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Cult of Grummer Grumaulsh and the Vellshon Marsh Stories

The Goblinoid Cult is called Grummer Grumaulsh and is led by an elephantine creature called Knick Gnaultie. The players can interact with the cult or try to sneak through the Volleshen Marsh and avoid the sentries. Throughout they will be harassed by the Kuo Toa who are interested in Vom Fass and his food can. The cult is a specifically an anti-human cult so if there are any humans in the party they may be immediately apprehended and set for execution. There is also an elite cadre of fighters that answer to Gnaultie himself as his personal goon squad. Notable Members of the Orr Urgash Eight - Bison Bellowhorne Eo Chainhead Kezu Lurtzog Reck of Six Oozes Runu Hammerfist Shambolic Graash Varchous   The arm and fist of Grummer Grumaulsh is the elite fighting force commanded by the Orr Urgash Eight.   Monsters for this area - Shambling Mound, Worgs, Maybe a dragon turtle in the water? Slaad. Kuo Toa. CATOBLEPAS Volo’s 129 Velociraptor Volo’s 139 Froghemoth - Volos 145

Plot points/Scenes

The cult is systematically robbing travelers on the nearby roads and trails. Clues should be found in and around the area. As the players enter the swamp on the way to the abandoned mines they begin to find evidence of the entire battalion from Penthos dead. Body parts and broken armor are strewn about the area. In another part there is a half destroyed merchant carriage sinking into the swamp. (Players can loot) Find some treasure and maybe an item. Roll several times to navigate the swamp and to stop themselves from falling in to deeper fetid waters. Use plenty of descriptors detailing the humidity heat and smells. Design some shacks that can be searched. Confrontations with the Eight and need some monsters to fight. Maybe a very large swamp creature that attacks during a boss battle with the Eight.   Carriage on the road- As you follow the road past Morden’s actual bridge you walk a good part of the night. Near dawn as you are thinking about camp, DC perception check 15 - A carriage is torn up and sits off of the road a hundred yards in the ditch. An investigation check reveals several things if they check it out. Scratch marks on the side some claw marks some blade marks. A symbol is carved in the side of the door but small not very noticeable. It is an infinity loop going up and down and several lines coming off of it. Or maybe an 8? Signs of a struggle on the inside of the carriage, ripped cloth on the seats. Looks like a merchant carriage from the East Tellenheim company. Mid grade fancy but not royalty fancy. Drag marks around the outside that end a few yards away. You set up camp for the day and set someone on watch. Several hours pass and then DC 17 Perception check - success you notice figures behind some trees several hundred yards away. Were they wearing masks? Or is that just your imagination? The party can investigate but the figures are gone when they arrive. A DC 19 investigation check will reveal some footprints but they are not identifiable as anything concrete.   Camping Day one-   Karnak the Druid Vision 01 - You sleep peacefully for a time then a green light begins to pulse at the edges of your eyes. You open your eyes and the swamp is now a lush forest. Nearby trees erupt into a burst of color as cherry blossoms bloom and small blue mushrooms peek up from soft grass. It feels comforting though and inviting not deep dark and dangerous. You look up at the night sky and instead of the inky black of the overcast cloudy sky you feel asleep with this sky is filled with multi colored stars the two moons and an aurora that crosses the sky in a ribbon of green and purple light. A creature begins to fly down from the tops of the trees and circles you. With the head of a snowy owl and the large powerful wings of an eagle and a large furry wolf body it lands on big furry paws. Gently and gracefully it walks up to you, It doesn’t speak but you are flooded with images. Twelve stars form between you and rotate slowly, One of the stars turns black and one turns bright blue. Then the stars turn to blood and continue to rotate. As the stars slowly come together the blood forms into a creatures head which screams soundlessly in rage. Your vision begins to slowly zoom in on the creatures mouth as you get closer and closer fear begins to creep into your mind... Then you wake up. Slightly sweaty and a green after image flashing in your eyes.   Mew Vision 01 - As you try to get some sleep with the Eastern sun hovering over you a chill sets in despite your fur and the warmer temperatures. You open your eyes and stand up but everything looks dark and outlined. Almost as if you woke inside of an old video game, the sleeping forms of your party members, the surrounding trees and rocks all look like something out of Tron. The sky is black and you can see the stars despite it being the middle of the day. Finally a voice echoes from behind you, turning around you see a figure in robes all made out of the pulsing colors and wireframe nature of this realm. A female voice says “I’ve been waiting to meet with you, your Psionic powers are strong. As you drifted East I could see you coming over the horizon ever closer like a shooting star.” Mew can ask a few questions if she would like. “I don’t have much time, at this distance even our combined power will only grant us moments. You need to join the Abyssal Knife, They are dangerous and we need more information. Go undercover for me, and I will help you train in your powers. We will talk soon.”   