ATG Mission 8.1 The Journey Home Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 8.1 The Journey Home

Previously On Liters of Tomorrow

You started your day in the City of the great salt steppe awaiting the trial of Blizzard Hops who had been jailed for assault. Mew and the Queen were in attendance as the council ramped up their efforts to berate Hops on his actions. Before they could sentence him however the great gnome Diplomat known as Gruzzlefuss somethingtoe made his dramatic entrance. Using his prodigious persuasion skills Gruzzlefuss talked the judge down to a hefty fine and some lashings. The rest of the team met with Brook Tallow and Punty Redfang to begin plans for stopping the Adherents of Iron from reaching the Oracle of Vellenox. At a coffee shop in the plaza Cog, Karnac, and Eula had a surprise guest, the sailor and druid known as Borgullus Cro. He and a new hire made their way up to the kingdom when they got the summons from Brook Tallow and the Verdant Sigil that druids were needed for the upcoming battle.
Finally free of obligations in the Kingdom of Crossing Sun and Stars and with the Hydellical Mechanoid finally in hand the team made their battle plans to engage and disrupt the Adherents of Iron. Before leaving however the Queen met with the group and gifted you all some potions and loaned you an entire battalion of soldiers as well as two of the towering Ironclad Krovods for transport and the upcoming battle. Heading out into the rain forest you encamped by a bridge and finalized your plan of attack with the Verdant Sigil. The Tabaxi battalion and the Sigil Druids would attack the main force of the Adherents and stop them from finding the Oracle or regrouping with their command team. Adventure Team Grimm would find the oracle first and stop any of the high ranking Adherents from getting inside.
Heading out at dawn you made your way to the ancient Ziggurat in the jungle now over grown and surrounded by strange water ways. Scaling the temple were the Adherents of Iron, their Inquisitor leading the way. Vom Fass used Force wall to seal the entrance at the top of the temple just as the Adherents were setting up their ropes to drop down into the interior. Battle was joined as the two teams met on the sides of the Ziggurat both trying to stop the other from getting inside. Adherents of Iron battle droids, automatons that look like Cog, seemed to be augmented yet again to counter the warforged warlock. They blasted away at you and the powerful clerics of the Adherents rained down ice and lightning. Eulatris countered with plenty of ice of her own. Karnac turned into a treant and summoned the trees themselves to help in the fight. Blizzard Hops protected the small creature now known as Mogwai and used his hammer to attack the Adherents. Vom Fass counterspelled powerful healing magic before it could restore Inquisitor Catalonia, allowing Cog to finish him off. After finally dismantling the remaining automatons a single lieutenant seeing his team destroyed made a run for it only to captured by Vom Fass with a force cage. Now you stand in front of the invisible barrier staring daggers at each other as you decide what to do next...

Plot points/Scenes

Inside the temple!

You all surround the Adherents Cleric as he pounds on the invisible force cage surrounding him. He scowls fiercely at all of you and then remembers himself. After a few moments he Kneels, He repeats his name and infantry number and then says prayers "Lieutenant Dann Prancis serial number 459207, Adherent of Iron, Justice bringer of the great Eigeralon. Eigeralon gives us leave to be his hammer in the world to shape it accordingly and to his wishes. We bring justice through him and mete it out on the weak and unworthy." The prayer seems like a long one and not one even Hops knows. Though admittedly he didn't pay as much attention to the prayer services as the other clerics. What would you like to do? [DM Note: The team will likely ask about the Control Rod, Who made the automatons, Their plans for Vellenox and who they are really serving. The Lt. knows only that "Vellenox is a false god, she is just vessel of evil in the world. Eigeralon himself asked us to punish her. Our auspices come from the god himself lawless mercenaries like yourselves would not understand." Durcindel Halfis is the gnome who created the Automatons though the party has no idea about this.]
[He does not know where Viendall's control rod is, but he is certain that the Tribune does. Tronta Torquemada is the highest ranking member of their order. He is communing directly with the tophat man, though prancis wouldn't know this. Prancis reserves all of his scorn for Blizzard Hops "You pathetic wretch, tear off those colors and flog youself immediately. You are stain upon my eyes!" As he looks at Cog "You will be decommissioned and broken down for parts, you are not worthy of my words."]

