Clayborne Plinth Character in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Clayborne Plinth

Mayor Clayborne Agunducus Plinth (a.k.a. Clayface)

Clay is the mayor of Morden’s Bridge.  He was in Lamborginus during the Wolfwere attacks on the town.  He is back now and is happy to great the heroes as they return to Morden’s Bridge.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clayborne grew up in the area around Morden’s Bridge.  He was sent to Penthos for schooling after showing an aptitude for book learning.  His family spent quite a bit of their fortune doing so.  Though he washed out after three years of drinking and exploring Penthos he returned home and told everyone he had graduated early.  He tried his hand at farming and milling but didn’t really have the fortitude for it.  He ran off with an adventuring group for a few years and had a few successes at fighting goblins and some undead.   After running out of money once more he went back to Morden’s bridge and worked at the inn.  After single handedly killing a hobgoblin who threatened a local teenager he gained enough notoriety amongst the townsfolk to run for mayor.  That was thirty years ago but he still tells the story as if it was yesterday.
Current Location
Bluish Gray
Bald on top long hair in back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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