The party begins to move through the swamp on day one of today's session- You get your gear packed and break camp. You set out into the marshy swamplands of the velloshon. Different insects begin to assault your ears and faces, buzzing gnats and small clouds of mites drift towards you. You swat them away but they always reform nearby. Large horseflies attempt to bite any exposed flesh and big dragonflies over close and no one can remember if they sting or not. Cog walks through all of this with a bemusement and curiosity both of the new attractions and the odd behavior of his compatriots. Logging it all in his new memories much to the annoyance of his living companions. The night sky and temperature are a relief compared to the blazing sun of the earlier day and trying to sleep in the humidity and stench of the new terrain. Loud frog noises and insect chirps surround you at all times and occasionally a dunking sound in the low waters around you. Navigation check DC 14 from someone to make sure we are heading in the right direction. Perception check DC15 - Flying creatures a little larger than bats begin to swoop down amongst the party. [five stirges attack at this time , roll to see who gets attacked first. Initiative rolls] Blood Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage, and the stirge attaches to the target. While attached, the stirge doesn't attack. Instead, at the start of each of the stirge's turns, the target loses 5 (1d4 + 3) hit points due to blood loss. These things only have a few hit points should be easy to kill. You continue your march through the swamp for a few more hours when at about 4 AM a strange sensation falls over you. The Vision of the future - An odd sensation all of a sudden washes over you as the scene shifts in front of you. A haze begins to obscure things like a hot tar on a summer day. You blink and the yellows and greens and browns of the ever encroaching swamp become the bright reds and oranges of a desert. The heat haze stretches forth farther than before, the night sky goes from cloudy and dark grey to a bright blue and the sun becomes bright and hot. Perception checks DC 19 (Success shows a small figure speeding towards the party from a great distance) After a few seconds of this the scene changes back as if nothing had happened.   As the Party reaches the end of the night and begins to camp they will encounter a Giant Crocodile. The Croc is hungry and attacks (assuming the Druid and the Ranger try to befriend the creature and get it under control roll Perception check DC17. A success reveals a figure 300 feet away with a long bow. no way to know who he is pointing at. The figure shoots the crocodile and sends it into a rage. The arrow will be poisoned with something that causes violence in the hungry croc. If they players pursue the figure, they see the figure is wearing a white mask and they will flee. [Runu is a hobgoblin fighter and a member of the Orr Urgash Eight. He primarily uses swords and javelins but isn't afraid to go hand to hand if necessary. His mask is made from a human skull painted bright red. His red ears stick out of the side and black leather straps hold it in place over his face. His yellow eyes can be seen in the eye sockets.]   During the chase the figure will dash behind a tree and dissappear.     Giant Crocodile Huge beast, unaligned Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 85 (9d12 + 27) Speed 30 ft., swim 50 ft.   STR.21 (+5) / DEX 9 (-1) / CON 17 (+3) / INT 2 (-4) / WIS 10 (+0) / CHA 7 (-2)   Skills Stealth +5 Senses Passive Perception 10 Languages -- Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Actions Multiattack. The crocodile makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the crocodile can't bite another target.   Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target not grappled by the crocodile. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.   The abandoned town - This town looks very similar to an old west town with several one or two story wooden buildings. Checking around town we should see several signs of the cult’s hatred of humans. Buildings may have scenes of ritualistic sacrifice of what we will determine are humans specifically. Nature checks and investigation checks will be necessary. Maybe some swamp creatures here? Monsters - Twig Blight (Monster Manual 32)( Carrion Crawler MM 37)   As you approach the town it appears lifeless. Several wooden buildings only a single floor or two stories stand before you. Similar to an old west town but less dry and sandy. There is plenty of mud and puddles of standing dirty water. Think Deadwood in South Dakota, still plenty of trees surround the town and brush and vines sit low on the buildings outer walls. There are seven main buildings.   DC15 Perception check - On the main path/road that cuts through town there are signs of a struggle. Old blood can still be found in the dirt and some shreds of leather armor coated in dried blood. Some pieces of metal can be found in the dirt barely covered. (DC Investigation check of DC 16 reveals them as part of a lantern, night’s watch perhaps?”
  • The inn which still has a weathered sign hanging out front that says Flower of the marsh, is the tallest building. It has two floors and some balconies jutting off of the front and back of the building. As you enter the front doors the bar floor looks normal enough. Investigation check DC 15, behind the bar are several broken bottles and glasses. On a 17 or higher discover dried blood caked into the wooden floor. On a 19 or higher discover Goblin blood.