[DM Note: When the players are done have a flare of pink light fire upwards from the top of the Ziggurat like a forerunner building in halo, summoning them.] Descending down into the structure is also a strange experience. For the first 30 feet or so it gets dark like entering a cave, but as you get farther down light like the sun begins to emit from several ceiling tiles. The chamber you drop down into is enormous. Probably almost a mile in diameter. The ceiling is 150 in the domed center. Below that in the middle of this huge chamber is a strange formation of concentric rocky archways that fold in on one another. A bright yellow and pink glow seems to pulse from something inside of these rocky bends. The Two archways stand alone on either side of this structure. The rocky archways are all lined with dozens of indecipherable runes. The huge chamber is full of trees, many of which look like golden birch trees. Many of these hold small pools of crystal blue water like a miniature ecosystem.
The Oracle
[DM Note: The Adherents are using Viendall's Dimensional Control rod as part of their ritual to kill Vellenox. The Oracle will tell them of this but they don't have it here on site. They will use that later once they get to the Divinity well. Current whereabouts are unknown.] The center of those rocky archways begins to glow brighter and brighter. A pink and yellow figure emerges made of light and a magical lattice that comes together to form a woman. She introduces herself with a strange voice that reverberates and modulates like it is trying to speak several languages at once. After a few seconds it synthesizes into an ethereal flowing voice "I am the Oracle of Vellenox, I speak for the beautiful one. You chosen ones imbued with great power and great responsibility have been victorious this day. Your help has been invaluable to the great vellenox. But the threat has not ended, this strange order will try again some day. They are spurred on by a strange force. A force even the gods cannot seem to identify. I present you with these gifts. I also give you the gift of knowledge, these adherents of iron will need a device in their next attempt. A device known as Viendall's Dimensional control rod. This device exists both in and out of all planes and even time. It makes it impossible for even the gods to find or track. It is certain that this religious order will seek out the rod to complete their evil plot. You, the chosen ones of Eigeralon, must find it before they do..."
With that the energy swirls and shrinks, the light fades and the Oracle is silent once more. In front of you where the oracle was standing are several items that sparkle with magical energy.
The Battle Beyond
When you head back to the larger area where the battalions are fighting it looks like the forest itself has risen and is fighting the adherents of iron. The Druids have summoned hundreds of animals to join the fight, they have also used their vegetation powers to create huge vine traps and killer tree come to life. As you gaze out upon the battle you watch as graceful tabaxi soldiers dance around the heavily armored troops of the Adherents. Large birds of prey, wolves, and jungle cats drag soldiers into the jungle. The two Ironclad Krovods, despite being bloody and sweaty move about the battlefield with the tabaxi on the platforms firing down ballista into groups of Adherents soldiers.
Their are three major fronts happening at this moment. The team can join in with the Tabaxi battalion on the left that is pushing the soldiers back over the bridge. Closer to the forest several Druids led by Brook Tallow are unleashing vines and summoned trees to keep the soldiers in the clearing in the field. The Northern side of the battle in a large field of yellowish reeds Punty Redfang, Borgullus and Baji are circling around a well defended battle square. They are directing several jungle cats, giant spiders, and Bulvaks at the moment. Where would you all like to join in?
The Journey Home
In Serpico the Wet Dream is docked. Captain Ro has hired a new hand known as Baji Krausenfoot. He is a Rabbit folk man with many mysterious skills. He may be a playable character if need be. The ship has been doing shipping commissions for the ETC, Captain Ro knows many ETC officers from her days sailing on one of their ships.  As you return to the city of Serpico you studiously avoid the Kizzlitarn Lizard Mount Rental and Lizard Pasture due to the fact that you sent the lizards into battle last episode and they were all slain.  As you make your way into the city through the southwestern gate it looks much like you left it. The sun is almost gone in the western sky, just a sliver of orange above the trees.  The sky goes from a dull orange to light blue to a dark shade of purple above you as the two moons begin to shine.  The Signet Shield guards halt you at the gate and ask "What is your business in the city, where do you hail from?"  They will be quite curious about the Hydellical Mechanoid and booberry.  "Oi, what in the hells is that?" Their names are Conch and Rezzy both humans. 
Your best bet for lodging and drinks for the night are 
The Cock and Crow - Callafin Ward - Owner Green Elven Woman, Yara Wren. Bartender Green Elven man Zinter Cowbird.
The Thirsty Scorpion - The Sesto Ward - owned by a Goliath barbarian man named Hispardem. His bartender is a Green Elven Woman named paizy Starr. Notable Patrons: Kurt Loder a human man with a bard's lute who claims to be immortal. Wulfgar Conch a dwarven man who is a former Signet Shield Guard.
Reminder that the current Crew of the Wet Dream is : Captain Eltera Ro, First Officer Ultafiro Hicks, Apone, Macaratu, Borgullus Cro, Jinx, Locrates, Calabasta Birch, Jalis Untan, Mirralee, Crowe the cook, Holleferenes, sail master, Mordret, and Vazquez. Plus the new hire Baji Krausenfoot.  The team can always sleep on the boat. 
Captain Ro and Hicks greet the group as they walk up onto the deck.  "You lot finally back?  Great timing we need another 1500 gold for the crew's pay.  We took some bets on whether you all got killed up there.  Seems like I lost." She hands 20 gold to Hicks who tips his cap.  The ship is good to sail but the captain asks to wait until morning to leave safely.  She can be pressed to leave immediately though if the team needs.  Eulatris gets a chime in her ear "Lady Mew, This is Trusilla Fane with the Premier Adventuring company of Tellenheim, I am looking for a status update on your latest mission.  Oh I'm sorry, do I have the wrong number? Whom may I say is speaking?"  She is impressed with Eula's adeptness at using the communicator so quickly. "Please inform the team that things are a bit strained at the moment here in Tellenor.  The army of Lamborginus has begun their invasion of the continent and are marching on Penthos.  The town is currently under occupation."


