tabaxi Tailor in Tellenor.  You possess a great talent in creating and designing various pieces of clothing, even to the point of treating such profession as an art form. You have knowledge on the latest fashion trends across various communities, as well as working with a wide array of materials, colors, patterns and styles to make the most eye-catching and comfortable clothes ever worn. Did you take up this occupation out of mere interest, or born from a family whose livelihood are associated with clothing, or were you inspired by a famous fashion designer whose clothes have struck you with awe? Do you manufacture your designs single-handedly, or do you also employ various apprentices or other designers of your association to assist you in realizing your works? Were you creating clothes that are ready-to-wear for the masses, or are you solely catering your craft to the rich and elite? Do you only run a few boutiques in your neighborhood, or are you planning on expanding into a formidable fashion empire?
Current Location
Year of Birth
2634 364 Years old
Ruled Locations


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