  • The kitchen area sits behind the bar and a large sitting room opens to the left of the bar and has a staircase going up. The kitchen area is a mess, old food and grains are strewn about and rancid. DC 15 investigation check reveals all metal has been removed, pans, skillets, and pots. Dc 17 or better you also discover a secret panel leading into the dirt dug basement. DC 16 perception check Smells of death. But no bodies can be discovered anywhere on the premises. **In the basement attack by the Carrion Crawler! * (The people are always rounded up and taken to the Cult’s HQ fort and their souls are stolen through the Phylactery.) Going up the stairs there is a message on the wall scrawled in blood. It is in Goblin and reads “Death to the Human Menace” DC 19 intelligence check may allow smarter players to decipher. The hallway upstairs - DC investigation check reveals the black marks on the lower part of the walls are made with blood. There is a hand print clearly visible by one of the doors. Upstairs room one reveals a bed and a small cabinet and a table. An easy investigation check reveals a brutal murder as someone was stabbed to death in the bed and dragged out. [Perception check for whomever is in this room first DC18- if successful they see a horrifying face in the window, a porcelain mask painted to look like a caricature of a human child. Think happy death day but whiter and not as cartoony. As you reach for your weapon you look up and it’s gone. *Note see Eo Chainhead of the Orr Urgash Eight] Upstairs room two reveals the same awful end. Upstairs room three Has no blood but an investigation check of DC15 reveals someone was dragged out but not murdered immediately. Curious. upstairs room four reveals lots of blood splatter and the furniture dragged into the center of the room some sort of ceremony was held here.   On the wall scrawled in blood is "Beware the Orr Urgash Eight"   The general store - The store is clearly marked Dry goods but has no name that anyone can see. The small store which is about 40 feet across and square still has quite a bit of old inventory. Burlap and bolts of muslin, and some old seeds still in the packets. Investigation check reveals a man from Tellenor ventured up here by the name of Raif Kerrigan. A distant relative of the Duke who rules over Tellenor. There is documentation still behind the counter that signifies his right to set up the town, his connection to House Kerrigan, and his license to sell goods in Penthaheim. All odd that they are here and untouched while the safe and money drawers are destroyed and empty. DC 16 Investigation check - success reveals that most of the towns folk were of human origin.   Note - As the players are investigating this town have them make a perception check periodically. On a DC 18 success in the distance they notice humanoid figures in hoods and masks that hide quickly when spotted. Super creepy masks like the strangers movie.   The Constable’s office - Much like the other areas there is a bloody mess here. A high enough investigation check would reveal evidence that this building was hit first. Several boot prints and foot prints lead here and then out to the surrounding buildings. Hard to get a count on how many attackers participated in this but low estimates put it at twenty. The office itself has a front greeting room with a table and several chairs which are now broken. A back room with a weapons rack and tools to maintain and polish swords and halberds. The weapons are missing from their spots. Behind the weapons room is a bedroom which has evidence of another murder. The attackers clearly attacked during the night. Paperwork in the office gives an impartial census of the occupants of the town. Almost all of which are determined to be human.   House 01 - just a two room simple wooden structure this house was built as a temporary shelter for construction workers who were assembling the new tavern. A large foundation with some wooden beams can be seen nearby. Another sign of a horrific murder in the bedroom.   House 02 - Very similar to house 01 in build, the front room is overturned but not bloody. In the bedroom there is a figure in the dark. Laying in the corner is a firbolg man. His breath is raspy and uneven. His legs have been brutally amputated at the knees and large pools of blood stretch out from each. There are sword marks covering the floor of the little building. On the wall above him is another cult symbol and a message to kill all humans in Goblin written in blood.   Attack - 4 Small Carrion Beetles Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Hit Points 34 Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft., climb 10 ft.   STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 1 (-5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) Condition Immunities paralysis Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 ACTIONS Multiattack. The beetle makes one bite attack and two claw attacks.   Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.   Acid Spit (Recharge 5-6). The carrion beetle spits a line of acid that is 30 ft. long and 5 ft. wide. Each creature in that line takes 2d12 acid damage, or half damage with a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw.   