What is going on back in Tellenor

The Archos Divinus and The Knights of Aventador have completed their army. They march on Penthos and take over all cities and towns on the way. Now the Knights and their armies now occupy any towns north of Penthos including Tellenor. As the team sails back in or teleports they will stopped by the local knight and his command crew looking for papers and identification. Their businesses will now have to be taxed extra and a third of their goods offered up for the war effort. The Knight will have the Duke of Tellenor on Trial that week and will threaten him with execution.
Once the Knights find out about Agrimor and his stockpile of magic items and Shard rock they will begin to make plans to take over the stronghold. The team will have to find a way to stop this from happening. Need to figure out a way for them to stop the Archos Divinus and maybe the entire army.



The Occupation of Tellenor

The town of Tellenor is now controlled by the Knights of Aventador. Tellenor is one of their newer acquisitions as the army resumes its southward movements towards Penthos. By using blitzkried tactics and superior training the army of Lamborginus has moved swiftly south of the Tellenor Mountains. The majority of the army is now camped just outside of Ferartowne and Felos. The Army of Penthos has finally mobilized and has set up in the fields in front of them. Most people believe the battles will begin in the morning. No one is quite sure why Lamborginus and the Archos Divinus have chosen this moment but they have apparently been laying plans for years now. The Archos Divinus has named himself the rightful ruler of the continent and views Penthos as his only obstacle. The occupation forces while formidable are not outright violent or disruptive to everyday life. A Knight of Aventador is chosen as the new regent by the Archos Divinus and that Knight designates a command team of talented fighters to assist him. He acts as a regional dictator and makes sure that no rebellions rise up to disrupt the supply chains of the forward army. The Knight demands a third of all gold and goods from businesses and people in each area.
The Knight assigned to Tellenor for the occupation is Spyder Hura'can[DM Note: A distant cousin of Eulatris, This drow answered the call when the Archos Divinus traveled into the underdark to make an alliance with the ruling families there. Panthrus was looking for supplies and weapons to aid in his dreams of conquest. He promised the drow ruling rights in several areas of the surface world and an expansion of their territories in the underdark. He also called for several elite warriors to join him in cause. One of these was Spyder Hura'can. One of the most skilled and talented fighters in the entire region. He beat 72 other fighters in the gladiatorial arena to prove himself.] Now he has been assigned regent of the tellenor and the tellenor mountains until he is called upon again during the war for Penthos.  His hand selected warriors staying with him in Tellenor are as follows:
  • Captain Zark Trolloc, Half Orc
  • Sergeant Cobra Plissken, Human
  • Corporal Untavager Asp, Half elf
  • Swordsman Rob Castavelli, Human


