C2 Outline in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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C2 Outline

Story Irons in the Fire
Ionn Castaliogne/Lord Vedemire - Wants his Arcane focus back. His objectives are twofold: Destroy the Dark One's Seal (#4 of 12)
Use the Focus to shoot the smaller moon and create a shatterfall when the moons are in conjunction in February/
  The PC's must break into Castaliogne manor by any means necessary and save the seal and take back the focus. Ideally they will kill Ionn, as one of our lesser Fallen he should be killable. His rival Bella / Kirana will take his place in the narrative.
  Bella Caix L'Couer - She has no use for Vedemire and is actively trying to steal the seal in his possession to claim credit from the Dark One for it's destruction. The Dark one offers many boons to those that succeed in his service.
She is also tasked with finding any resurrected heroes of the second age.
She is really looking for Verilius Rivendrias / Crashe to bend him to her will before he fights the dark one. Her main base of operations are the twin cities of Helletowne and Allachi. She has many eyes and ears there.
  Finnix and the Warforged will lead to Warshaw
  Finnix is on a mission to our planet to collect the bounty on Cog. Said to be an escaped warforged from Eberron. He has allied with Rega Ragnash, a middle aged goblin man, who also wants to find Cog.
  Sava Cogson - the first built creation of Cog who is in Warshaw. Rega will point Cog to Warshaw next and attempt to meet him there. He wants to find Cog before Finnix so he can kill him.
  Revetan the Reclaimer (Deceased)-
The warforged creation of the demigod Isringus, he was the answer to the warforged Cog and was supposed to be Cog's destruction. Failing throughout the years to kill Cog or other members of Adventure Team Grimm, he now has set his sights on ruling the city of Warshaw. He means to take it over and begin a series of wars conquering the Eigerlands. If he gets some assistance from the Dark One he welcomes it.
Killed on the bridge in Warshaw.   From
  Exatron Saul - A rival Vedalkan bounty hunter from Eberron. He has been sent to create a competition between he and Finnix to get the job done faster. He is a loose cannon quite literally, because he carries an artificer cannon. He will do anything to take the bounty from Finnix.
  Inorr Auslav Rakovonarr - Our Strahd Like vampire Fallen. He serves the Dark One because he is promised a large kingdom to rule over once the Dark one is released. He views this as his right and his heritage. He is incredibly proud and feels that his past life was taken from him unrightfully so. This time he will do things the right way and rule what was taken from him.
  Mausim -
Displaced from his home and family back in Copenhaus he is also the reincarnation of Encealadus Calwyn a human general and hero of the Elven wars of the second age. He and Verilius Rivendrias realized the threat of the dark one much too late to destroy the great lich king. His dreams and visions are slowly telling the story of their failure.
They did instead imprision the Lich King Aer'ChaBadZael in his Dark domain. Banding together with Verilius and several mages that became the Assembly of the Weave they created the Seals made of White Corundum. They activated the 12 Seals and banished the Dark one into the Thoris Megalith creating his domain of dread. Unfortunately in the thousands of years in between the Dark one has grown in power and has granted the fallen immortality to serve him and free him.
  Where are the other Seals of the Dark One?
  Where is Cog and what is he doing about the Rise of the Dark One. Probably working with Saviori to find a permanent solution to killing the Dark One. Maybe in the Dreiduaras Dome in the Forest Realms. Perhaps destroying the seals all at once will release the Dark One but also make him vulnerable to true death. Cog is planning an expedition to enter the dark domain and face Aer'Chabadzael before he can leave. He plans on killing the Dark One ending the threat once and for all.
  The Fallen were essentially immortals walking the planet for the last 3000 years up to their own devices. With the escape of Cog's soul from the Dark One's Domain 50 years ago there was an awakening. A shift happened and the Dark One was able to reach out and speak with his minions once more. A crack appeared in the prison somehow. A bit of the Dark one was able to reach out and begin planning again. For the last 50 years the Fallen have been actively looking for the Seals and seek to destroy them.


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