Encounter at the Ancient Temple -   As you enter the swamp the smells and heat begin to assault you. You begin to walk into the brush and the problems become immediately apparent. Every few hundred feet you step into knee deep water, which stretches for several yards. [By rolling a nature check you can pick your way around these but it will slow you down.] the insects are horrible, many tiny harmless gnats buzz around your head and some stinging flies threaten every few minutes. Up ahead you see an obelisk of stone sticking out of the swamp. As you approach the ground firms up and turns into to normal blessed dirt. Several ancient walls remain of a temple long since lost to the swamp. Do some checks and find out history and god associated. (It is an old temple to Makalua’a an ancient nature god.) There is an old set of runes in a ten by ten foot square on the ground. With some checks you can figure out how to turn these back on. Karnak the Druid can decipher these symbols. (DC18 Investigation check ) It creates an anti gravity field of 20 feet which only lifts objects or creatures and hovers them 20 feet in the air. This may make the next combat very interesting. History check of DC17 would give them a sense that this lifting field probably was used to move stone and aid in the construction of the temple. Looks like the swamp got the better of them as the centuries went by. Reck of the six oozes sneaks up on them and stands on the large rock above them and starts monologueing. He starts in Goblin in case anyone speaks it. If not they can ask him to switch to common. “Foolish creatures I am Reck of the six oozes, an acolyte of Grummer Grumaulsh. You will die here this day or you can swear fealty to Grummer Grumaulsh and bring us six humans. We will slaughter the humans in front of you and eat their flesh...”. His mask is a Goats skull with large antlers affixed to the top portion. The odd assortment of bleached bone is very disturbing. He wears leather armor coated black with pitch. It looks like it's bleeding, though that is just the sap. Dark red warpaint makes up an eight symbol on his chest. He continues " We are the Orr Urgash Eight and if you do not do as you are told you will be have your souls eaten out of your bodies." DC 16 Perception check, success will allow a player to hear someone coming from behind.   Bison Bellowhorne , Eo Chainhead and Shambolic Graash rush in from behind. Roll initiative. [remember to have Eo use his sneak attack damage and Bison to use his Rage. Shambolic Graash is a monk so use his ki points] Combat can use the anti gravity field if they want. If the party begins to win the fight and damage the Orr Urgash Eight too much they will teleport out using stones given to them by Gnaultie. Use perception checks to see if anyone notices the use of the stones or if they are baffled by the disappearances.   Swamp navigation comes next and evading patrols of bugbears and hobgoblins. Or engaging with them depending on what the players decide. Maybe a battle where we introduce a swamp creature that will attack both.   [If necessary, they may make it to the center of the cult and Knick Gnaultie. Preferably he will offer them sanctuary considering none of them are human. He may ask them to stay over night / day and heal up. This would be a ruse so that he could remove their souls and use his phylactery. At this point he is fascinated by Cog and has created a magnetism trap to keep him there. He has a section of the ground that has hundreds of runes that create a magnetic trap that will hold cog for hours. He hopes to use Unctuous Virtue to reprogram Cog and turn him towards his goal of killing humanity. Should either abduct Cog with the Eight and have the party try to rescue him or have them get close enough to his HQ and he can spring his ground trap. ]   The Abduction of Cog - Abduction of Cog - Knick Gnaultie has been tracking the party and testing them and their abilities. He has decided the Warforged would be an excellent addition to his new cult and to the service of his Warlock Patron. First he needs to reprogram Cog and remove Cog’s new soul. Cog’s warlock patron has essentially gifted him with a soul of sorts. It is a complex piece of magic mixed with something spiritual that has given him sentience. Gnaultie’s patron has smelled this and has decided to induct Cog into his patronage. As the players camp for the day and heal up they have Cog stand guard as usual. Have Cog do a perception check of DC 17. Have Eo Chainhead sneak up on him and sneak attack. Bison begins his charge and tries to bullrush Cog into a position farther away from the group. On a success both Bison and Eo will use their teleport stones to send Cog to the compound magically. Opposing dexterity checks on both Bison and Eo, if one succeeds over cog the plan is set in motion. The rest of the party can do an investigation check on the area and find one of the stones. It is no longer magic, it's usage is one time. DC 15 arcana check. Once the Orr Urgash Eight use their teleport rocks to move Cog to the magnetic field they will attempt to hold him there. Give Cog a strength check DC 23 to resist the field. If he succeeds he can leave the field on a fail he will be trapped in the magnetic pull. From there we can do a constitution check to see if he can remain upright or go down on one knee. Gnaultie will taunt him this whole time and outline his nefarious plan like the dumb supervillain he is. “Yes! My mechanoid friend, you and I will be working together for some time! Incredible piece of work, really like the detail on the face and the articulation in the finger joints. Excellent craftsmanship. Oh, and you’ve added a grapple arm? Wonderful, we are going to have so much fun.” “Did you know my benefactor collects souls? He does and he gives me all this power just to feed his little device downstairs. We grab all of those pesky humans and suck out their little souls and fuel our operation. All of these nice fellows here (he motions to the goblins and bugbears and orcs around