ATG the Teen Titans of Tellenor Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG the Teen Titans of Tellenor

A group of young talented individuals form an adventuring team to be like their heroes Adventure Team Grimm
Previously On the Teen Titans
A group of talented teenagers who live in Tellenor were excited by the return of their heroes Adventure Team Grimm.  When the now famous adventuring team returned to town they stopped the occupational force of soldiers and their leader a Knight of Aventador from killing the duke.  With this victory the Harvest festival was back on!  The teens soon learned that during the battle a group of thieves had stolen the Town Tome from the caste in the confusion.  This magical tome holds the entire history of Tellenor magically within it's pages.  The teens decided to get it back on their own with no help from the adults.  
Petey Pollivar, a local nine year old always trying to get into their group, told them that the thieves dropped down the backside of the castle to escape.  With this the teens headed to over the walls of the town to investigate.  The teen team consists of the short but strong aarokocra barbarian known as Ikki Ti'Kik, An adopted Satyr named Pippen who is a failed musician but a powerful monk, Kodi the weird beastshifter bear kid from a thieving background and Dusty Gorf the emo Tiefling with a warlock patron.  
After wandering around the harvest festival the kids decided to ask one of the members of Adventure Team Grimm for help.  Ikki and Pippin decided to use their disguise kit to look like an adult.  Pippin stood on Ikki's shoulders and created her moustache man look.  With some excellent persuasion skills she convinced the bartender to give her a drink and answer her questions.  Kodi took the back door route and snuck into the back of the bar.  He passed by a sleeping Blizzard Hops and Baji Krausenfoot and then snuck behind the bar.  With quick hands he lifted a bottle of Triple Sec and dashed out.  As Pippen downed the 2 ounces of straight whiskey she stood on Ikki's shoulder for 2 seconds before the whiskey came back up.  A stream of vomit flew directly down the trenchcoat rightn on to Ikki's head.  The two fled the bar in panic and all of the teens met back up at the fountain to go over their plan. 
The team scaled the walls to get to the back of the castle and investigate.  Pippen noticed deep indents from a carriage and several hoof prints from a team of horses.  Clearly the thieves headed north into the forest and towards the mountains.  The young team gathered their weapons and bought some camping gear.  With that they headed out to the farmlands outside of Onsalm in pursuit of the carriage.  Their first stop at dusk was an old halfling farmers pumpkin patch.  The teens noticed a Worg eating pumpkins who sniffed the farmer out and was heading to attack him.  Before the team came up with a plan Ikki flew towards the dangerous creature with his great axe and struck!  The blow was so heavy that the worg went down in a spray of blood.  The young owlish boy began to go into shock from the event and the farmer ran out to give the kids comfort, shelter and something to eat.  Meanwhile Pippen stole the farmers horse.  With gratitude the farmer let the kids use his donkeys as well as his horse as long as they promised to send them back. 
Camping for the night the teens set Ikki on first watch. Hearing leathery wings on the air he looked up to see several stirges attacking the group.  Rousing the rest of the team into battle the teens started cutting down the blood suckers.  The battle intensified as a small band of Goblin Stirge Wranglers attacked from behind.  Eventually the team was victorious dispatching all of the small enemies.  The following day the teen team caught up to the carriage.  At the base of a cliff leading up to the mountains the carriage lay on its side.  The thieves were killed torn limb from limb and one of the horses lay nearby with large bite marks in it.  A bloody streak could be found leading up the cliff as if something large dragged the remaining horse as well as the chest with the town tome in it.  Climbing the cliff with ropes and pitons the team found a cave.  As they decided what to do next a huge troll emerged from the cave and screamed at them in Giant.  A battle was joined and Dusty and Pippen were felled.  With no options remaining Kodi and Ikki taunted the troll to chase them off of the cliff.  The plan was a success and the troll hurtled to the bottom.  Inside the cave the team found the tome and headed for home.  As they looked down the cliff the troll was gone.  They returned home to Tellenor with a hearty thanks from the Duke and Blizzard Hops himself.

