Characters of the Adventuring Group Story ideas Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Characters of the Adventuring Group Story ideas

After the battle with the bounty hunters the party is beat up and in need of rest. Plan a minor encounter for them after camping as they get back on the road. Maybe a party of traders or soldiers that they can interact with in a non combat way. Soldiers from Penthos? The piece of paper found on the Tiefling bounty hunter. The bounty hunter’s name is Blade Brasserelon. He had business cards on him and clearly thought he was going to be a big deal. The bounty notice is clearly for Vom Fass and lists several crimes he has committed over the last year. “Removal of property worth 14 wolves heads in ferartowne, Removal of property worth 56 wolves heads in Kierkewoode, Physical humiliation on the personage of a cleric of Kierkelon, Theft of an artifact in a temple of Corsun, Insulting a member of house Nuxhall, Insulting a member of House Quail, Removal of property worth 43 wolves heads in ....”   The piece of paper found on the Goliath’s bodies reads “ By demand of the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars, By the Queen of the realm whom controls all of the Desert of Tanzarian and outlying land on the continent of Ventenheim in accordance of the laws of said realm the Queen demands the return of the princess Mewtoolian Moon in Ink Stars in Black pool reflecting on Night Sky. Use this bounty to remove said Royal personage and return her to her ancestral homelands whole and intact. She is wanted for crimes against the realm.”   You spend the rest of the day camping and resting. Around 4 pm a large battalion of soldiers can be seen marching down the nearby trail. A quick glance at the group as it marches closer reveals 25 soldiers on a practice march. Perception check DC 16 reveals that they are soldiers from Penthos. It is possible to converse with the captain and he would tell them that they are on a routine patrol guarding the area against different goblin groups.   As we approach Morden’s bridge you see lights up ahead and a few structures in the distance. Morden’s bridge’s Corsunalia is still under way just like Tellenor’s but it is more muted not quite as frenetic. Morden’s bridge is a smaller town about half the size of Tellenor but seems to be relatively peaceful. Still several hundred yards from town proper you pass by a large building under construction. The building looks to be about a century old and the stone is moss covered and weather beaten. Hayes, you remember this place, you used to play here as a child. It’s an old jail built a long time ago and had fallen into to disrepair. you never saw it in use. Four men are cutting and placing large wooden beams inside the structure and rebuilding the roof and one man is moving large iron bars into the interior of the structure. The man moving the bars looks up at your strange party and does a double take. Finally his eyes settle on the cleric. “Hopper?! Hey man! How’s it going? Didn’t think you would ever come back to this place!” Hayes, you send the rest of the party up to town proper and let them know to meet you at the Cobbleton Inn later that morning. you know the owner and you are pretty sure you can get a free room if any are available. Tell the owner that Blizzard hops sent you.   Blizzard Hops - You continue your conversation with an old childhood friend by the name of Biggs. “So how did the academy treat you? Where did you get assigned?” Continue conversation until Biggs informs Hops of the reason for fixing up the jail. Two townsfolk have been murdered brutally in town and the town elders suspect a murderer may be loose. The wounds look like stab wounds from a dagger, although Biggs says he overheard a guard say bite marks, and the town is trying to act normal for the Corsunalia festivities. The festival brings in quite a bit of coin and is important to the economy. Hopper is asked to investigate and help the town. "Hey, this kind of thing is right up your alley isn't that what you do as a cleric of Eigeralon? Also these um, friends of yours look pretty tough. Can you help us out?"   Karnak - As the party slowly walks into town and splits apart you notice a shop that just opened up. An older dwarf gently moves some beautiful glass sculptures into view for any traders or festival goers. A pleasant memory of your family passes through your mind, many of your family worked in the glass guild in your dwarven homeland. Not the most prestigious of guilds but your uncles and grandfather took great pride in it anyway. You walk into the shop and the old Dwarf hails you “Ho! Nice to see a familiar face! What brings you to this town so far from the dwarven lands?” He talks with you about his background and how he wound up in Morden’s Bridge. He was assigned a job as a young dwarf working the docks as merchant ships came in to pick up dwarven crafts and raw materials. Eventually he sailed with the East Tellenheim Trading Company to pick up a load of gems in Felos. His lust for adventure caused him to just keep going, after trying his hand at adventuring he found he didn’t have the heart or the skill for it so he learned glass blowing and settled in Morden’s Bridge.