him) are all working towards that goal. “ Whispering to Cog directly “This cult working to destroy all humanity is kind of a ruse I use to keep all of these guys in line. Stoke their anger and use their lust for violence for a purpose. Keeps them from attacking each other and me, of course. Fear of my benefactor and all of the cult rules is such a great way to fuel the phylactery. Plus it keeps me entertained all the way out here in the hinterlands.” “You keep struggling for the next eight hours while I get the ritual prepared. I think the man upstairs gets off on your suffering. He uses the words delicious and sumptuous quite often when we discuss pain and anguish. Once we get this noble soul out of you it’s going to be very interesting to see what the new you is. What I do know is having an automaton of your power as my right hand is going to be quite the thrill.”   Rest of the party: I need one of you to be the navigator through the swamp. Roll a history check to see if anyone remembers and old maps of this Region. Or we can have the ranger and druid work together to look for tracks using a Nature Check. DC 16 or better will allow them to find tracks and movement by humanoid creatures through the swamp. Pieces of arrow fletching or other signs of warriors and armed goblinoids that move through this are back to their home base. Navigating through the swamp is difficult and slow but you feel like you are on the right track. A patrol of Goblins and a couple bugbears can be seen up ahead. They have made a small fire and are cooking some tiny swamp animal on a spit. You can try to attack or sneak past. [The arm and fist of Grummer Grumaulsh is the elite fighting force commanded by the Orr Urgash Eight.]   Up ahead you see a massive creature walking slowly through the swamp. It stands thirty feet tall and looks like an enormous spiky turtle. It is a Swamp Dragon Turtle : STR 25. DEX 10 Con 20 INT 6 WIS 12 CHA 12 Saves Dex+6 Con +11 Wis +7 Damage resistances - Fire Darkvision 120, passive perception 11 Multi Attack - Bite /Claw / Claw or Tail +13 to hit Bite - 3d12+7 Claw - 2d8 +7 Tail - Reach 15 ft. 3d12 +7 Steam Breath - A 60’ cone of scalding steam. DC 18 constitution saving throw. 52 damage on a failed save half on a success. A swamp Dragon turtle is not intelligent it should be treated as a regular animal creature. These gargantuan reptiles have spiked head and small spikes jutting out at different angles around it’s eyes and cheekbones. It’s mouth is almost a beak like a snapping turtle. Huge claws allow to walk amongst the swamp and swipe down on prey. It’s shell is made up of hexagonal panels each with a spike jutting out of it.   The Struggle of Cog: You use all of your strength and will to fight against the magnetic field holding you in place. In your head you hear a voice. It feels strong and soothing like the voice you heard before in your vision. “Try.” Currently your arms are pointed downward held in place by the force surrounding you. Roll a strength check DC 18. “Rune”. The voice directs you to shoot your grapple at one of the runes which makes up the magnetism spell and keeps it running. A failure means we can try again in a few rounds. A success destroys one of the runes and weakens the field dropping the DC down to 17 and so on until Cog breaks free.   Back to the Party - The Construction Yard -



    Recap: At the end of last game your group fought several members of the Orr Urgash Eight. The battle was fierce and bloody. Your Druid was almost killed but your drunken cleric came through in the clutch, Indiana Jonesing a hobgoblin monk and bringing the young dwarf back to life. Your Psionic Rogue finished off the hobgoblin monk, and helped kill Lurtzog. The ranger fought off Eo Chainhead and Reck of the six oozes and Cog and Vom Fass battled the fierce Bison Bellowhorne. There were some issues though, despite Cog’s bubble of magical darkness both he and the huge Minotaur disappeared! At the same time Eo and Reck took that opportunity to teleport out as well. DC17 perception check ! [Success allows the player to notice that they grabbed something small from an interior pocket, a stone perhaps?] The rest of the party can do an investigation check on the area and find one of the stones. It is no longer magic, it's usage is one time. DC 15 arcana check.   The Abduction of Cog - Abduction of Cog - Knick Gnaultie has been tracking the party and testing them and their abilities. He has decided the Warforged would be an excellent addition to his new cult and to the service of his Warlock Patron. First he needs to reprogram Cog and remove Cog’s new soul. Cog’s warlock patron has essentially gifted him with a soul of sorts. It is a complex piece of magic mixed with something spiritual that has given him sentience. Gnaultie’s patron has smelled this and has decided to induct Cog into his patronage.   