Plot points/Scenes

The Harvest Festival -
The Harvest Festival this year looked like it wasn't even going to happen.  The occupation had turned all the adults in town into sour curmudgeons as they dealt with the soldiers and Knight of Aventador.  Like most kids in town you went to class and did your apprenticeships and then found ways to get into trouble.  Sneaking over the walls and trying to poke their big drakes with sticks through the bars.  Avoiding the guards and the soldiers while trying to fish in the river after curfew, and maybe stealing a pie or two of the opportunity presented itself.  After a few days though things got worse.  Your parents or guardians in town had visits from the soldiers who demanded tribute.  Food wasn't scarce but it became more precious as the adults started looking after it more closely.  That night the Duke was arrested and everyone in town started to really feel the pressure.  The day after that a building exploded in town.  A big booming whoosh knocked people over if they were too close.  Purple and orange streams of magical energy rushed though town scaring everyone.  But at this, the height of fear and trepidation building in the people of Tellenor, they came back!  Adventure Team Grimm had finally returned from their journey across the sea to Ventenheim.  You ran to your friends house and knocked loudly on the door.  Then the two of you ran to the next house and called for him.  Then you even found the weird bear kid you have been hanging out with for the last few weeks.  You all told the stories of Adventure Team Grimm whenever you got together in your group.  Heck, sometimes you even dressed up as them and snuck over the wall to have adventures.  Now they were here and they would set things right!  And they did, that night adventure Team Grimm snuck into the castle and took out the guards, then they jumped all over that Knight of whatever and kicked his ass!  The Duke gave them the key to the city and best of all restarted the Harvest festival!  You all made your way down to the town square to watch the townsfolk set up.  That's when you heard that the Town Tome had gone missing.  Apparently in the confusion of the battle a small group of thieves made their way into the castle attic and stole some valuable items.  The most important of all is the Town Tome.  A magical book which holds the entire history of Tellenor.  It is said to be priceless, but you are sure someone was going to ask a price for it.  This wasn't just stealing from the Duke, no one cares about that.  These thieves stole from Tellenor itself.  You all may not even be from here but you all call it your home.  If Adventure Team Grimm can come together a strange band of warriors and risk all to help the town than can any of you do any less?
You all spend the next hour coming up with a plan and wandering quickly through the festival.  This has two advantages, it makes it easier to steal a cake or slice of smoked bacon and everytime an adult asks you for help you quickly rush forward and say "Can't, helping Morchu collect more Horseshoes!" or whoever isn't there at the time.   Orange and yellow magical lanterns bob around the straw bales and carts of the vendors.  What would you all like to do?
A black and white furred Pandaren man sits in front of several children putting on a show with live chipmunks. The tiny creatures are acting out the children's play "In a Dragon's Hat". The final scene requires a big monster to threaten the hero and to your shock and surprise the Pandaren man changes into a green and blue glowing owlbear. The children all scream in mock terror and the man changes back into his furry self and bows. As the children are pulled away by their parents the man rounds up his tiny troupe of actors and tries to get them to enter a wooden box. [DM Note: The Pandaren is Sun Paw Kong, he is a Pandaren man from Ventenheim. He is an animal master and can act as a mentor for Karnac. He can add new wild shapes but that requires finding one of these creatures in the wild and interacting with it non-violently.]
Game 1 - Balance Blade - Two players balance one footed on an upturned log. They each use wooden practice swords to fence while balancing. The first player to lose their sword or their footing loses!
Game 2 - The Fool's Dance - A dancing and storytelling competition. The player must tell the most compelling story while acting it out with dance. Whoever does both the best simultaneously is the winner. This is often judged by the most elderly women in town and they are very subjective. They often favor small children or young girls in need of a confidence boost.
Game 3 - Assembly of the Knockoffs - Small unflattering carvings of figures dressed as assembly of the weave higher ups are stacked on a fence. Players have to use small rocks to knock over as many of the twelve figures that they can. Each figure has a varying point value depending on their rank.


On to Onsalm-
To truly find these thieves you will have to find out where they went. Let's investigate the are behind the castle. [DM Note: Investigation check reveals deep recesses in the wet grass. Hoof marks of at least two horses. The thieves scaled down the back of the castle and got away on a carriage in this direction. North towards the mountains.  On the way you need to pass through the farmlands outside of Onsalm.  As you march on towards the mountains following the tracks of the carriage the sun slowly sets on the western horizon.  You can smell the smoke from nearby chimneys from the little houses of the farmers that work this land.  A hint of lamb cooking on a spit, and the smell of boiled onions and carrots from a popular stew in the region.  As it gets darker the temperature drops once more on this autumn day.  You pull your cloaks a bit tighter and glance up at the big bright orange harvest moon and the smaller purple glow of the second moon in not far away.  You walk into an enormous pumpkin patch with a little farmhouse in the middle.  A warm glow can be seen inside as the farmer putters around his kitchen.  [DM Note: roll perception checks.  A success yields a sound not too far off.  As you look closer you see a large fanged head lift up out of the pumpkin patch.  do a nature check.  A success yields a Worg.  An errant goblin mount that is wandering the area.]  He is chewing on some pumpkins when his ears prick up.  He gets the scent of the human inside and pads over to the open door at the front.  What would you like to do?
A swarm of Stirges-  After the encounter in the pumpkin patch and camping for the night you head off into the forest beyond that leads up to the edge of the mountains.  The trail still leads into that direction. The goblin Stirge Wranglers



The wreck of the Carriage and the magic weapons - You come across a clearing in the woods.  The road leads here.  The carriage is wrecked, smashed.  One of the horses is dead and lays on the ground with claw marks and bite mark from a large maw.  There are drag marks from a large animal going towards the cliff ahead which leads to the foot of the moutains.  Perception check to hear voices  Several soldiers are approaching your position. Heading up the cliff you can see smears of horseblood and drag marks of a chest or something.  
The cliff leads up to a cave.  Need a small battle here.  Or just have the troll attack here so that they can attempt to push it off the cliff.  They don't need to kill the troll just retrieve the book!  remind them of that.


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