“ If I may, i see you are dressed fairly simply with very little metal. Found a bit of the Druid have you? I haven’t seen a Dwarven Druid in years” Karnak should ask in a round about way about his mother or a Dwarven woman who has natural abilities. The old Dwarf mentions a story he heard about a dwarf who could change into an animal out west. A town not far from Dagger Cat Pass, a town called Brother’s Bond. As you walk out of the building and head back to the festival you hear the old dwarf call you back one more time. He holds a spear and hands it to you. “you know I found this thing years ago, I used to be an adventurer for a short stint before i took an arrow to the knee. Never wound up using it, but you might. Good luck.”   Vorsalia - you keep your hood up and wander through the streets, avoiding the majority of the crowd and keeping to the edges. A young woman smiles at you and hands you a stick with meat and vegetables on it, she says it’s on the house and that you look like you might need it. you notice for the first time how hungry you are and how good it smells, cooked meat with actual spices is something you haven’t tasted in months. Roll nature check to make sure it’s good pure food (it is). Plus as a drow it feels good to have a stranger treat you as normal and not stop and stare or walk by real fast. You finish your tiny meal and begin to make your way to the large building you assume is the inn mentioned by Hops. ( Or whereever you want to go.) All of a sudden you feel a prickling on the back of your neck and you freeze. The voice says "I hope you liked the package i sent you. Be seeing you soon, can't wait to begin working together...Sister..." Do you do anything? Roll an Arcana check DC(16). It is a Sending spell the sender could be from anywhere. You can reply (if you make the arcana check). You are starting to think the frog creature was sent for you specifically. Roll a nature check again DC 17 - to determine if it’s a Banderhobb or not. You could always try to do some research in the library.   Cog - Once again in civilization you have warm new memories of Tellenheim and being treated as a living being. The Corsunalia festival lights and sounds feel familiar and welcoming. Most everyone stands and stares at you as you walk by and as guards approach you warily you gently point to your symbol from the wizard. It feels good to point at it and feel a bit more like one of the meat bags you are so intrigued with. Roll a DC 15 Perception check. If passed Cog sees a young man and a woman leading him into the woods. As a warforged you have no idea what to make of that activity, you make a mental note to ask a party member later. A small boy offers you a sticky bun, fascinated by your metal and your fun Knight Rider eye lights. As you decline he runs off to tell his dad about meeting you. Suddenly You feel a small tug in your chest pointing you towards a small clump of trees a ways away, you walk in that direction. As you wander a bit out of town and away from the townspeople the scene changes. You get close to the wooded area to the east and Your scanning HUD feels muted on the edges and blurry and a figure begins to appear not far from you. A voice says inside your head “Protect against this one, protect your friends, save innocents...”. It trails off Roll an Insight Check (DC 15). If passed you feel the voice is on your side, feels good. The figure in front of you is still blurry but is forming. It draws two blades and colors begin to form. It is a blue elven figure, but bright blue skin not like a drow and the ears are much to long. It’s hair is bright white and it’s eyes glow yellow. It attacks (make attack roll) Make Dex Check (DC17). Mike can make an attack roll here. Keep the battle going until Mike makes contact. He needs an attack roll of 17 and the vision kind of separates into dots. The vision ends and mike’s sword arm has impaled a tree. His HUD goes back to normal.   Mew - As you move into the crowd the urge to pick pocket a few merchants is hard to ignore. You move with your standard grace and staying at the edges of peoples peripheral vision just like you were taught. You keep your hood low and your mask concealed. You can make some sleight of hand checks. DC15 in this crowd is a success. If failed do a quick Hide check. You notice a very attractive Tiefling only a few yards from you. Make a perception check. On a success you notice that he too has picked some pockets. He flashes a smile and a quick hand motion moves some coins around his knuckles in impressive fashion. He motions you to follow around a corner. you can follow or you can head to the inn that Hops mentioned. (If follows). You round the corner and you see the Tiefling leaning against a building. “you have an impressive technique, Tabaxi?” “ Are you currently affiliated with a guild?” Roll a DC 15 wisdom saving throw. If failed you feel compelled to hear his sales pitch on a new Thieves Guild. If you save you quickly feel an unnatural happiness wash over you and then you shake it off. Doesn’t feel nefarious but maybe a bit obtrusive. your hackles are raised. “The Abyssal Knife is a new guild you should check out, maybe come to a meeting?” “tonight under the bridge 10 pm, come alone”   Vom Fass - Are you walking into town as the kobold or as the gnome in the hat? If the gnome - you see a familiar looking Halfling getting off of a merchant carriage. history check DC 16 - You notice the carriage is from the Rodriguez hortalez trading company, one of the two major trade organizations on the continent. This little guy is connected and has some means. “Hey! Hat gnome! Did you get any of those dinosaurs? I need like 6 to start.” “No worries, I’ve got lots of ideas for new projects. Perfume using Dragon Turtle Ambergris, or a bard judging contest we just need ..."