Once the Orr Urgash Eight use their teleport rocks to move Cog to the magnetic field they will attempt to hold him there. Give Cog a strength check DC 23 to resist the field. If he succeeds he can leave the field on a fail he will be trapped in the magnetic pull. From there we can do a constitution check to see if he can remain upright or go down on one knee. Gnaultie will taunt him this whole time and outline his nefarious plan like the dumb supervillain he is. “Yes! My mechanoid friend, you and I will be working together for some time! Incredible piece of work, really like the detail on the face and the articulation in the finger joints. Excellent craftsmanship. Oh, and you’ve added a grapple arm? Wonderful, we are going to have so much fun.” In a large open field at the top of a compound you can tell that this area is several hundred feet above the swamp on a large mound with a large fence surrounding it. You are currently on a large 10 x 20 rectangular section of ancient stone with more runes written around it. This stonework, much like the ancient temple you just left doesn’t match the surrounding area. This compound looks recently built and the old stone is clearly from a bygone era. “Did you know my benefactor collects souls? He does and he gives me all this power just to feed his little device downstairs. We grab all of those pesky humans and suck out their little souls and fuel our operation. All of these nice fellows here (he motions to the goblins and bugbears and orcs around him) are all working towards that goal. “ Whispering to Cog directly “This cult working to destroy all humanity is kind of a ruse I use to keep all of these guys in line. Stoke their anger and use their lust for violence for a purpose. Keeps them from attacking each other and me, of course. Fear of my benefactor and all of the cult rules is such a great way to fuel the phylactery. Plus it keeps me entertained all the way out here in the hinterlands.” “You keep struggling for the next eight hours while I get the ritual prepared. I think the man upstairs gets off on your suffering. He uses the words delicious and sumptuous quite often when we discuss pain and anguish. Once we get this noble soul out of you it’s going to be very interesting to see what the new you is. What I do know is having an automaton of your power as my right hand is going to be quite the thrill.” The strange Loxodon makes a head nod to a bugbear to your right and the bugbear begins to activate a device. The area you are standing on the rectangular rock with the runes that create your magnetic prison begin to lower into the ground. You see several feet of rock and stone around you as the slab descends farther into the earth and settles into an underground chamber that matches the old stone of you prison in style and age. Around you is a dark ancient temple that looks centuries old. Flecks of pigment denote old frescoes that must have decorated this place in different times, probably depicting ancient rituals or battles. They are impossible to make out now. Large stone columns hold up the ceiling which is also decorated with ornate stone carvings and old paintings. A pool of water stands not far in front of you and pulses with a cyan blue and green glow. The water moves slowly as if being churned by an invisible hand and the blue and green colors move lazily with the water. Besides your red glowing runes it is the only light in the chamber. Another DC 23 Strength check .   Rest of the Party -   I need one of you to be the navigator through the swamp. Roll a history check to see if anyone remembers any old maps of this Region. Or we can have the ranger and druid work together to look for tracks using a Nature Check. DC 16 or better will allow them to find tracks and movement by humanoid creatures through the swamp. Pieces of arrow fletching or other signs of warriors and armed goblinoids that move through this are back to their home base. Navigating through the swamp is difficult and slow but you feel like you are on the right track. A patrol of Goblins and a couple bugbears can be seen up ahead. They have made a small fire and are cooking some tiny swamp animal on a spit. You can try to attack or sneak past. [The arm and fist of Grummer Grumaulsh is the elite fighting force commanded by the Orr Urgash Eight.]   Up ahead you see a massive creature walking slowly through the swamp. It stands thirty feet tall and looks like an enormous spiky turtle. It is a Swamp Dragon Turtle : STR 25. DEX 10 Con 20 INT 6 WIS 12 CHA 12 Saves Dex+6 Con +11 Wis +7 Damage resistances - Fire Darkvision 120, passive perception 11 Multi Attack - Bite /Claw / Claw or Tail +13 to hit Bite - 3d12+7 Claw - 2d8 +7 Tail - Reach 15 ft. 3d12 +7 Steam Breath - A 60’ cone of scalding steam. DC 18 constitution saving throw. 52 damage on a failed save half on a success. A swamp Dragon turtle is not intelligent it should be treated as a regular animal creature. These gargantuan reptiles have spiked head and small spikes jutting out at different angles around it’s eyes and cheekbones. It’s mouth is almost a beak like a snapping turtle. Huge claws allow to walk amongst the swamp and swipe down on prey. It’s shell is made up of hexagonal panels each with a spike jutting out of it. It stands about twenty feet tall and about 35 feet wide at the shell.   Ahead you see the enormous wooden wall surrounding the top half a giant mound of rock that juts out of the swamp. Several camps and small wooden buildings ring around this structure and a few moving sentries can be seen. Mostly small groups of goblins and some bugbears who carry small lanterns with them. The structure on the rocks is almost a half a mile wide and oval shaped. From this vantage point you only see a sheer rock wall matted with moss and vines that stand forty feet above the swamp and directly built on top of that there is 30 feet of wooden walls. Directly in front of you is a construction site of sorts. Small tents are dotted about before you and plenty of saw horses, rock piles and scaffolding leading up to the walls. You are currently about a half mile away from this area. There are two patrols currently between you and the construction area. The first patrol is moving south at a normal walking speed and consists of 3 goblins and a bugbear. The second patrol is moving north at a faster pace and is 4 goblins and a hobgoblin.   