Visit from the Top Hat Man - 

IF BY BOAT - The Wet Dream cuts through the Deep Wyvern Sea once more.  A strong Head wind drives you along west, a natural jetstream that sailors have used for generations.  You sail east towards the Orix Island chain a stopover for resupply and some rest and relaxation for the crew.  From there back home to Tellenor to drop off the strange little golem known as Mogwai.  The past few weeks have been a blur of action and danger it feels good to let the crew work around you and just stare off into the bright blue sky.  Though it is the beginning of Autumn the weather is warm almost hot out here in the direct sunlight of an afternoon sky.  Ruddy Pink Dolphins jump not too far away, following the boat and playing in it's wake.  As different crew members walk by you share quick stories of your recent adventures and ask about what they were up to in the meantime.  Just as you entertain the thought of living on the sea fulltime a strange meteorological event flashes behind you.  In the center of the boat in between the main mast and the aft mast a bolt of purple lightning strikes three times.  A purple smoke billows and a strange figure walks out clad in fine purple clothes and purple top hat.  His face painted to look like a skull.  He looks around and addresses you.  "Excellent, I hope I have everyone's attention."  The crew on deck stop in their tracks frozen motionless but breathing, their eyes moving and looking panicked.  He takes a moment to look at each of you "The intrepid adventure team.  You have unwittingly, I'm sure , stuck your idiotic noses in my business." He glances at Cog. "Or lack thereof."  He continues. "I will refrain from killing you on the spot because I am sure your interference was an accident, a moment of dumb bad luck.  Still I am hoping you will not make the same mistake twice.  I will leave you with a warning and a small gift."  With that he snaps his finger and a bolt of energy streaks down from the sky in the blink of an eye.  The boat shudder and bobs for a bit.  You hear screams from below deck, Gnome screams which are silenced as the water crashes in towards them.  The Top Hat man can no longer be seen.  As you stand over the large 3 foot hole in the deck you look down through the ship into the hole in the submersible and watch as it drifts away down to the bottom of the ocean....  The Rock Gnomes within can't be seen through the darkness.  [DM Note:  The ship will begin to sink and will be totally submerged in 10 minutes]
IF IN TOWN - As you walk about the town on the small hill that heads down to the Gear and Cog you feel a strange sensation in the air.  An ionization and a slight buzzing noise. The people of Tellenor milling about you going about their day begin to slow then stop completely as if frozen in time.   A purple mist forms nearby and a figure forms inside of it.  A purple top hat on his head, a well dressed man strides forward and adjusts his coat.  His face is painted or scarred to look like a white skull upon his skin.  His face is hard to discern and the skin surrounding it is of a dark color.  He wears purple gloves and holds a small device in his hand.  He speaks to all of you "Ah, so there you are.  The team of intrepid adventurers who decided to stick their noses into my business.  It is not often that I deign to appear to your sort.  You should consider yourself touched by someone who is your better.  All that said I am both a little impressed but also incredibly irritated by you.  You have drawn my attention which is almost never a good thing.  Do you have anything to say for yourselves?"  He waits a beat.  "Ok, that was a mistake, never let the little pigs speak to you.  I've always said that.  Well, that is enough of my time wasted."  The crowd around you begins to move again, though  no one sees the man in purple.  He grins at you all and taps the device in his hand.  He look down at it perturbed as nothing happens.  He kind of jabs at it a few more times and scowls. Just then a huge purple and orange explosion rockets up from a block away!  The shock, heat and debris hit you all at once as the people around you devolve into panicked screams.  By the location of the explosion you quickly realized that the Void Omen, your headquarters of two years now has just been blown to bits.  He says to you "There, that's a lesson.  Oh, did you have people in there? Like staff or something?  I didn't even bother to check." He glares sternly at you and says flatly with malice "Don't fuck with my stuff."

Rising Action

The Duke's Trial - Throughout the town of Tellenor you see small signs of the occupation. The fall harvest festival has been cancelled and the townsfolk are dour. As you approach the Castle at the top of the hill you see several soldiers of Aventador stationed out front. A small camp has been set up though many have taken up rooms in the castle. A large wooden platform has been constructed in the front courtyard. It is a gibbet, A large wooden beam runs across it with several corded ropes hanging down. To the left of that is a series of iron cages suspended in the air twelve feet. The cages are just large enough for a medium sized creature to stand up. About seven feet tall and 3 feet wide. Inside the first cage is Duke Karbald Kerrigan. He looks gaunt and despondent. A scruffy beard obscures the lower half of his face.
The Knights have a deep seated hatred of the Five ruling families of Penthaheim.   They will try the Duke for essentially being a part of this evil system that has existed for half a millenia.


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