Plot points/Scenes

Drow ranger - Is currently being recruited by a shady Drow who works for the Dark Council. They are also funding the Abyssal Knife. Eventually should give her Telescopic sight and a sniper attachment for her bow.   Cog - His warlock patron is warning him to watch for Isringus. Need to nail down who or what his patron is and why. Uncanny Arkanoid Sorrow is his patron. There is a new article about her that I'm working on now.   Karnak - Searching for his sister his only lead is the town of Brother's bond near Dagger cat pass. Unfortunately that lead only finds the Animaniacs Cult. The Animaniacs are preparing an infected water supply to infect the entire city of Stoneport with Lycanthropy. Vision 01 - You sleep peacefully for a time then a green light begins to pulse at the edges of your eyes. You open your eyes and the swamp is now a lush forest. Nearby trees erupt into a burst of color as cherry blossoms bloom and small blue mushrooms peek up from soft grass. It feels comforting though and inviting not deep dark and dangerous. You look up at the night sky and instead of the inky black of the overcast cloudy sky you feel asleep with this sky is filled with multi colored stars the two moons and an aurora that crosses the sky in a ribbon of green and purple light. A creature begins to fly down from the tops of the trees and circles you. With the head of a snowy owl and the large powerful wings of an eagle and a large furry wolf body it lands on big furry paws. Gently and gracefully it walks up to you, It doesn’t speak but you are flooded with images. Twelve stars form between you and rotate slowly, One of the stars turns black and one turns bright blue. Then the stars turn to blood and continue to rotate. As the stars slowly come together the blood forms into a creatures head which screams soundlessly in rage. Your vision begins to slowly zoom in on the creatures mouth as you get closer and closer fear begins to creep into your mind... Then you wake up. Slightly sweaty and a green after image flashing in your eyes.   Vom Fass - Searching for the kobold mask has brought his entire party on a dangerous quest. He will be confronted by Mr. Nyx the magic Imp soon.   Mew - the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars, By the Queen of the realm whom controls all of the Desert of Tanzarian and outlying land on the continent of Ventenheim in accordance of the laws of said realm the Queen demands the return of the princess Mewtoolian Moon and Ink with Stars in Black pool reflecting on Night Sky. She is on the run from her own kingdom and family and wanted for murder. She is currently a member of the Hare's Catch Thieves Guild. She is being recruited by both the Facet of Nowhere and the new thieves guild Abyssal Knife. Mew Vision 01 - As you try to get some sleep with the Eastern sun hovering over you a chill sets in despite your fur and the warmer temperatures. You open your eyes and stand up but everything looks dark and outlined. Almost as if you woke inside of an old video game, the sleeping forms of your party members, the surrounding trees and rocks all look like something out of Tron. The sky is black and you can see the stars despite it being the middle of the day. Finally a voice echoes from behind you, turning around you see a figure in robes all made out of the pulsing colors and wireframe nature of this realm. A female voice says “I’ve been waiting to meet with you, your Psionic powers are strong. As you drifted East I could see you coming over the horizon ever closer like a shooting star.” Mew can ask a few questions if she would like. “I don’t have much time, at this distance even our combined power will only grant us moments. You need to join the Abyssal Knife, They are dangerous and we need more information. Go undercover for me, and I will help you train in your powers. We will talk soon.”     Blizzard Hops - From the town of Morden's Bridge he is a Cleric of Eigeralon stationed in Tellenor. Eigeralon himself has pushed Hops to follow the Kobold Vom Fass. Add in the entire Pentathet’s Hammer storyline which is now attached to hops.


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