The Struggle of Cog - Held in the magnetic field Cog begins to be assaulted by Unctuous Virtue. A series of battles will take place in his warforged mindscape in a battle for his very soul. Gnaultie begins one of his spiels and says “Did you know I come from Ventenheim? Not a lot of Loxodon’s in the world but most of us live peacefully in a small wet forest south of the Tanzarian desert. The problem is that all of them are incredibly boring! I left years ago seeking adventure but every time I was having fun one of the pink creatures would accuse me of theft or murder or arson. They would try to capture and hold me but each time I had a secret. My invisible friend would always be talking to me, you see, and then a door would open or a guards neck would snap. You see the universe wants me out here doing fun stuff like this! You’ll see....”. His eyes go black and your HUD shifts. Battle one - Your field of view changes and instead of the magnetic field and the underground chamber you stand free in a dark forest. It is really dark and lifeless which even to you is disturbing, twisted black trees dot the landscape and a misty fog shrouds the surrounding area. Do a perception check DC15 - From your left a creature rises. A dark grey creature rushes towards you, it has four arms and huge hooked claws on each hand. Long spindly legs push it forward and it looms over you by a few feet. Roll Initiative. It’s eyeless long head has a wide maw filled with dark grey sharp teeth lined in rows. Grendelretch - Str 19 Dex 17 Con 15 Wis 9 Int 8 Cha 5 HP - 54. AC 16. +6 to attack with two claw attacks /. Once per 3 rounds it can spit acid in a six foot cone. Claw attacks do 1d8+3 damage each and the acid attack does 1d12 damage. [Once he defeats the first monster we switch back to the rest of the party.]   Back to the Party - Another sentry party of The Arm and Fist of Grummer Grumaulsh stands guard before a large construction area of the compound. What do you want to do here? There are six goblin guards commanded by a Hobgoblin captain and two bugbears seem to be his sergeants. The area they are in has several half built wooden structures, there are barrels of pitch and piles of lumber in the area. Pieces of wooden scaffolding are built here, waiting to be brought closer the the walls of the compound, some of which are over twelve feet tall. One long wooden building can be seen just on the other side of the patrol that has no windows and may be a storage shed. This building is finished and the doors look closed up tight. [In this storage building there are several crates and barrels holding materials for construction. Large spikes used as nails for the lumber, probably several hundred. A barrel of a grey powder. DC 16 investigation check. A success reveals that this is an explosive powder made from shard dust, fochulite, and coal. In this particular blend it works like gunpowder. It can be ignited with flame or electrical damage. There are two barrels full of oil and two of pitch, which is the oil mixed with plant resin and tiny stones. They use this as a roof covering and to caulk up seams. It is flammable as well. Small piles of shaped rocks can be found as well as crates of sand. Many tools line the walls, including shovels, hammers, pickaxes, and grading tools like a tamper and metal barrel used to smooth pitch and sand. As you get closer to the actual compound you can take a look and see if there are any ways inside without scaling the wall. [DC 16 perception check, a small break in the wall can be seen at the center of the construction site.] The struggle of Cog - Battle 2 - After defeating the first monster your vision goes back to normal and you feel the restraint of the magnetic field all around you. You once again try to push through the field [DC 23 Strength Check ] On a success Cog is free but his vision still changes once more. On a fail he once again enters his dark headspace. Your HUD flickers out again and the hazy rocks and trees of the dark realm come into focus. You look around you and a dark four legged creature begins to approach from the trees. Roll initiative as the large rocky creature sprints towards you. Moving incredibly fast for its size it attempts to leap on you. It is also eyeless with a dark grey rocky exterior. Two huge teeth jut forward from the front of its mouth and its jaw opens extremely wide exposing a purple tongue. Kortolex - AC 17 / HP 45. St - 17. Dex [Eventually have Cog face a dark version of himself. An all black Cog walk forward and extends his sword arm. A dark purple light emits from his eye slits and purple energy crackles around his joints.   The Underground compound of Grummer Grumaulsh - There are three ways in and out of the underground complex that makes up the interior of the giant compound Knick Gnaultie has created. There is a secret sewer tunnel that even he has not explored that can be found in a rock wall in section 11 of the map. This leads out the back lower portion of the giant compound and there will be no guards. It is at the western end of the compound and the party can easily escape and be on there way to the abandoned mines. The easiest way is a spiral staircase in the main house which sits in the middle of the compound. Knick Gnaultie resides here and this is his personal space. Most of the cult are not allowed anywhere near this area. The last way in is the tunnel which can be found in the construction area on the eastern side of the complex. This area is the last section of the compound to be completed. Gnaultie has instructed his corps of engineers to create a second entrance which he would use as an escape route or a way to smuggle in things he doesn't want his cultists to see. The party can find this way by doing an investigation check stealthily in the construction area. These next numbered sections correspond to the map. 1 - The phylactery Chamber - This area of the compound looks different, older, ancient even, polished marble and smooth stone line the floors. Marble columns hold the ceiling and old paint can be seen above telling an old myth. Most of the paint has flaked away so most of it is unreadable. at the far end of the chamber sits a faintly glowing pool which shifts from cyan blue to bright green in a strange pulsing pattern. [This is the phylactery which eats souls and fuels unctuous virtue. Anyone who gets close must roll a constitution check DC 14 and a wisdom check DC14 Failure on both will cause them to go unconscious and they will lose their souls within 4 rounds if someone does not help them.] 2 - The wide staircase here leads down from Knick Gnaultie's residence down to the compound below. The staircase is ten feet wide and made of the same marble stone that crafts the original temple from ages ago. Gnaultie built this new site on top of and around and ancient temple from several shattering ago. As you descend there are three chambers on either side that hold comfortable furniture, end tables and cabinetry brought here by Gnaultie. He uses this area to entertain guests or victims depending on the day. He has several wine cabinets that hold expensive wines he has stolen from merchants over the last few years. Gallons of whiskey and rum can be found in ornate glass containers. Plenty of chests of expensive clothes of all shapes and sizes as well. walking south the chamber splits and their are two staircase leading down and in opposite directions. Encounter - two patrols of goblins are looking for trouble. One is made up of 5 goblins coming in from the construction yard the other is coming down from Gnaultie's place and is made up of 4 goblins and a hobgoblin in command. Echoing through the tunnels you hear Another sentry party of The Arm and Fist of Grummer Grumaulsh.  Perception check of DC16 to hear what they are saying.   3 - This is the holding chamber for new victims. The floor is still made of the same material as the ancient temple but the walls are newly hewn rock and stone from the cave walls. Drilled into the walls are manacles of different sizes. Wooden stocks are in the center to hold more unruly figures. 4 - This area holds a rectangular pool which is filled with dark water. The film on the top is of many different colors including ochre yellow, dark red , and milky white. DC investigation check of 15 or a nature check reveals this is a body disposal site. The stench in here is pungent and smells of a slaughterhouse and death. 5 - This area is a new cave that is being dug. Pickaxes and shovels can be found on the floor and plenty of lamps and candles. 6 - A newly dug tunnel connects two hallways. 7 - A newly dug tunnel connects towards the disposal areas. 8 - A square room that clearly is a leftover from the ancient site. All four walls still exist and are clearly from the white stone of the original. Ancient fresco's can still be found on the walls as flecks of bright pigment . The full pictures are difficult to make out. A large cabinet and a table can be found against the wall and in the middle of the room. The cabinet is locked. A DC 15 investigation check reveals a secret compartment in the table as well. Lock is picked at DC 15 on the table compartment as well as the cabinet. Inside is 14 gold, 35 wolves heads, 65 irons, and 3 stones with strange markings on them. An arcana check will still leave the players baffled. 9 - This area has a tunnel that leads to the construction site outside on the East side of the compound. It is an unfinished escape route and is currently open. 10 - Stairs lead down from 8 into this larger chamber. The first part of this is made of the original stone from the ancient temple but the lower half is newly dug stone and dirt. An enormous black pool can be seen stretching 20 feet across. It looks to be well water that has been flooded by the disposal pool seen in 4. Encounter - Gray Ooze - Armor Class 8 Hit Points 22 (3d8+9) Speed 10 ft., climb 10 ft. STR 12 (+1) DEX 6 (-2) CON 16 (+3) INT 1 (-5) WIS 6 (-2) CHA 2 (-4) Skills Stealth +2 Damage Resistance Acid, Cold, Fire Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Prone Senses Blindsight 60 Ft. (Blind Beyond This Radius), passive Perception 8 Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. Corrode Metal. Any nonmagical weapon made of metal that hits the ooze corrodes. After dealing damage, the weapon takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal that hits the ooze is destroyed after dealing damage. The ooze can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical metal in 1 round. False Appearance. While the ooze remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an oily pool or wet rock. Actions - Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage plus (2d6)acid damage. If the target is wearing nonmagical metal armor, its armor is partly corroded and takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to the ac it offers The armor is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10 11 - The pool from 10 stretches and DC perception check will show that the water is slowly draining towards the end of this chamber. An investigation check reveals that behind some easily removed rubble is an ancient sewer tunnel. It may lead toward the outside and it is navigable just by crouching down.
    Plot type
    Campaign Story Part 3


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